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Anonymous asked in TravelOther - Destinations · 1 decade ago

What are your ten “must visit” travel destinations around the world and why?

If you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be? What are your ten “must visit” travel destinations around the globe if you could go anywhere in the world every year for the next decade? Would you choose ten different places? Or your favorite place every year? Tell us…

1,206 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    San Diego California...A place called Croce's Top Hat Bar and Grill. A bar and grill owned by Ingrid Croce the widow of the Late Great, JIM CROCE, the Greatest singer songwriter ever.

    The Shaolin Temple in China. Every martial artist should go there at least ONCE in their life.

    The Law Rock on Thingvellar Plain outside of Rekyavek, Iceland. The last true home of the Nordic religion before it was forced into hiding for 1000 years and the first place it was reborn in the modern world.

    The Giza plateau in Egypt. The ancient nature of the site and the power there is phenominal and something that EVERY practitioner of ANY system of magic should experience in their lives.

    Stonehenge in England...Likewise as Giza in Egypt.

    Nairobe, Kenya. To take a trip through one of the nature preserves there, an awesome experience to say the least. The chance to see the animals in their natural environment and be up close and personal.

    Jan Juan Capistrano. The return of the Swallows every year is something no to be missed.

    Tokyo Japan. Specifically ont he first day of spring, when the Cherry blossoms fall from the trees. Again, something not to be missed.

    Rio De Janero, Brazil. One word...CARNIVALE.

    That's nine right....

    I suppose the last one would have to be...Gettysburg Pennsylvania. Not so much for the hsitroical significance, but becasue it is reputed to be THE most haunted place in the US if not the world.

  • 1 decade ago

    1. My first initial thought was Greece, and I've noticed quite a few people have said the same, its truly is a beautiful place.

    2. Australia, Ive only been to Sydney but if the entire country is even remotely as wonderful as Sydney then its totally worth going.

    3. Southern California, I grew up there and I just love the beaches and the busy city life, I love the amusement parks and the ball games.

    4. San Francisco California, do the tourist stuff its such a blast, don't forget to go to Alcatraz its so much fun.

    5. London England, I've been there a few times and I just love the culture and the city is so neat, it's a complete change from America and I just love every minute of it.

    6. The Oregon coast, Its one of the prettiest drives you could ever take, theres some awesome camping sites all along the water, no where else in the United States compares to its serenity.

    7. I really had a fun time when I went to Orlando Florida, I did the whole Disney world thing and it made me feel like a kid again, me and my mom went together, I went with her during spring break while I was attending college.

    8. I haven't been but everyone I know says Hawaii is the best place on earth, I but its just beautiful, and so much to do there, I can't wait.

    9. France, I went there for a week and I have never tasted better food anywhere else in the world, man it was just sooooo delicious! and really pretty I didn't go to Paris but I would love to go back again soon.

    10. My next trip is definitely going to be going back to Europe, I must visit Ireland and Scotland. I hear its so pretty and the people there are just so incredibly nice.

    Source(s): life!
  • 1 decade ago

    I dream about Italy, I honestly feel it's where I'm supposed to go. I hear it calling me.... I worry that I will live out my life and never make it there.

    Ireland as my husband and I often talk about how beautiful it must be. The idea of taking a bike ride and just viewing the rolling hills, the pubs, the amazing gift.

    Japan..for the extremely different culture. Everything from the food to the clothing, so exciting!

    Hawaii has got to be the most perfect vacation spot. Beaches, the flowers and the native traditions are surely something everyone should experience at least once.

    Key West for the nightlife and the tourist spots. But not in winter.

    Paris, France. Anywhere that cheese is a main course is okay by with me.

    Australia, to experience the accents firsthand! Then you have the architecture, the zoos...what a trip!

    Las Vegas...just once I'd like to stay up all night seeing big name shows and partying until breakfast with no idea or care of what time is on the clock.

    New York City...An incredible combination of all of these things, I would probably pass on the tourist spots and find the world's best hoagie, pizza and ice cream. I would still just have to experience Times Square for myself.

  • 1 decade ago

    Awesome question, (ok Oprah r u listening?) I would love to be able to visit 1. every state in the country (some by train would be a nice experience), been to about ten already. Then visit Canada while I'm at 2. Niagra Falls then I've never been to 3. Disney World (from the inside).

    Oh, definitely 4. Hershey Park. I would like to experience

    5. Las Vegas and see what the hub-bub was all about.

    I guess if I were going to see the 6. Rock n Roll museum,

    then I'd have to go and see the 7.Grand O'l Opry. Fair's fair.

    We watch those destination shows all the time on the Discovery channel and see these hotel hideaways and figure we'll never get to do that but it'd be nice if. I kow that If I were to trek on horseback down the 8. Grand Canyon that once I got to the bottom I'd be most definitly wanting to do some fishing in that river there. About the grand hotel hideway, there's got to be somewhere in 9. Mexico that is along the luxury lines where the experience is enjoyable & ethnic.

    My best for last. My dream destination would be, even though I listed the states as one I'd have to say Menphis TN. I would love to spend a week there. Let alone that most of it would be triyng to absorb as much of 10. "Graceland" as possible but then there's Beale St., Corky's(ribs), riding on a paddle wheel boat, Sun Records...the sites are too numerus to list em' all but you get the idea. Thanks for asking, nice to think about.

    I don't think Graceland will ever stay exactly the same year after year, so I'd have to make yearly trips.

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  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    1. England, Scotland , Ireland, and Wales. History,

    culture, general interest in the natural beauty of the country, and the charm of the people.

    2. Italy. It might take a week a year for ten years to

    view each historical area, and stop at many of the local village restaurants. The food, the romance, and the people are something that should not be missed when traveling world wide.

    3. China. The land of teas, beautiful art from buildings to vases, and a place where seemingly mythical bridges and rivers come alive. It is indeed a country of history, beauty,

    and wonderful people.

    4, France. What would one do with out Channel? The food,

    the pastries, the outdoor cafes, and yes the men, all works of art.

    5. Spain. The running of the bulls, the villas, the bull fights, and the castanet dancers are all a part of the warm culture.

    6.Greece. Outdoor cafes, many sites to see and many

    ethnic dances to dance (I love those Greek weddings).

    7. Romania, Poland, Bosnia. Lots of culture to be learned

    getting to know these fantastic people!

    8. Switzerland. A very warm industrious people. If you have Swiss heritage, be sure to find the village from which your ancestors came. Bring gifts, and money enough to have a big dinner. Even though they might just want to treat you as long lost family, the village treasury isn't that large world!!

    9. Turkey. A place of dancing street festivals, history, and the most loving people.

  • 7 years ago

    1. India - interesting culture, great history, colorful people, great heritage. Much to see, and I've not yet been to Asia. Plus I am a vegetarian, and India has fantastic vegetarian food.

    2. Peru - between the Nazca lines and Maachu Piccu, etc., there are too many fantastic muist see things in Peru - and I want to see them!

    3. Germany - The history in Germany is so recent as to be palpable - especially in Berlin, which was divided after WWII and re-unified less than two decades ago. At the same time it is ancient - as evidenced by the Roman Ruins west of the Rhine. I speak German, so I can talk to the people. Plus Germany has things that relax me, wonderful wines in lovely little valleys - castles to tour, and so much more. Very easy to Travel in!

    4. Alaska - I've been there but I would go back if I had ten years of travel to plan. The wildlife is tremendous, and I'd make it north of the arctic circle this time. A few days camping in Denali, a trip to Glacier Bay (while there are still glaciers!)

    5. The Holy Land - Israel and Palestine. While today there is too much violence there for me, the chance to see some of the great holy sites of the world - for multiple religions - would be a great draw for me.

    6. The great national parks of the western US especially places like Yosemite, Yellowstone. Grand Canyon. I'd also see the smaller ones - Bryce, Crater Lake, Zion, Mesa Verde. The natural history there is amazing - the geology, and beautiful. It's my country and some of the most stunning portions of my country.

    7. Barcelona Spain - Miro, Dali, Gaudi, Picasso - this is an incredible hotbed of the arts!

    8. Australia - LIke the western US, this is a great natural place - the great barrier reef, ayers rock, and a bunch of wildlife that I could never see the like elsewhere. And maybe a side trip to New Zealand.

    9. Tahiti - preferably by boat. My most desired to take cruise would be on the Paul Gaughin in Tahiti. I love tropical islands in the Caribbean - this would be amazing.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Dubai-beautiful beaches, awesome hotels

    Seattle-Mt. Rainer, and other Cascade Mountains, Pike's Market, Pioneer Square, The Space Needle, The Olympic Mountains, and whale watching

    Brazil-Carnival, the rain forest, the amazon river, beautiful waterfalls, and 6,000 miles of beaches

    Egypt-the pyramids, the valley of the kings, the desert, Cairo, the Nile river

    China- Tibet, Mt. Everest, pandas and other rare animals, the great wall of china, Shanghai, and Mongolia near by

    France-the Alps, the wines, Notre Dame, The Moulin Rouge, The Eiffel Tower, The Louvre, The Arc de Triumph, the food, The Riviera and the Normandy beach.

    Greece, the Greek isles, the Acropolis, the Theatre of Dionysos, the Parthenon, the Agora, and the National Archaeological Museum, and the great Architecture

    Japan-Mt, Fuji, Tokyo, the Imperial Palace, the Himeji-jo Castle, Hiroshima, Nagasaki, beautiful scenery, and all the temples

    The Bahamas-beaches, beaches, and more beaches

    I would say Massachusetts, but I have been there. It was a lovely place, but these are places I haven't been!

    Hawaii, beaches Wakikii, polonesian cultural center

    Florida, Disnyworld, Seaworld

  • 1 decade ago

    1. Hong Kong- The shopping is unbelievable, a lot of fun things to do, Stanley, the Walk of Fame, and REAL Chinese food. It's such an exciting adventure and easily compares to the city life of New York City. Plus, my mom was from here, so I have family here. It's my favorite city in the world.

    2. England- Portobello Road, all the funky boutiques, London, Buckingham Place, Stonehenge, and the accents. :D

    3. Japan- Tokyo, Osaka, Mt. Fuji, J-Pop galore, Kyoto, visiting all the cities I've had foreign exchange students come from, and all the Japanese street fashion.

    4. China- Simply amazing. Very humid though, haha. The Great Wall, Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Wuxi, Sanzhou, and the REAL Chinese food again, haha.(:

    5. New York- Shopping and all the places you don't see in your typical tourist book. Also, plenty of Broadway!

    6. Egypt- The Pyramids. I have a real interest in Egyptology.

    7. Germany- Munich, Berlin, and the awesome techno music. Just simply all the beauty. I am also half German, so you can see I want to see the place where my ancestors came from.

    8. Italy- The food, the culture, and the beautiful cities. Modern, yet still has that classic charm to it.

    9. The Bahamas- It's all about the prisine beaches that you can relax on.

    10. The parts of California that I haven't been too- What better way to learn more about yourself than to do stuff that's practically in your own backyard? I've yet to go to the Northern/Central parts of Cali. =]

  • cold
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    New York City- Ive always been fascinated by New York, and when I moved to Chicago, I thought that there was no way a city could be bigger, but New York dwarfs Chicago. I want to see Yankee Stadium, the Empire State building, Manhattan, Ground Zero, have a Brooklyn Style pie, and see Central Park.

    Tokyo- You see its bright neon filled streets in movies, commericials, video games and in ads, but it seems like it would be so much better to experience first hand. The imperial palace, Chiba, and its narrow, compact streets and unique stores.

    London- Ive always wanted to go here too. I want to see the "gherkin", the river, Westminister Abbey, Buckingham Palace, and those guards that cant move no matter what. I want to see England alot.

    Rome- The Vatican City, the Colliseum, authentic Italian food, and most of all, my roots.

    Venice- I want to see this place before its the next Atlantis.

    Paris- Ive heard you get ripped off big time, French people despise Americans, and its a very dirty city, but yet, I still want to see Paris someday.

    Los Angeles- The beaches, the Lakers, Hollywood, and Beverly Hills. I learned to surf one year on vacation, but since I live in Illinois, theres not much wave riding done here. This would be a great place to continue my new found hobby.

    Sidney- Ive always been interested in Australia, with its warm weather, the Opera House (although I wouldnt go in it, Opera isnt my thing), and of course, the Outback. Ive also heard Australia has some massive waves, so after I become a natrual at surfing in LA, I could test my skills and see what Im made of off the coast of Australia.

    Dubai- The palm tree shaped Islands, all the skyscrapers, and the fact that this city is quickly becoming the worlds travel destination hot spot all make me more interested in this city. It would be nice to stay in that 7 star hotel too...

    As for #10, I will decide that after I get back from Dubai, because I cant decide. Its between Cape Town South Africa, Rio De Janiero Brazil, and Hong Kong.

  • 6 years ago

    1. Greece - Athens, Santorini & Mykonos: I saw a movie that was filmed there and it has been on my "must see" list for years

    2. African Safari - the deeper the better: Always been a facination of mine since grammer school and after reading THE CONGO

    3. Tahiti: All the islands there to experience the luxourios and the remote

    4. Israel: The homeland of my people

    5. Italy: My husband's family is from there and I'd like to share it with him

    6. Alaska: A cruise there in order to view it's magnificent beauty

    7. Seaworld in Florida: Only so I can swim with the dolphins

    8. The Grand Canyon: Donkey ride down and spend the evening and the next day or so exploring, visiting the Indian reservations,

    9. Australia - the beaches

    10. Boracay, Philippines - been there, and will be back. it's one of the greatest beaches in the world.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    1. Scotland- i love the culture, the music and want to see the sceneries and i love the way they dress. Men in kilts is hot.

    2. New Zealand- also the sceneries. It's amazing. I've seen Lord of the Rings and they film there, it's beautiful.

    3. Ireland-i love the culures there and the music and i may be a little Irish myself. I love the accents too.

    4. Australia- I like their accents and it excites me to think about being out there in the outback and the amazing animals and views. everything about it.

    5. Africa- The climate and sceneries. the people the experience of a whole new thing.

    6. Canada- the views, the way everything works.

    7. Hawaii- the amazing views of the oceans and stuff. the culture and the anomals and people.

    8. Antarctica- the adventure would be amazing, traveling through the cold just thinking and experiencing everything.

    9. The Moon- it would be so cool to go to the moon and see the world from a differentpoint of view. And seeing all the stars and universe from up there would be so cool.

    10. Any Dessert- because it would be fun to have a great adventure through the dessert or up a mountain anywhere.

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