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Do you think the United States should pull out it's troop in Iraq?

16 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


    If you answered 'no', you should ask yourself another question. It's a long one....ready?

    So GWB comes across the TV one night while you're channel surfing and says, "My fellow Americans, I'm going to invade Iraq. I have no good reason to do so (there isn't one and if there were, I wouldn't be able to tell you what it is anyway), but we're going in. Guess what else? We're gonna invade Afghanistan too. I'm not sure but I think we'll probably kill between 1.5 and 3 million innocent people in addition to the 500,000 children we've already systematically murdered due to sanctions over the last 10 years or so. There are no WMDs over there and the people that we want you to believe carried out 9/11 aren't connected to that sovereign state at all, but they DO have 1/4 of the world's oil reserves. But I digress (can you imagine GWB using that word???). We're gonna invade and I'm not sure how much it'll cost. Best estimates are a couple TRILLION dollars and a few thousand American men and women (but we won't let you see the bodies so don't worry about that part). There's a whole bunch of other stuff we're gonna do while we're over there and a few REALLY big US corporations are gonna make a killing (excuse the pun, smirk smirk---GWB would never say that either, BTW) on this so that a few pals of mine in the oil biz can get even fatter than they are now, but that's not important right now. I need for you to send 30% of your income to the treasury each month to pay for it. OK? What's that? A declaration of war? Nah, we don't need that. What? How long will it take? (throws his hands up) Beats me!! So, how does that sound to you? I need the first checks to get here by the end of the month, OK?

    Now, how many Americans do you think would have sent their checks?

    Thats' right, Mr Wizard, ZERO!

    Fortunately for the Bush Administration, it could simply wink at the Federal reserve and float a little more debt (just a few trillion more) to pay for it's policies. George and friends will be worm food a long time before we pay off the work of these morons.

    If invading another country was posed to the American Taxpayer as a solution he or she had to pay for immediately, out of pocket, GWB would have been impeached long ago and a lot of innocent people would still be alive.

    RON PAUL 2008

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    From what I've been told by those who have been there (quite a few of them, since i'm married to a marine and live in an army town) what they're doing right now is not working. What I would like to see is a solution, one way or another. Either find a new strategy that works better than the old one, or determine that it's unwinnable and bring our people home. I don't feel that I am qualified to decide which would be better at this point. But out of respect for our troops, SOMETHING has to change.

  • 5 years ago

    If i replace into President of the U. S. that's what i could do: i could overview the situation in Iraq on the subject of whether there replace right into a upward push in the form of deaths and determine all areas of the country have been in a state to be surpassed over to the Iraqi government. i could then quit a white paper outling the thought to withdraw American troops gradually to make particular there is not a backfire of concern from the Iraqi militias or suicide bombers. i would not pull all of them out at as quickly as yet rotate issues around the country so each and every soldier can be sure the country is shelter to be surpassed over. i could set up a equipment to computer screen the country on an identical time as troops have been being pulled out to make particular there at the instant are not any assaults on our united states. i could then set up a protection rig from Iraq to usa to computer screen the form the Iraqis are making, so as that we don't intrude yet are waiting to discover achieveable issues swifter than they are in a position to. i could practice all Iraqi police and soliders to the prevalent that's mandatory yet i would not publicly announce the withdrawal in the media as this could lead directly to backfire from angered contributors of the community. i could, even although, nevertheless artwork with the Iraqi government in peacekeeping to tutor our humanitiarian ingredient and concentration our outcomes on struggling with deaths in different international places. i could then use the money not getting used in the struggle on coming up the country, construction greater faculties and increasing the protection at airports which might effectively artwork hand in hand with the government securities in another country. that's lots much less perplexing to guard our united states than struggling with a struggle - if no one can slip in the process the internet at airports, sea ports or via public street stations, then we can save billions and save those terrorists at bay!

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No two wrongs do not make a right. Bush was dead wrong to invade Iraq, in fact it was a mistake of epic strategic proportions. That said it would be an even larger strategic mistake to pull out now that we have committed. For better or worse one man acted irresponsibly.

    Source(s): OIF vet
  • 1 decade ago

    No. We'd only be hurting ourselves in the long run. As a soldier, there is nothing I want more then peace. I don't like seeing my brothers and sisters in arms dying over there. But I also know that we've made our bed, and now it's time to lay in it. We'd be de-stabling the middle east even more if we pulled out now.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yes, pull in MORE troops with a super surge and extend the tours until the job is DONE!

  • 1 decade ago

    In due time, But for now we should all rally behind General Petraeus and our troops while the surge is on..

  • 1 decade ago

    No, Bush and Cheney are not out of office yet, and they would be forced to clean up their mess instead of dumping it on the next president, like they've been planning from the beginning.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yes, we should pull all our troops out and just glass Iraq, Iran, Syria, Pakistan, Afganistan, etc

  • 1 decade ago

    Absolutely not.

    Unless we want Iraq to fall into the hands of al-Qaeda and then we'd have two terrorist states side-by-side who would hate each other as much as they'd hate America.

    There's a recipe for success.

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