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What is the most important concept in your religion?

What one concept is the basis of your religion? Why do you believe it? What would you do if you found it was false?

27 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    As a Wiccan, I think the basic concept of my religion -- the central pillar -- is the idea that the universe is the body of God/dess and that God/dess is therefore accessible to all through a variety of paths.

    I believe this because 1) I have a deep intuition that Deity exists, and 2) this concept explains the wide variety of religions throughout human history, and the fact that God/dess seems not to have spoken unequivocably through just one.

    If I found out it was false, I would try to reason out and intuite what the actual state of affairs is, and then abandon my religion if it proved incompatible with my conclusions.

  • Eve
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    1) Islam "Submission" is the religion whereby we recognize God's absolute authority, and reach an unshakable conviction that God ALONE possesses all power; no other entity possesses any power that is independent of Him. The natural result of such a realization is to devote our lives and our worship absolutely to God ALONE.

    2) While every religion has been corrupted by innovations, traditions, and false, idolatrous doctrines, there may be "Submitters" within every religion. There may be Submitters who are Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, or anything else. These Submitters, collectively, constitute the only religion acceptable to God.

    3) A criterion of the true submitters is that they will find nothing objectionable in the Quran. So, I believe Quran is complete and not corrupted.

    And finally, I would be always monotheism, if, I find Quran was false. But the point is that I would never find it false.


  • 1 decade ago

    First of all, I'm an animist. I believe that all things around you have a soul. You can listen to the advice of the spirits around you or ignore them, but they are there. Even rocks have a soul within them at their heart, but you have to be still yourself to hear them. There are no gods. All things are connected.

    The most important things to me are compassion and understanding. I know these are more Buddhist concepts, but I find the eightfold path to be a great guide to live your life.

    I believe what I believe as this is the calling of my heart. The beliefs I have are those that resounded in my heart when I looked around during my teenage years.

    The beliefs I have are right for me. I make no claims to whether they are true or not. If they were false, I'd still live my life to the same path as how can empathy for others ever be wrong.

  • 1 decade ago

    The most significant 'faith concept' I have is, "God's amazing love" for me, It encompasses all needs and aspects of my life. My past, present, & my future. I believe it because He has shown me, through His Word, and personally revealed His love toward me with supernatural demonstrations. If I discovered it to be 'untrue' I would find a way to completely,' vaporize' into absolutely nothing'! I would not want to exist!! There is no life without God's love!!!

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  • 1 decade ago

    That I'm loved unconditionally and my sins will be forgiven. I believe it cause at the most trying times it provides hope and comfort. Especially when you get down on yourself, the idea that you are loved when you may not love yourself is humbling.

    I can never know this to be false. I simply believe it. There's no physical proof. It's something I believe in my heart so it will always be with me.

  • 1 decade ago

    Don't have a religion. But my concepts in life philosophy would be empathy and honesty. If one feels compassion for the human race, and searches for the truth and displays integrity - life is sure to be worth the journey.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I want to get out of this world alive.

    As it stands, Ressurection sounds like the best thing going. Reincarnation extends existance, but not identity. I don't think there is a way to witness an error in my concept, only success. Rather dogmatic, eh?

  • 1 decade ago

    God has shown himself to me threw the changes he has made in my heart and my life.I would rather live my life believing in something good and taking a chance on going to heaven than just not trying at all and taking the chance on going to hell,when I die I won't know the difference anyway if there wasn't a heaven or hell so why not just believe that there is a heaven waiting for me,what will it hurt,nothing.But the bottom line is I believe I will go to heaven when I die.

  • 1 decade ago

    Sassinya is right. I don't base my truths on religion. Concepts have nothing to do with conviction. I was convicted by the Holy Spirit that God is real. Jesus is real.

    Once you know God, you will find out He's not false.

    God bless you with truth...

  • 1 decade ago

    1.My religion is science,

    2. the most important concept of it is rational thinking,

    3. if I find I was wrong I’d change my mind!

    Source(s): atheist
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