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Liberals: If your house was on fire, would you call the fire department?

Or would you try to put the fire out yourself? I'd be interested to know how many chickenhawk liberals would be fine sending someone else's kids into a burning building, but had other priorities than joining the fire department themselves.


Wow, everyone seems to be full of excuses for not putting on a firefighter's uniform and serving their community.

14 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    they would then sue the government for the house burning down...

    RON PAUL 2008!!!

  • 5 years ago

    Imagine, for a moment, that one company controls all the roads in a particular area and charges a fee for it. Imagine, also, that this is the type of no-big-government system you want to have so there are no regulations on the price they charge either. Do you suppose this company's fees for use of roads are going to go up or down? As for public schools, what do you suppose would happen to literacy rates without public schools? Would we return to a time where poor people could no longer read and write? How competitive do you suppose the United States would be against Canada, Japan, Europe, etc? Getting rid of public schools would be a major catastrophe. It boggles my mind that someone would even advocate such a ridiculous policy. This is why nobody takes the far right seriously. Also, why address your arguments towards "liberals"? You do realize that most conservatives actually believe in public schools and public roads don't you? These aren't even liberal positions, they are positions that anyone who is not a far-right extremist believes in.

  • 1 decade ago

    I wouldn't consider myself a liberal, but of all the facts that are published by the fire controllers

    They constantly tell you to call the fire Department or 911, and by all means never go back into a burning house. I know that some people want to be a hero but it could cost you your life.

    What you should do it take a course in fire fighting, and get off the political band wagon.

  • 1 decade ago

    chickenhawk liberals? I think you've got things mixed up. Chickenhawks are in favor of sending other people to war but avoid going themselves. That would be chickenhawk cons like Bush, Cheney, Rush. Liberals are courageous doves who learned reality by serving our country in war and speak out against sending more to an immoral war like Kerry, Murtha, and myself.

    Cons would let their house burn so they could collect insurance.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Chickenhawk liberals...The only chickenhawks I'm aware of are the conservatives who insist on sending more troops to the war, but won't send their own kids. Like for instance George W Bush...What have his kids done to serve their country except get drunk, illegally buy presription drugs, and get kicked out of other countries?

  • 1 decade ago

    I live in an apartment complex. I'd try to put it out myself, but I'd also call the fire department in case it got out of control. Actually, I'd open my window and yell fire, since the FD is three doors down. Why are you being childish?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Con, when the fire gets bad enough, sometimes the firemen are force to evacuate when there is no chance of putting it out (see WTC on 9/11)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Well, i'd try to get things under control myself, but if things got to out of hand, yes, i would call the fire dept.

    what anaology are you using, i'm not quite sure i understand.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Chickenhawk? You radicals sure know how to make friends and influence people huh?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I'd just let it burn down... kind of like what the conservatives did when the re-elected Bush!

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