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staticjeff asked in SportsBaseball · 1 decade ago

Is it just me or does espn show favoritism for barry bonds and the yankees?

every time i turn on espn its always something about barry "steroid" bonds or the stupid yankees. espn tried to have a show about bonds that tanked. i hardly ever see anything about the braves anymore.

14 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Nah man Barry Bond deserves RESPECT and the Yankees do to cause of the run their on!!!

  • 1 decade ago

    ESPN is a network just like NBC or CBS and they want ratings. Even if Barry Bonds and the Yanks are some what unpopular, they are nonetheless, controversial. That translates into ratings. People like that drama. So they would rather put him on, or the Yanks...than other teams like the Angles and the Twins which are teams that are some of my favorites. Sometimes shows don't work out. But the majority of the time they do when you have a team like the Yanks and a guy like Bonds. I hope that answers the question.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well.....Because Barry is doing something "special" they want to follow it 'cuz they believe that it brings in ratings, but yes they show favoritism towards the yanks just like they show favortism towards the duke bluedevils during college basketball, they are one of the most popular teams in the nation and they are east coast and close to bristol which is where ESPN is located, so that makes it easier for them to send corespondants to the games and what not. Also they really don't follow the Braves just because they aren't all that popular anymore, people got sick of hearing them win 14 times in a row lol, which is a good problem to have! Trust me I'm a cubs fan. But I hope that worked for ya!

  • 1 decade ago

    ESPN has wood for any East Coast sports team. As far as the Barry thing, right now anything about Bonds brings in viewers which in turn brings in money for ESPN.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Y-E-S they do THANK YOU all they talk about is the Yankees whether they're winning or losing and meanwhile the sox are running away with the AL East and have the best record in the majors and what do us Sox get Uno, zero, nata, nothing AUNESTLY lets hear some real sports news besides the HORRIBLE yankees and Bonds who broke the HR record like 1 week ago. Whooo Yeah baby that felt awesome!!!

    Source(s): Go Red Sox
  • 1 decade ago

    barry's show BONDS ON BONDS aired but they cancelled it. and yes the yankees suck but are talked about every day just because of Alex Rodriguez and because they are in New York, oh and don't forget about there new hit show on espn THE BRONX IS BURNING

  • 1 decade ago

    Yankees are way overrated. ESPN shows alot of bias towards NY because its the largest media market.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    ESPN clearly has an east coast bias and thinks that everybody everywhere cares about the Yanks and the Red Sox. They are wrong. They've even got me hating the Patriots now.

  • 1 decade ago

    well, bonds, though it might hurt to admit, is big news right now. the record-breaking scandal is a big deal for baseball. i think we all, as baseball fans, need to accept the lamentable fact that the yankees are baseball, more or less, to a lot of people. The braves have become "America's team" through their television deals, but that doesn't mean they will ever replace the yankees with their money, success, and history.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yankees Suck, Yankees fans are all A** Holes and Bonds also sucks.

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