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Don't know whatcha got till it's gone?

I was thinking today, do we really stop and take the time to realize how blessed we are, i mean, i jump in my car every day without thinking twice, but if my car broke down or i didn't have one what would it be like?...and like when my hubbys home it just feels so normal and we get into this comfortable routine, and when he's gone i'm like man, why didn't i say this and why didn't i do, i'm thinking, i need to not take things for granted and enjoy everything i have in my life, don't you think we should all do this? what are your thoughts?

18 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Life is so fast-paced that we forget to enjoy people and things while we have them. Hubby works swing shift so sometimes he's on days, sometimes nights, and sometimes he's off. I hate it. But, it forces us to enjoy what time we manage to find with each other, because it's hard to come by.

    We should all try harder to do it but I'm not sure if it's really possible to fully appreciate something or someone until it/he/she isn't around anymore.

    And maybe we do fully appreciate them while they're here. Maybe it's just that, because we miss them, our brain exaggerates their good qualities and makes them seem better than what they really are. You know, kinda like when you go out to some new place to eat, and afterwards you tell everyone about this really great meal you had, and then when you finally get to go back again it just doesn't seem as good as it did the first time. It just seemed great afterwards because you weren't sitting there staring at it.

    I dunno. That's just what I think.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Hey ,Nita - if the car broke down you could always get a big yellow taxi! -

    "Don't it always seem to go

    That you don't know what you've got

    Till it's gone

    They paved paradise

    And put up a parking lot"

    Seriously though - you know we should all tell people we love them more while we can and everything - your husband ,your children - and I thought you were going to go out and play a lot more with your children the other day - well keep to that - and play a lot more with your husband too when he's home - but don't rush it all - I know myself that I can worry too much about when good times might end rather than just enjoying them while they are there!

    Hey - try not to worry so much - I do enough of that for all of us!!!

    Best wishes,

    Joan (i)!

  • 1 decade ago

    I absolutely agree 100%. My financial situation is harsh right now, but a little over a year ago my Son nearly died. And I thank God every day for giving him a second chance. I tell him that I don't mind my other misfortunes as long as my loved ones are safe and in good health. That's what really matters in life.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I think everybody takes something for granted...especially those who have been lucky in life. I know I am always complaining about how un-cool my parents are, but when I stop and think...I am just glad that I HAVE parents. It is rare that I stop and take time to smell the roses........but I do enjoy life and appriacaite every moment...wheather I am thinking about it at the time or not!! Time flys when you are having fun...

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  • Roxie
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I`m with ya. It`s easy to get caught up in how crappy things can be and when you had a bad day at work, it`s worse.

    It takes a moment of Peace and Quiet to realize that, at least you have a job, or at least you HAVE a family that loves you. Sometimes it`s easier to focus on what you DON`T have than what you DO have. We`re pretty damn lucky, if you ask me.

  • 1 decade ago

    I most assuredly agree with you. Most people take each other for granted. And never realize exactly how good they have it until they do something stupid that sometimes can't be forgiven or forgotten. and have to live with the results. realizing only then they had it made.

  • 1 decade ago

    I totally agree.

    No one really stops and thinks about the delicacy's here- cars, computers, food, water, ect. ect.

    When, in other countries, people are dieing because of maul-nutrition, and other different causes.

    I'm sure this world would be a better place if people would really stop and think about what they have =)

  • 1 decade ago

    I agree completely! We take way too much for granted, Im trying to make changes in my life to appreciate things and people more! good question!

  • 1 decade ago

    Agreed. It's smart people who figure that out and change their lives. The idiots just keep crying about it and doing nothing.

  • 1 decade ago

    I recommend acquiring, using and keeping handy at all times a gratitude rock.

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