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Children are an endless sense of amazement-This is what happened recently with my 3 year old grandaughter.?

She was sitting on my lap in my home office drawing on a pad of paper when my wife comes to the doorway and says to the 3year old come with Grandma now. She jumps off my lap in an instant starts running to her grandma but stops in mid flight to come back to me and points her index finger to my belly button area and says I WILL PUT YOU ON PAUSE!!! then jumped away and was off with her grandmother the favorite!!

17 Answers

  • Ann
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Too precious!!! I understand exactly where you are coming from. My grandaughter is 3 years old also. They call them GRANDchildren very accurately don't they? Enjoy being able to spend time with her

  • 5 years ago

    Well, despite what the person above me said, children with autism CAN use gestures to communicate. My friend's son has autism turned three in July, and he has been using sign language since he was a year old (before diagnosis). That said, it doesn't sound like she has autism. Many people assume that speech delay = autism, which simply isn't true. Speech/language delay is just one of many symptoms that a person with autism may exhibit, while others on the spectrum don't have marked speech delays. Nobody can diagnose your granddaughter without seeing her, but you haven't said anything that points to autism. She's in therapy, and if the therapist and/or her parents are concerned, they'll do something about it. Speech therapy takes time; just be patient and keep encouraging her.

  • 1 decade ago

    Ahhh. How cute. My 5 year old neice was on the phone with me. I called to tell her Mom happy birthday. I said Maddie do you know whose birthday it is today besides your Moms. She said no. So I told her it was her Great Grandma's Birthday too. She says really how old is she. I tell her she is 89. Maddie says wow shes almost dead. I about died laughing.

  • Dani
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    lol, too cute. My nephew is 3 and he was over here one day. My mother said something kinda dumb, then she said 'oh yeah, duh". As a joke I said 'yeah, big ole fat duh., Jordan, say big ole fat duh, grandma" and he repeated "grandmas fat, Duh."

    Another time my sister was leaning over him while she put him to bed. My sister has a mole on her face, and I guess she got a little too close because my nephew said to her "Mama, you got whiskers coming out of your dot!"

    She told me that a couple months ago, and I'm still laughing about it.

    To the person who answered under me (forgot your name..sorry!!), I didnt see my mothers initial reaction to that one because I was in tears from laughing..but when I was finished she didnt seem to really care one way or another. I enjoyed it though.

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  • 1 decade ago

    she probably thinks she better put u on hold cos she doesnt want you to move off from your current place, so she can come back to sit on your lap later.

    dani - that was funny, grandma's fat, DUH. what's the mom's reaction?

    Source(s): kids are funny, when they're not crying. my 22-month old cousin makes me laugh all the time, from her antics.
  • 1 decade ago

    I love the whole innocence that flows from kids mouths. Its precious.

  • 1 decade ago

    that is so cute and imaginitive. little ones say the cutest things

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    How cute..! At least she didn't go for the mute button..!

  • 1 decade ago

    hahah awww kids are so cute. my little sister used to say "okay" like she was australian it was so funny. theyre just so entertaining. WHO NEEDS A COMPUTER FOR ENTERTAINMENT

  • 1 decade ago

    That's sooooo cute!

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