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  • Can anyone help me come up with a fun activity?

    I have to meet with a family of foster children, ranging in age from 2 1/2 to 12. There are 6 total. I need an activity for them to do inside in a room with no tables. It can be a game or a craft activity. Thanks for any good ideas.

    1 AnswerOther - Games & Recreation1 decade ago
  • Why do so many liberals in Y/A keep implying that Madoff is a republican?

    He is not a republican, so stop trying to blame the republicans for his ripoff scheme. Do you think he found a more creative and shocking way to do what Obama is trying to do to the wealthy, which is punish them for being successful?

    11 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Are all of Obama's cabinet positions filled?

    I just got my taxes done today, and I owe a lot of money to the IRS. Is an Obama cabinet position the only way I can get out of paying them?

    8 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • My dog is having a dental done tomorrow at 8:30 am.?

    Does anyone know what time we should take away her food and water?

    6 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Is it rude to tell her she is driving me crazy with her ice chewing?

    My co-worker, who is also my friend, sits on the other side of the wall from my cubicle at work. She chews ice all day every day. I have to listen to her stir her hand around the cup looking for the right piece, then I have to hear the cruching sound, followed by lip smacking. I have dropped hints to her, and told her she could chip her teeth, etc., but she doesn't get it. I can't put headphones on because I need to hear my phone ringing. I am about ready to ask our facilities department to move me. I have always been annoyed by people making noises with their mouths, and smacking their lips. It is completely intolerable 8 hours straight 5 days a week. Anyone have any advice?

    9 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • Is it better to do the same exercise DVD everyday, or to alternate them?

    My friends and I do workout DVDs everyday during our lunch break. We have taebo, 3 biggest loser DVDs and the Jacker Warner DVD from Workout. Everyone has a different opinion as to whether it is better to do the same one every day for a week, or to alternate which ones we do everyday. Does anyone know fitness-wise what is the better option?

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Has anyone else ever adopted a dog that was a previous puppy mill breeder?

    I just recently adopted a 9 yr. old sheltie, who lived her life in a puppy mill? She is the sweetest dog in the world, but she will lay on the couch in my basement family room all day long. It makes me sad. When we get her to go for walks, she shys away from the leash, but once we get walking she seems really happy. I guess she must have lived in a cage for 9 years. Has anyone else had similar experiences, and do you know if the dog ever gets over the fear and the desire to want to be in a confined space?

    This is why I tell people not to buy dogs from pet stores. These puppy mill owners are just ruthless.

    9 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Does anyone have an opinion about Smartypants for the wii?

    I am having friends over tonight and want a good trivia game to play on the wii. Does anyone have any good suggestions?

    1 AnswerNintendo Wii1 decade ago
  • Do 8 year olds really pay attention to how much it costs to fill up the family mini van with gasoline?

    This story with the 8 year old girl writing a letter to George Bush about the gas prices is just so silly. Why is this kid getting press over writing a letter to the president?

    11 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Why doesn't it bother people that congress oversteps and misinterprets what antitrust means?

    No, this isn't a politics question. It would have been had certain congressman not threatened the NFL commissioner. Everyone jumped all over me last night when I tried to explain that congress should not intervene in such matters. The NFL did not violate antitrust laws, because the NFL network is available to everyone. The problem is that certain people chose a cable company over a satellite provider. That was their choice. Saying the NFL network is only available to 40% of Americans is not accurate, the NFL network is available to all, you just have to pick the right provider.

    10 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago
  • Did anyone expect the Patriot fans to be whining so much about officiating today?

    Didn't the Patriots win the game last night? I guess the Pats fans on here are bandwagon jumpers because they so quickly forget about all the times their defenders were on the backs of the Colt's receivers and no calls were made. Maybe they see their team commit so many penalties and get away with them, that they don't know what a penalty actually is.

    Come on, you won the game, stop whining. Are you that upset to know that there is another team in the NFL in the same league as yours? Well, there is, and more than one actually.

    16 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago
  • Patriot fans, why can't you just say "I wish our coach didn't purposely break the rules?"?

    You are all so defensive about it. I graduated from Indiana University and the idiot they hired to coach the basketball team violated NCAA rules again. I am disgusted with the whole thing, because it tarnishes the reputation of Hoosier basketball. I am not going to defend him at all. He broke a rule, he knew he was breaking a rule, and he was wrong. If he comes out this season acting angry and defensive and doesn't appear sorry in the least, I won't offer him any support at all. When people complain that IU is winning games because Sampson stole a recruit from U of I, I am going to completely agree with them.

    10 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago
  • Did anyone see the Mark Kriegel article on today about the Colts vs. Patriots?

    Here is my favorite excerpt from the article:

    "One might recall a Colts-Ravens game three years ago. Peyton Manning was a touchdown pass from breaking Dan Marino's single-season record. Already up by 10, the Colts intercepted a ball that gave them a first down on the Baltimore 4-yard line. Instead of going for the record, though, Manning took a knee, then another. Finally, the clock ran out." What a contrast to this part regarding the Patriots:

    "No advantage is ever enough. Last Sunday, at home against the Redskins, the Patriots had fourth down and one on Washington's 7-yard line. The score was 38-0. "Do you kick a field goal and make it 41-0?" Belichick asked later. "Or go for it on fourth down?"

    Depends who you are. If you're Belichick, you go for it. And later in the game, on another fourth down with the score 45-0, you go for it again. "

    If we lose on Sunday, so be it. Colt's fans can always be proud of the way our team plays the game.

    8 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago
  • Whose schedule has been more difficult through week 7?

    I have seen a dozen questions and comments on here about how easy the Colts schedule has been and how difficult the Patriots schedule is. The Colts 6 opponents have a combined total wins of 21. The Patriots have played 7 opponents who have a combined total wins of 17. That averages out to 3.5 wins per opponent for the Colts and 2.43 wins per opponent for the Patriots. Another interesting statistic is that the Colts opponents have allowed an average of 132.50 points for the season, while the Patriots opponents average 171.71 points allowed for the season. Both teams have played two teams that haven't had a bye yet, so the statistic is accurate.

    The Jaguars defense has allowed the fewest number of points scored against them of any team in the NFL, while the Dolphins (who the Patriots played this week) have allowed the most points scored against them.

    4 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago
  • Isn't a little good natured trash talking fun every so often?

    Why do people get so offended when people ask sarcastic questions about their teams or other teams? I mean we aren't insulting each others religions or families here. We all like different teams, it wouldn't be any fun if we didn't. The Colts and Patriots have knocked each other out of the playoffs for the past several years, so why wouldn't there be a little taunting back and forth? The Patriots are beating the tar out of people. You have to expect a little sarcasm thrown your way, Pats fans. It is all in good clean fun.

    13 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago
  • Should the NFL just go ahead and cancel the rest of the football season?

    According to all the NE fans, nobody can beat the Patriots, they are "unstoppable." Shouldn't all the teams just throw in the towel now and give the Patriots their superbowl rings.

    15 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago
  • Is Tom Brady the most selfish QB ever to play the game?

    It is 1st and goal on the 1 yard line, but rather than let a running back run the ball in, he passes, because he obviously is looking to break a record. Maybe he should have some class, like Peyton Manning and let Kevin Faulk or someone else actually have a little glory and score a touchdown every so often.

    36 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago