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Anonymous asked in Beauty & StyleFashion & Accessories · 1 decade ago

help! total friend answer gets 10 points!!?

ok well me and all the kid in the neighborhood has

been friends. but christian, franklin's brother started to turn everyone against me!! one time when i was going on the bus i dropped my pencil on the steps and i heard them talkin to not trust aly or talk to her and thats when i've been shut out by everyone:[[


22 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Well, if they're your true friends, they wouldn't have spread that stuff around and others would stick by you. Just ignore them. When they realize that Christian was being immature, things will turn and everyone will know he's acting like a little kid spreading untrue rumors and everything. Don't even bother revenge. It always comes back to haunt you! So just let the summer take it's course. You'll all be friends again!

    Source(s): Experience!
  • 1 decade ago

    I'd say Fuc it. I mean if someone is so weak to listen to rumors and stop talking to you without asking you if it's true or not I would say the friendship isn't worth it. What grade are you in? Just make new friends. Don't get tide down on those kids. I mean, if they are really your friends, they'll come around.

    I like to take revenge in the "nice bitc hy" way. It gets to them more. Make new friends. When you see them just smile, let them know there not getting to you. eventually the guy that spread rumors about you (who's probably in lust with you) will give up because he's not getting the reaction he'd expected. (and you'll forget about the event) it'll be for the best.

    My survival tip: Don't sweat the little things. Brush it off and stay strong.

  • 1 decade ago

    Hi Ally, The same thing happened to me when I was in 7th grade over Christmas break. All my friends decided to turn on me over the break, and when I got back to school they all started being really really mean to me. It was hard. I focused on making other friends and spending time with good and nice people. I got involved in different groups outside of school so I could meet more people other than the girls I knew at school. It was really hard and I cried A LOT. But now I'm an adult, and I have a really happy life, and I'm really good at making new friends because of what happened back then. Now I have more friends than I have time for! Don't sweat it. Those guys are just jerks. You can make better friends that that!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Talk to the person that started everything (i guess that would be Franklin) and ask him why he started everything, chances are he didnt just randomly start a rumor about you so ask him, and try to clear things up with him first, then talk to everyone that he told not to trust you and let them know that anything they heard about you wasnt true and the only reason they heard these things is because someone started a rumor.

    good luck :)

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  • 1 decade ago

    well obviously they arent good friends neways and since you are probably in high school like me i can tell u straight up what we would do. just find better friends that just happen to not like christian and get payback. yeah i kno payback isnt always the best answer but trust me it is fun while it lasts! lol. but seriously get better friends!! then you can like have ur own group and not care about the stupid pples on the bus!! hope this helps!

    Source(s): life
  • 1 decade ago

    Well you need to tell this christian guy that he needs to stop talking about u and leave u alone and thn tell every one else to talk to you. But if it was me i would not even talk to them just act like ur better than them because i know u are because ur not the one acting like that. Just get some new friends to talk to or come over to ur house and rubb t in there faces about how great ur new friends are u dont need them they sound stupid

  • 1 decade ago

    Hmmmm... That hapened to me too, I just had to ignore it and make some new friends. Then, when I didnt make a big deal about it or try to talk to them about it, they just got over it. Like, they missed me and wanted me back. if those people were ur real friends, they wouldnt have been that easy to turn against u.

    Source(s): 7th grade. ( going into 8th grade )
  • 1 decade ago

    i think you should talk to the kid about why he is doing this, he cant just have hatred for you out of nowhere. If that doesn't work then just shut everyone out yourself and know that anyone to beleive him or not like you because of what he says is not worth your time anyways. soon enough everyone will know who you are, and you just have to be yourself.. Tell him to keep talking sh*t cause its making you famous..

  • I am so sorry! If you dont know what u did do piss them off ask! because they have no reason to be mad at u if they dont have a good explantion! But if you do know then simply just say you are sorry and then if you guys can't forgive and be a good person then I have no reason to be your friend! then walk away!

    Source(s): ME!
  • 1 decade ago

    well you must have done or said something that has them talking about you. it could just be a misundersatnding, if its not just brush it off you can find new friends that will trust you and wont go behind your back instead of talking it out first, after all thats what friends are supposed to do anyways.right?hope that helped:)

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