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Tips on helping a friend quit Paxil?

A good friend of mine is quitting Paxil cold turkey (yes, I know the pros and cons of cold turkey, but it is her decision to do it that way and I am not here to debate that) She has decided to come see me for a week and do it here. (she has a work at home husband and 2 kids- no kids here, quiet house, a pool and we live about a 5 minute walk to the beach) I just want to know what I can do do make this easier for her. Are there any herbs, supplements, certain foods that help? I know exercise is a big thing, but do I need to push her if need be, or is it better to let her do things at her own pace? Acupuncture and massages are very inexpensive here, is that helpful? Any tips would be great!!! Thanks in advance!!

6 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    It would be helpful to know why your friend is taking the paxil. Depending on the diagnosis that were being targeted you may need to be aware of an increase of those behaviors. She may become more depressed, if it's ocd those symptoms may become overwhelming, she could have panic attacks, anxiety or if she was taking it for diabetic neuropathy she may experience more pain or headaches. So knowing why it was initially presribed makes a different in how you "make it easier" Generally speaking fresh air, organic whole foods, avoiding alcohol, caffeine and sugar is a good start. You may need to avoid overstimulating activies, especially larges groups. However she needs to look at why she went on it initially .Once she has detoxed the real work will begin.

    Good luck

  • 1 decade ago

    Okay, I will tell you it isn't the smartest thing to do, with that being said, I quit paxil cold turkey and I would say the 2nd and 3rd day were the hardest. I would say just go along with whatever she wants to do, my hubby was my support person. I had to quit because I was pregnant but it was still very hard. Just keep a close eye on her, and if she has fits where she cannot control her crying or had suicidal thoughts, you should suggest taking her for some help.

    Just be careful and be helpful.

    Source(s): Been there done that.
  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Get some tootsie pops or gum for the rough days or go to a movie because you can't smoke in there. If the Zyban doesn't can always try the nicotine lozenge. The lozenge is the only way I quit because the nicotine in it stays in your system longer. The birth of my son is the only way I found the will power.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No. There is nothing you can do. Does she really understand what she will be going through? And that she will most certainly have to be hospitalized while she is there? Stopping an antidepressant cold turkey causes severe anxiety, a worsening of the depression (suicide is mentioned a LOT when people stop antidepressants suddenly) and vertigo, to name a few.

    Source(s): FDA researcher
  • 5 years ago

    100% Natural Quit Smoking Magic -

  • 1 decade ago

    You better ask a Dr.

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