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I hope this can be awell thought out answer and hopefully on G.B poll basis.?

Should Ireland become a free and independent state,done on a democratic vote.(i.e in 1918 when ireland went to the polls the democtic wishes of its citizens 76% of the vote was ignored for expediencey WW1.)

2 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Does Ireland WANT to be independent? I know there is some controversy regarding the issue but since I live in the U.S. of course I am going to say that everyone should have a right to vote on what they would like to see happen.

    This is from Kevin Myers article in the - "Maybe the issue isn't Northern Ireland at all, but human nature. Maybe all conflicts in the world could have been, and can be, resolved by taking the two extremes, and having election after election for decade after decade; and once you have thus exhausted, demoralised and annihilated the centre ground, the two extremes will fall happily into one another's arms."

    I couldn't have said it better myself.

  • Lovely
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    they should be free

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