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How can I keep my neighbor from kicking his soccer ball into my flowers?

We have really nice next door neighbors. Our son plays with their son and we've really had no problems with them as neighbors. However, lately they have been playing soccer in their side yard and they repeatedly kick their soccer balls into my flower beds. I've asked them to please be careful because we've put a great deal of time and money into them. They are very apologetic and always say that they are sorry but the next time that they have friends over, they do the exact same thing again.

Financially, we can't afford a fence right now and I'd rather lose all of my flowers than call the police about something like this.

Any suggestions would be appreciated!


I'm sorry---I wasn't really clear on my question. It isn't the son kicking the ball into my's the Father and his friends!

6 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Talk to the parents for certain.

    If it happens again, you might tell the kids you're keeping the ball for now and ~ when the parents come over later to retrieve the ball (and they will!), you can show them the damage the children have caused.

    Either the parents will be chagrined or mad that you kept the ball ~ and if they are mad, then you know where you stand. You then have the option of moving the plants elsewhere or buying one of those inexpensive wire garden fences that can be pushed into the ground.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think if things are really as cordial as you say, you should be able to go to them and have a sit down... Express your concern over the money issue and the fact that you cannot deal with a fence right now, or replacing costly landscaping. The kids (if truly practicing soccer) should be able to learn ball handling and control... so the ball only goes where they want it to. Otherwise, they're doing it on purpose! You don't just kick and "hope" it goes somewhere else! That's silly. Your neighbors should discipline they're son more also. Perhaps they should kick the ball into the opposite neighbors yard, or take a trip to the park next time!

  • 1 decade ago

    I have a similar problem with my neighbors although it's more with their kids. They 're nice but when they have company, they are out of control. they become completely different people. the kids they leave their bikes or scooter on my driveway or on my flower beds. they pick my flowers without asking ( I wouldn't mind if they give it to their mom or grandma but they just tear it to shreds.) They leave trash on my lawn too.

    Like you we don't have the budget for a fence, and have talked to them several times and they were apologetic and we certainly didn't think it's a police matter. But it never changed. so what I did was. I "accidentally" ran over their bike and a scooter and I apologized profusely of course and offered to replace them but they insisted that it's their kids fault. I planted the thorniest carpet rose as a border (courtesy of my mom). And my dog had a couple of accidents on their lawn.

    I think they got the hint. My driveway is clear, my flowers are safe, and my lawn still get the occasional trash which I retaliate with the occasional doggie surprise. We still get along, but they keep to their side now.

    You're a nice person but you have to draw the line. Your neighbor should be more responsible. Just find a clever way for them to see the consequences of their action.

    Good Luck!!

  • 1 decade ago

    Time for a talk with the kids' parents. After you tell the parents, if the flower murdering continues, I'd start confiscating the soccer ball when it lands in my yard.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Fences make great neighbors. How about a cheap fense from chicken wire?

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Next time they kick the ball into your yard ...... keep it.

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