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pre-eclampsia and the 24 hour urine test?

I'm 33 weeks pregnant, and I went to my OB today and my blood pressure was up, my weight was up more than expected (5lbs in 2 weeks), and there was protein in my urine. So of course I'm going through the 24 hour urine test where I have to lug around a jug to pee in ALLLLLLLL day. Woo.

I asked my doctor if a recent tailbone injury might cause these problems as well, and he said the extra weight could be from lack of activity due to injury, and the high blood pressure could be from the pain, but there's still the protein issue. I just have to wait till tomorrow to finish the test and then wait for results. Ugh.

So I was just wanting to hear from women who have had protein in their urine during pregnancy, whether it always turned out to be pre-eclampsia, and what was done to treat the pre-eclampsia, if that was the case. Thanks for your experience!

9 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Ok first off let me tell you I know all to well about the fun of lugging around the pee jug. During my pregnancy with my son I had to do it at least 4 times. I always seemed to have protein in my urine and high blood pressure but it was never determined that I had pre-eclampsia. My doctor assumed that my blood pressure was because of the stress I was under with my husband in Iraq and as far as the protein goes they never did determine the cause of the high levels. Anyways I wouldn't be worried about it, my son turned out fine and all though he was 3 weeks early I am glad because he was a big 9 lbs 9 1/2 oz and 21" long boy.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    It is not common for women to have protein in their urine, but it is a sign of possible pre eclampsia. I was diagnosed with it at 32 weeks, but had PIH (pregnancy induced hypertension) from 22 weeks on. For the last few weeks of my pregnancy I had to go to the hospital once every week and then once every few days to do fetal stress tests (which were always fine,) sometimes I had ultrasounds and they also tested my blood, urine and bp. I ended up delivering naturally at 37 weeks. It is a big deal to have pre eclampsia, I had to quit work 2 months before my due date, be on bed rest, and try to stay as relaxed as possible. However, there are AMAZING medications available and if they are worried they should take good care of you. Take it easy. Try not to worry. Give as MUCH information to your OB as possible about how you're feeling, energy level, worries, etc... Good luck!

  • 1 decade ago

    WATCH WHAT YOU ARE EATING! Decrease your salt, red meat and any salty food or preserved fast foods. Drink your water it's basically water in and water comes out.

    The protein in the urine could also be due to the high blood pressure. The high blood pressure could be caused by the increased pain. Overall they won't know for sure until this test is done.

    If it is true Pre-Eclampsia your liver enzymes will also show they are elevated. This will be prevented if it is caught early enough with the 24 hr urine.

    Also if it is Pre-Eclampsia the method of treatment will be specific for you... here are some methods:

    Hope this helps some.

    Source(s): Ob-Gyn
  • 1 decade ago

    Okay Pre-Eclampsia isn't caused by the types of food you eat - they say that if sometime years ago your mother had Pre-Eclampsia with you or any of your siblings, it's possible for you to get it as well, but not so much the first pregnancy, usually in's what happend to me, I didn't have it with the first 2, but did with my 3rd, ended up on bed rest, medication, did the urine test quite a few times and almost had a stroke because of my blood pressure sky rocketing due to the stress. Try to relax girl, take it easy for the next few weeks, before you know it your bundle of joy will be fussing for mommys attention!! Good Luck and don't stress!!

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  • 1 decade ago

    I had protein in my urine, high blood pressure and frontal headaches and weight gain with preg no 1 at 37 weeks. I went into hospital overnight and was monitored, and with plenty of bed rest managed to get through the last 3 weeks and be induced at 40weeks as bubs turned out to be 9pd.

    It wasn't nice at all having the pre-eclampsia but with bed rest it was manageable. Don't stress out as this will make it worse and rest, rest, rest!!! Get hubby doing all the chores while you bum around on the couch. Pull the old "I'm pregnant and could be having a premmie baby" excuse if you have to!

  • 1 decade ago

    i did with my first child and they put me on some kinda pill to keep me from having ceasers and put me on bed rest, they had me to come to the office 2 times a week to check the baby and my blood pressure and then when i went into labor they keep me out of pain so that my blood pressure wouldn't go up no more than what it was they wouldn't let no one come in my room other than my husband and i think that they had me on some kind of medicine through the i.v then they had to do a c-section labor became to riskie for me and baby.

  • Tiara
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I had to do taht 24 hour urine test 3 times, it was my worst... but I had no problem. good luck.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    We must be due around the same time. I was lucky not to have this but just wishing you the very best.

    You are nearly there!!

  • 1 decade ago

    yes i did and they induce my labor at 38 weeks

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