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Muslims.. Allah of Ramadan?

Isn't He سبحانه و تعالى the Same God of the rest of the year? Look at your answers here:;_ylt=Amg6f...

Why can't we be always like that? Ramadan, Shawal, or any other month?

Can we give it a try...?

Muslim brothers and Sisters: Ramadan Karim :)


That's Good brother Ishfaq.. Hopefully all people understand that we are all brothers and sisters at the end.. No Need to kill each other, or abuse each other.. Thank you...

10 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Allah swt. is All-Wise, who created the differences in levels, temporatures, times and places.

    Difference of day and night, black and white, rich and poor, innocents and criminals,

    If we were supposed to sleep all the time or awake all the time, hungry all the time or full stomach all the time, ....

    What the hell our life would be in such cases.

    If the whole year would be like Ramadan, how we would differenciate in the excess of mercies and blessings of Allah swt. that we experience in Ramadan.

    Can you imagin if all surfaces of the earth become levelled, with no heights of mountains and no depths in the oceans, All surface of earth would have 4 kilometer high water every where. As the water of oceans would spread every where equally.

    So the differences and different levels in society are very much essential in human life to maintain the motion of life and a balance in society.

    When we design a housing scheme, in rich areas we place housings for poors as well. to maintain balance.

    The rich countries where every one is rich they are in big trouble to hire the poor people from other countries to work for them.

    If every day is like first of Shawwaal, how we would feel the difference on eid ul Fitr and other days of the year.

    Muslims are divided in sects, it is due to some wisedom of Allah swt. otherwise it is not difficult for Allah swt. to make all of us Ehlal Sunnah the true Muslims.

    The rope of Allah, as mentioned in Qura'n, is combination of several threads tide up in the same direction, the path of Islam.

    Like a road may have different lanes, but leading towards the same destination.

    Ramadan Kareem to all the Muslims.

  • 1 decade ago

    Brother, in Ramadan rewards (hasanat) are multiplied by 10, that's why people are recommended to worship God more in this Holy month. This does not mean that God should be any less worshiped or neglected in other months, but in Ramadan, Muslims should put aside other things that are not very necessary and open up their hearts to God.

    God chose Ramadan to reveal his Holy religion to our leader and teacher Muhammad (PBUH). It is the month where people can easily get rid of their (Saye'at) and gain more (hasanat). This is the month where Satan & his army are in chains. This is the month in which it contains a night, better than a thousand nights (Laylat Al Qadr). Pray, read the Qur'an, feed the poor, visit your relatives, be good to your Parents, be kind to your neighbours, spend some money in the name of Allah ..... etc. & when Ramadan is over, fast six days of Shawal where God will count as if you have fasted for a whole year. This is Allah the Almighty. He forgives whoever he wants. May Allah have mercy on us all. Amen.

    Source(s): Words of a proud Muslim
  • 1 decade ago

    the purpose of month of Ramadan is exactly what you say, brother. Referring to verse 183 in Surah Al-Baqarah we find that Allah has made Ramadan so that Muslims may become Mutaqun.

    May Allah take us to the right way in Ramadan and all over the year, Amen.

  • 1 decade ago

    Insha'Allah this Ummah will come together as it should be as One Ummah of Muslims. If Muslims can simplify their lives and needs and be less worldly so their heart will fully embrace pure Islam and be a fountain of that love that is pure Islam to touch upon all with the grace of Allah subhana wa ta'ala. I pray for this. Ramadam Kareem also to you brother and to all brothers and sisters in Islam.


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  • 1 decade ago

    krishna ramadan for a muslim is not about not eating from dawn till dusk im not even going to explain on here what its about you should do some research before throwing lillte taunts at poeple

    ramadan :i hope inshallah allah gives us the strength toi carry out this month with every true meaning that it represents and to keep on this meaning for the rest of the year also ameen

  • 1 decade ago

    Practices during Ramadhan represent what we should do for the rest of the year, esp in terms of restraining our lust and desire while working our deeds towards Allah's pleasure.

    Muslim Brotherhood (/Sisterhood) is something we should hold for the rest of our life, not only once a month.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    because some of us are "seasonal muslims", notice that during ramadan, the masjid is full during all prayers, but at any other time in the rest of the year, theres only about 2-3 lines of people..

  • 1 decade ago

    Masha Allah Brother!

    May Allah bless you in your effort.

    May Allah guide us all and give us patience to deal with one another.


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    "Muslims have brotherhood" and their family is not limited to time and space. It is for ever, for every place.

    Source(s): religion
  • 1 decade ago

    Allah (God) is one in all occasions ..

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