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Is anyone else sick of Kevin Nash?

I liked Nash during his Diesel/Big Daddy Cool days, and I also enjoyed his work during the nWo day. So there's a few points for him.

However, the work he's been doing in TNA has been terrible. The man all but ruined the X Division with his stupid skits and his whole "size doe matter" squashes of the X Division roster. He took a perfectly good worker in Jay Lethal and turned him into a clown called the Black Machismo. And quite frankly, the "comedy" sketches that he was doing with Alex Shelley really weren't that funny.

Your thoughts?

9 Answers

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    Actually, I find him one of the best parts of TNA. His comedy bits with Alex Shelley have been amazing, quite frankly, and although the gimmick choices are stupid and the promos were off-kilter and weird, they brought personality and character to the X-Division wrestlers, something they sorely needed. And while I agree that the Black Machismo gimmick was stupid, look at what the gimmick did for him. Lethal used to be a bland X-Division wrestler with no personality whatsoever. Suddenly, he pretends that he's the Macho Man, and the guy's over as hell. And he'd still be as over if TNA didn't make the stupid decision to take the X-Division Title away from him in the first week.

    Basically, while I do believe he should have lost to Sabin earlier, what he's brought to the X-Division in terms of interest, character and personality is hard to find. Plus, his skits, especially those with the extremely funny Shelley, have been an enjoyment in a show that has been lacking in enjoyable things. I can only take Angle making Joe look like a punk for so long.

  • 1 decade ago

    I barely watch TNA, but I remeber when I saw Jay Lethal turn into the Black Machismo. That has to be one of the stupidest gimmick ever, and you have Kevin Nash to thank for that one. I am getting a bit tired of Nash though all of his skits aren't that funny, only sometimes I get a few laughs for those lame skits.

  • 1 decade ago

    i agree with you 100% Nash sucks in TNA . he has ruined Jay Lethal and Alex Shelley along with the entire TNA program.

  • 1 decade ago

    He is only doing it because he can't wrestle right now. His knee is still messed up. If he mess it up again before it heels he could be out for good. I actually like the skits. They are funny. Since he is under contract he has to show up. Hopefully he will be back in the ring soon.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I was sick of Nash in the middle of the NWO part and really didn't care for anything he did since.With that being said.i give him credit for being able to stay on TV as long as he does.Do you think he has blackmail info on the Jarretts?

  • 1 decade ago

    never watched TNA, but nash was the man back in the day when i was a fan.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I think on TNA he's just a big waste of space! I think they signed him to wrestle but he can't so they are stuck with his contract!

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    i trust you'' the media likes to %. on the wwe and Vince Mcmahon as an occasion FOX information, or CNN the two one in each of them constantly placed down wrestling, and boy did you notice how the media became going loopy on the Chris Beniot tale final year they even mentioned issues that weren't real, there constantly attempting to hold down wrestling.. that why Vince Mcmahon hates information stations like CNN or FOX information.. and he made exciting of them on uncooked final year, i think of it became called Vince Mcmahon takes on the media ..

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I find it funny.

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