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Is this fair, or is this just the Army life?

We left for our vacation yesterday morning, well last night about 8 pm the army called my hubby and told him he had to come right away, they are called in to help with the hurricanes going on around here, well my hubby explained we were 200 miles away and we payed a fortune for the hotel room....they didn't care, they said get here or you'll be arrested....ok, well then they call back and say ok be here by 9 am////so, we got up early early this moring and made it back and he got there by 9 am......well, now he is having to do extra duty and stay gone longer because they are mad he didnt' jump up and come last night like they wanted to...i don't think it's fair that he has to stay gone from us longer because we couldn't get back last night....sound fair to you or is this just how the army works?...i hated that we had to cut our vacation short, but this is his duty we understand that, but they shouldn't say it's fine come in the morning and act like it's ok but then make him stay longer

36 Answers

  • LB67
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    ok first of all yeah it sucks,my husband spent his whole leave on the phone one time, really ticked me off but.... I would gladly trade places with you because mine is in Afghanistan right now, so girl just be glad he is in the states.

  • 1 decade ago

    It's Military life in general. If he had gotten the name of the person that told him it was OK to come at 9 the next day, he'd be able to contest the extra duty.

    It may not seem fair, but it is because everyone in his unit had roughly the same likelyhood of being called. Sometimes leaves have to be cut short, especially in emergencies.

    That being said, since evidently he didn't get the name of the person who gave him permission to delay until morning, he's lucky he didn't have a (whatever the army calls a captians mass), and get 45 days restriction (can't leave base) 45 days extra duty, and get docked half his salary for 2 months.

    Source(s): Personal Experience. Something simular happened when I was in the Navy.
  • 1 decade ago

    That's messed up but that's just how the army is. I'm active army in Ny and you just have to learn how to read between the lines. They always say one thing and expect another. To the army it seems like were just a number so to you and your hubby... the army uses you so you use them. Get what you can out of them you know GI Bill and all the other stuff thats out there that they offer to use. Good Luck!

    Source(s): personel experience
  • It's just military life in general. I was a military brat growing up and things like that will happen all the time. My mom to this day says being a military wife was one of the hardest things she's ever done. We were stationed at horrible locations, my dad had TDY constantly, he was detained at a base 1 month longer than expected even though my mom, brother, and myself were already at our new base. It can be rough and it can get a whole lot worse. Just hope he never gets any kind of complaint on base from neighbors or coworkers. The base commanders are never fair and everything is blown out of proportion.

    Good luck

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    As unfair as it is, it is just the army life. Since he signed up he owes his duty to do whatever they say or need to be done. It is basically a contract and if he breaks it by not showing up he will be considered A.W.O.L and then arrested. Not a very fun thing, but that is just how military life is.

  • edison
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Gen. one million:one million ...God created the heavens and the earth. The heb. word for God this is "Elohim" and that's plural, however the verb "created", in this verse, is singular. The Trinity is extremely complicated. this is not any longer some thing for us to appreciate, yet to take exhilaration in. i will attempt and clarify it the only right i will. wish it facilitates. Isa. 40 5:5 i'm Jehovah and there is not any one else; to boot Me there is not any God... one million Cor. 8:4 there is not any God yet one. So there is in trouble-free terms one million God. God is one million. Matt. 28:19 baptizing them into the call of the daddy and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, There are 3 names here, however the word call is singular. So God is one yet 3. There are 3 persons in God-head. the daddy, the Son, and the Spirit. consistent with different verses, the daddy IS God, the Son is God and the spirit is God. Peter one million:2 and Eph. one million:17 coach that the daddy is God. Heb. one million:8 and John one million:one million-2 and John one million:14 coach that the Son is God. (Isa. 9:6, for a new child is born to us, A SON is given to us; And the government Is upon His shoulder; And HIS call would be referred to as spectacular Counselor, "amazing God, eternal Father", Prince of Peace.) the three coexist (present day on the comparable time) and the three co-inhere (exist interior of one yet another)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No it's not fair - I thought that you had a National Guard for that sort of thing - and if they are being used as part of the regular Army and being posted abroad then that is wrong too.

    I feel for you both - I hope that you can get a proper vacation later - I really do.

    Best wishes,


  • 1 decade ago

    Sounds like the Army I remember. Hurry up and wait.

    Maybe when things settle down you can get away for a weekend.

    Source(s): Veteran U.S. Army and California Army National Guard.
  • 1 decade ago

    Boy do I feel for you! I know exactly how it feels. I completely understand that you aren't complaining about it, but it absolutely is unfair when things like this happen. As a military wife, I know you understand and will continue to support your husband in his career, and from one wife to another, you have my best wishes. Hopefully when he gets back you both can take a night together and be glad it is over with. Hang in there and know that you aren't alone.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    My question is, was it leave or a pass strung together with time off. There is a big difference. If you were on leave I would think the order cancelling leaves would have to come from fairly high up. If not your Unit Commander acts within his discretion.

  • kisser
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Just put it down to bad luck because yes it is "just the army life".

    Don't worry there will be other times to have fun with your hubby.

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