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Anonymous asked in EnvironmentGreen Living · 1 decade ago

Are you tired of reading the angry naysayers insult those who believe humans have influenced climate change?

I think John Lennon said it best:

"I'm sick and tired of hearing things

From uptight, short-sighted, narrow-minded hypocritics

All I want is the truth

Just gimme some truth

I've had enough of reading things

By neurotic, psychotic, pig-headed politicians

All I want is the truth

Just gimme some truth."

-- "All I Want is the Truth"

I swear, the anti-Gore, Sky-is-not-falling name-calling Earth-is-Flat consortium of climate change doubters is a little hard to take. Everybody thinks they're Einstein and the other guy is a twit. C'mon!

18 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer


  • 5 years ago

    i'm a Conservative that feels that dumping a lot of "stuff" into the air isn't the in basic terms right element. I even have faith that taxing the yank those with Cap and commerce isn't a answer. China and third worldwide places are absolute nasty polluters. in case you opt for something good to help shrink the crap getting dumped into the air and water of Terra Firma, then arise with a potential answer. the worldwide warming was once worldwide ice age 30 years in the past for the comparable motives. there is too lots controversy and too many people who're getting wealthy off this gig. cap and commerce won't paintings, it incredibly is a gimmick to get greater tax funds from the human beings. The gooberment have been given many billions of greenbacks off of that freon ozone depleting gig.... They pronounced it might bypass to such and such. No it did no longer, it went into the funds to spend on despite stored the politicians in workplace. it is strictly what cap and commerce would do. .

  • 1 decade ago

    No, I am not tired of the naysayers. the question is not, "do humans have influence on climate change?" everything has influence to one degree or another. The question is, "Do humans influence global climate change to any consequential degree?" That is to say, a little boy can pee in the mississippi river and have some influence on the amount of water in the river. However, is the little boy's contribution really consequential? I think not. If you believe human activity impacts global climate change with any real consequence, give us the numbers, and site the source from which the numbers came. i.e. what percentage of Greenhouse gases is directly related to human activity on this planet? I submit to you that this planet has gone through a number of different ice ages, due to climate changes, and has come out of all of them through the use of global warming. All of this before humans even existed. I would expect a gradual warming to be taking place on this planet, because if that not be the case, you and I would be underneath a mile or two of ice right now. To address the accelerated warming phenomenon; as anything warms, the warming naturally becomes more accelerated as the temperature of the item being warmed goes up. Put an ice cube into deep freeze at 20 degrees below; put the ice cube on a plate, use a laser thermometer to find the exact starting temperature, keep track of the elapsed time between twenty below and zero and zero to twenty degrees. You will find through this simple little experiment, that I am right; Global warming is a natural phenomonon and the most we could do is have some effect on the natural acceleration of the warming, but to a degree that may be of absolutely no measurable consequence.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It seems like the hardest thing to get through to some people, that Al Gore doesn't = Global Warming. It's not a valid argument at all, but is so often used, that because Al Gore flies around or has a big house, that what he's saying isn't true. No one wants to make a change in their own lives until they've seen everybody else making changes. Otherwise, it's "not fair" that they have to make any changes that might slightly disturb their normal routine.

    Source(s): Only the extremely ignorant or the extremely intelligent can resist change. -Socrates
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  • 1 decade ago

    I believe in science. In my opinion, we don't know enough. But I also believe in leaving places better than when I found them. I do not see any reason this country or the world for that matter does not seek alternative fuels no and do it fast. The world is on the verge of a huge energy crisis and The US's best hope to maintain energy stability is to develop new sources of energy. Wouldn't it be great if we did not need to depend on foreign oil and instead used our natural resources for renewable energy?

  • Anders
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Yea, I agree. This could be a much better site. They have a disinformation campaign, and, unfortunatly, yahoo answers team is letting them.

    Lori t - here is some figures for your pat of the world, from NOAA:

    "Year to Date (Jan - Jul) 1977 - 2007 Average = 52.88 degF

    Year to Date (Jan - Jul) 1977 - 2007 Trend = 0.72 degF / Decade"

    Check for yourself at:

    It means the average mean temperatures currenttly are increasing by 0.72 deg F/decade in the time period 1977 - 2007.

    I set the data type as mean temperature

    period as year to date

    first year 1977, last year 2007

    base oeriod 1895 - 2007.

    Since 1895, the temperature has increased, on average, by 0.1 deg F/decade. So the temperature in increasing more rapidly.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago




    and horified as to realise how many Americans feel this way

    America must be the planets biggest enemy;_ylt=Auq3e...

    but lots of Material for the Pagan Dawn sacrificial parties

    when the meek will inherrit the earth from its enemies

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. They could skip the insults but the usually don't because they don't have valid arguments. Idiots will be idiots. What is sad is that idiots breed idiots.

    Even sadder is the fact that some of those people know we are right but will deny and argue the problem just because they want to keep making money the only way they know how.

  • 1 decade ago

    Okay, I understand where you're coming from-especially everyone thinking they know more than the next guy.Let me just state an opinion. If global warming were such a huge problem, don't you think it would have been a problem long before now?Here in my part of the country it is hot hot hot.Always has been in mid-August.Last January it was snowy and cold.To me this all seems perfectly normal.Now, if things were as terrible as some would have us believe, surely we would have at least begun to see some change by now.I personally think global warming is just a scare tactic that will allow some little know politicians to have their 15 minutes!

  • dad
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Yep Lennon was sick of the rich that's for sure and it doesn't take Einstein to figure out that's who he was referring to the damn twits

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