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Lv 5
pwei34 asked in News & EventsCurrent Events · 1 decade ago

Why Would this Question Merit a Violation Notice? Anyone Offended by Its Contents?

Deleted Answer: Without jumping to conclusions, it certainly looks as if there have been warnings of bombs, incendiary devices or contamination. The authorities are for the moment denying any terrorist connection. However Tesco makes an ideal target for Isl*mist terrorists: - they are Britain's leading Supermarket and an obvious economic target - Tesco was founded by the Jewish father of Lady Porter of Westminster and named after the tea he imported TE Stockwell and the first letters of his name COhen. - Tesco is already subject to an anti-Zionist boycott - Tesco is at the heart of the public psyche, an attack on it is a terror attack on the British public en-mass. I have to say that Tesco's leading position also makes it a target for Animal Rights loonies; anti-Globalisation/ anti-Capitalism radicals; and any NIMBY organisation you care to name. Not forgetting any criminal blackmailers with a contaminated bag of monster munch. This....

Update: a huge headache for Tesco, I'm sure they have contingency plans and are putting them into affect. The Police may not want to give full details until they have made arrests or to prevent copycat attempts.

Here is the latest up-date on the Tesco blackmail affair:

Update 2:

Not all Animal Rights Activists are loonies. I was thinking of the sort who grave-robbed that farmers mother-in-law. I am particularly concerned that this incident happened on an AR "Day of Action". The detonating of a "suspicious package" suggests that whoever did this has the capability to carrying out their threat.

25 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You have to wonder who is making the decisions around here. I see no problem with the question, but I see no problem with a lot of questions they consider to be violations. I think they've given the power to decide on good/bad questions to 4 year olds. Being in here is like being in a field of land just never know who or what is going to pop up and say you're in violation of some rule or another. The same thing happened to me recently. One more time and I'm out of here--clearly, Yahoo does not want or need intelligent questions or answers.

    EDIT: I'm curious--is it against the rules to "state opinion as fact." People do it all the time. It is up the answerer to clear any of that up...if that's a basis for "bad" question, then I'll be leaving sooner than expected. ALL questions are opinions looking for facts.

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't really think it merits a Violation Notice, however you have stated some of your own thoughts instead of actual facts . Animal rights are not all loonies and neither would I class a peaceful animals right group a Nimby organisation.

    They are extremists involved in everything but your statement was harsh in the way you presented it people who care about animals are not all loonies.

    I wouldn't of flagged you though .

    Edit*pwei34 thanks for saying not all and yes I agree the grave robbers were very extreme and wrong.

    I am just reading up on the whole Tesco case but have to agree with some of your facts regarding the store.

  • Ellie
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I think it was Asda or Sainsbury- jealous of the profit tesco is making- they want a slice of the action. 14 stores closed on a saturday- where to go instead??? Lol

  • 1 decade ago

    I should imagine the it is the "animal rights loonies" bit that did it. I got a violation notice for saying that pigeons re good in pies to the question "Are pigeons flying vermin or related to the eagle?"

    WHO on earth could that have offended, but a pigeon lover? BTW - which I am - I feed them.

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  • 1 decade ago

    YAHOO, in my opinion, do not give violation notices, it`s people who have been offended by something someone has written or claimed.

    YAHOO just let you know which remark you made which was considered by someone as `violation,` but it was only violation to that one person not everyone.

    But Yahoo only tell you and ask your reason for the violation, but do nothing about it, especially by being instrumental and putting your question back on. Once it`s off, it`s off and stays off.

    It`s not fair, but to give YAHOO the benefit of the doubt, they do not have the staff to police ALL VIOLATIONS.

    I gave someone a violation a few days ago and they, in turn, retaliated by giving me one for virtually nothing.

    Sometimes it`s a matter of tit for tat, retaliation, spite or whatever reason you like to give it.

    I see nothing wrong with your question, perhaps it`s one of TESCO`s rivals?

    Source(s): Resident and Current Violation Champion
  • 1 decade ago

    the same lady that conned the people of Westminster by selling houses to Torie voters . thing happen lets not jump to conclusions till we find out the truth

  • beachy
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I've gotten them for less! Like telling a guy to grow up who wanted to know if he could take pics of Hooters girls with his new car!!!!! LOL violated and removed for my answer.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If people think we still have freedom of speech in this country, they are suffering a delusion.

    Your question was probably pulled because you mentioned anti-Zionists and Islam.

    There are people who seem to spend all their time surfing, looking for "Sensitive" stuff to report.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yahoo seems to be policed by, as someone called them 'geeks who do it for free'.

    Some of them seem very naive and unable to make assessments. The very fact you use words like Jewish, Islamic, Zionist etc probably is enough for them to assume it must be offensive to someone somewhere!

  • Plato
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    You know what happens when we speak the truth, some nimby always takes offence, they just report!

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