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Why is the Pursuit of Happiness expected to granted without a pursuit?

With more and more people expecting the Government to take care of them, and people yelling about the government this and that, what happened to people working for their riches? And why if you do become rich, people have to get a cut? Why do we rely so much on others to take care of us?


I am not saying that people never need help from the government, nor that the government shouldn't help. I just want you to think about the line-PURSUIT- and what would the Washingtons, Lincolns, and those guys that built the nation would think about what the government is expected to do now for people. Thinking along the lines of the laissez faire thinking.

Laissez-faire is largely premised on the notion that all citizens have equality in rights, and that governments should not be in the business of enforcing an equality of outcome through government redistribution and other actions. As such, advocates of laissez-faire favor a state that is neutral between the various competing interest groups that vie for privileges and political power in a country. Supporters of laissez-faire are critical of mixed economies on the grounds that it leads to an interest-group politics where each group is seeking to benefit itself at the expense of another and the consumer.

12 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Unfortunely, it is part of the dumbing of America. The golden days of self reliance, hard work and ethics have eroded for too many. This has been caused by the Dems telling people that they will be taken care of. Nothing worse could be said. It creates a whole segment of our populace dependent on government handouts. And, what for? A few paltry votes won by pandering. What a shame!

  • 1 decade ago

    A lot of people have a sense of entitlement. They expect free healthcare, cheap gasoline and higher wages without having to work for them. I hate it that I am part of the generation that expects something for nothing. America was built on the principle of hard work to get ahead, but now it just feels like everyone is looking for handouts. People still complain and blame Bush for Katrina and don't take responsibility for their lack of preparedness. After all this time, they believe the government should still be supporting them. I know that people need some help every now and again, but there comes a point where you have to take responsibility for your own life and get up, dust yourself off and get a job. If you have to start at the bottom, so be it. Most people earn what they deserve.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Contrary to what rush tells you, this country has a pretty hefty part of its population who work every day just like you do. Granted not evryone is born with the same talents as evryone else.

    Ive met men who were geniouses when it came to repairing my car that wouldnt be able to get thru Math 101, at the same time the most brilliant man I've ever met (Dr. Joseph Rando) held 100's of US patents, but told me the story of how he tried to build doghouse and put the shingles on upside down.

    Dr. Rando obviously made more money than my mechanic, Dr Rando also had a job with great benefits. But all in all I cant tell you that Dr Rando worked any harder or was anymore valuable than my mechanic.

  • JJ
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I always see the homeless people in the city, and they ask for money all the time i just tell them i have no spare change, they dint HELP themselves! Why should the perfectly able bodied ppl take advantage of a system meant for the physically or mentally handicapped.

    Defiantly agree. IF you want it Pursue it!

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  • 1 decade ago

    Many people raised by single mothers have a sense of entitlement due to mommy saying that they are "special" and they are the "best in the whole world."

    It's an inflated sense of importance and false self-esteem based upon things other than personal accomplishment.

    Our schools are also teaching this bogus concept of self-esteem. One just has to see the bumper stickers they hand out now. It used to be they would hand out stickers for honor students.

    Now they give them to anyone who just SHOWS UP at school; "My child is a good citizen at blah blah school."


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    People refuse to set goals or plan out their life, preferring instead to let life happen to them. When they fail - and the right to fail goes hand in hand with the right to succeed in this country - they feel that life is somehow unfair and they should reap the same benefits as those around them who succeeded.

    On top of that we have the individuals who feel a great debt to his fellow man, which debt he proposes to pay off with your money.

  • 1 decade ago

    I could not agree with you more. It seems the lazy just keep getting lazier because people just keep enabling them. And the more you enable them, the more they complain about how much more enabling you should be doing.

    Me, I get up and work for my living. And when I have problems, I look in the mirror first to find someone to blame. Then I get started on solving the problem.

  • 1 decade ago

    Good point. It does seem like we americans have gotten more lazy and expect all the luxuries in life for little effort.. then when tragedies like KATRINA happen, the Government is expected to clean up the mess by many. Hard work should be rewarded... enjoy your star

  • I'm not asking the government to pay for my vacation, just a health system that is not corrupt, that is inexpensive or free to all US citizens.

    I am asking the government to stop accepting Pharmaceutical and Health insurance company's bribes.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Buddy, I couldn't agree with you more.

    Why am I required to work hard to supply things for those who refuse to work?

    We are promised the pursuit of happiness. If you don't want to pursue it, don't expect.

    Maybe they think that by taking our money for doing nothing they are pursuing it....

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