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Burning trash, plastic, paper, fabrics, what impact does it have on the environment?

We all know recycling is best, but what of those who burn the items that reduce to ash? Is it more toxic to the environment to burn than sending them to a landfill?

11 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    burning any trash , paper, fabrics etc are very harmful for environment, burning any substance leads to emission of carbon compounds ,nitrogen, sulphur, etc these gases are called as green house gases, which is the primary cause of global warming.

    Burning plastic, fabric is very very harmful,

    since plastic is made up of polysters , it emits very very toxic compounds which ll affect respiratory system.

  • 1 decade ago

    Interesting to see all the previous answers stating that burning is some great SIN... but as you asked... is it MORE toxic than using them in a landfill ?

    On our ranch, we recycle all plastic, glass, cardboard and metal, and we compost all vegetable matter.

    We BURN paper and wood trash... either in our wood-stoves to provide house and barn heat, or on occassion in a fire-pit where we also burn large amounts of brush (in accordance with state and county guidlines). This way we only have to take a pick-up load of real trash to the landfill every other weekend.

    NOW, is that worse than the emmissions we'd generate driving several dozen loads of this trash the 50 miles to the nearest landfill ?? Or the damage done to the environment by digging a 2 mile trench so we could get natural gas, and all the impact of natural gas ??

    Our pickup truck and tractor have been running on home-made bio-diesel for the last 8 years... My brother works at a coal-power plant that also burns recycle tires, almond shells, and other materials... while generating LESS emmisions than an SUV.

    Source(s): California Rancher
  • Fishie
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    The only thing that needs to go to the atmosphere is the Oxygen, Carbon-di-oxide and Water Vapour. Anything other than that is going to change the balance. This includes the natural calamities like Volcanoes, Earth Quakes etc. Even decomposting organic waste releases many gases which never gets naturalised in the atmosphere. Green house effect and global warming is NOT happening JUST because of burning coal, running car etc etc. Its a complex compounded effect.

    The planet didnt have so many billions of people breathing Carbon-di-oxide and it sure doesnt have that many trees to remove those carbon di oxide. Imagine this, when its night fall, the trees join us in consuming oxygen!!!

    So you burning trash, plastic and fabrics might not impact the atmosphere. BUT if you recycle them effectively instead of sending it to a Landfill, you certainly have contributed your part for the environment.

    Glad to know that we are concerned about this planet. We all should be.


  • 4 years ago

    How Trash Affects The Environment

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  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, Burning does release a lot of chemicals into the atmosphere. Burning is a way to generate some energy and reduce solid waste and for companies to make some money doing it. I hope sompany has some studies that will indicate thee impact.

    Reuse and recycling would be better. I think I would rather have them decay slowly in the landfill.

    Great question.

  • 5 years ago

    In Southern California, they are trying to make plastic bags illegal (in a sense) because they keep ending up in the ocean and are harming many species of aquatic life. If their legislation passes, we will have to pay for plastic bags if that's what we want to use. Reusing plastic bags IS an option... most grocery stores will give you a five cent credit for each bag you reuse at the register. Many grocery stores also offer recycling of the plastic bags. Reuse them until they can't be anymore and then recycle them. Paper bags, of course, come from trees, but contain a lot of post consumer recycled material and are still also reusable in many, many ways. When they can't be reused any more, they can also be recycled. Paper bags don't harm the environment if they are left to blow around in the wind. They will eventually decompose (in months) and go back into the earth, replenishing the soil. Plastic will degrade, but it is not good for the soil and takes many years. I hope this helped you.

  • 1 decade ago

    Very toxic.

    Plastic contains over 120 different toxic chemicals including petroleum by-products and dioxin (deadly). When you burn them, you release them into the atmosphere in a highly toxic manner. You are better off recycling.

    Fabric and other hosehold items like carpeting contain formaldyhyde and other deadly chemicals.

    All of those items can and should be recycled.

  • 1 decade ago

    Burning of these items will results in emission of green house gases, especially carbon dioxide. Elevated amount of CO2 will increase global mean temperature and result in global warming. It is definitely more toxic to the environment! Therefore, bioremediation is another alternative to handle these wastes.

  • 1 decade ago

    Kitchen trash can be used as compost!

    Paper and fabrics burn easily in a contain drum with a lid with a hole.

    Plastic, is melted and reused for other container i.e. bottles, etc... Not all goes to the land fill! Go as green as you can, do your share!

  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago


    Source(s): Nice Woodworking Plans
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