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Girls if you could mold a guy's personality?

What things would you want him to have?

sense of humor?






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30 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    What do you mean "if" they could? That's about all they ever try to do.

    That's like saying "Girls, if you could have two eyes and a mouth, what would you like them to look like?".

    Additional: At least I'm honest about it, afterbirth07.

    The difference between men and women concerning what they want from each other when forming a relationship:

    Men will tend to see the woman for who she is and want her to at least stay that way or not lose that part of herself. They don't mind if she becomes more than she was as a person, they just want the woman they started with to still be there in some way.

    Women will tend to see the man for what he might become or what they want him to become, and not for who he is at the moment. They don't want him to remain as he is, and often don't even know who he really is because of this. This is why women become so disappointed with men, because they don't see the person they are and are frustrated when they don't become the person they desired.

  • 1 decade ago

    A great personality, a good sense of humor, most people think they have a sense of humor, but a truly good sense of humor is treasured. On the manly part, of course no matter how tough we (GIRLS) maybe we all want someone to make us feel safe and protected not to be mistaken with taken care of, you can be manly and protective without making us feel like damsels in distress. Some girly features are okay, we all want a man who takes pride in his appreance no one wants to date someone who always look like a bum. I think that also covers the stylish part. Rough that varies from girl to girl I think as long as he is up front about the things he can and can't do it would be fine. But abouve all A HONEST MAN is something every girl wants always remember that!!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I think that I dont want to mould a personality because people are all very complex and different. A sense of humour, but not too ott and making jokes of everything. I like a bit of manly, but not to grrr, but a bit of sensitive is nice, but not toooo much. Just so that a man can recognise when i need a bit of sympathy. I suppose that a little bit of what yu like does everyone good doesnt it.

  • 1 decade ago

    1] Cute/Hot outer appearance. 2] Very kind and caring personality 3]Trust 4]Great sense of humor 5] Enough toughness to stand up for himself or me. 6]Honesty 7]nice smile 7]Manners!

    There are more traits but what I've listed are the most wanted for my fantasy guy =)

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  • 1 decade ago

    1. Honesty

    2. Sense of Humor / Make me Laugh

    3. Loyal

    4. Dependant

    5. A great friend.

    I don't care about looks! You can change a mans clothes, but not his character.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    A good sense of humour, hes got to make you laugh, you have to feel comfortable around him and not feel forced to do things that you dont want to do, he has to be able to talk and express his feelings, he has to be manly but still sensitive to the girls needs, he has to appreciate feelings and what the girl does for him, he has to treat her well and compliment her, he has to look after her and make her feel safe, he has to be trusting and trustworthy, a little jelousy on both parts is good because it keeps the relationship fresh, he has to be friends with her as well as a boyfriend, he has to provide for her, he has to commit, he has to talk about the future, he has to be gentle with her, he has to take interest in things she likes (and so does she in things he likes) basically be her friend but also show her love and attention, he also has to show how he feels to other and accept her the way she is. these are nearly all things that work both ways!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    What things would you want him to have?

    sense of humor? yes

    religious? some what

    manly? yeah!!!

    girly? nonono

    stylish? somewhat

    rough? yeah!!!

    person with the best answer gets best answer.

  • 1 decade ago

    I would like to think the following isn't asking for too much.

    Honest, Loyal, Respectful, Funny, Enlightning, Inspirational, Athletic, Intelligent, Independent, Successful (doesn't HAVE to be rich), I want someone that would excel where I lack.

    I just want a man that would be my bestfriend. The one I can run to when I'm sad or down...Has to have a back bone and would not put up with disrespect...I like a man who can handle his business!

    Oh...and STRONG libido. Just gotta if you're gonna be with me.

  • 1 decade ago

    i would want him to have a great personality, treat me right, be nice, kind, funny, always funny guys get my attention, and not really immature, i like a guy thats playful and that i can have fun with.

    they MUST have a sense of humor

    it dosnt really matter to me about religion

    yes, manly

    in the girly part, i want someone who i can talk to, but not like really girly, i dont want him to cry over little things or nothing

    i dont like the wife beater things, dont like flip flops, they have to have the good looking jeans, shirts that arnt really tight, not the type that makes them look gay, but shows what kind of body they have, just normal shirts, and not baggy ones

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    same sense of humor as me gets my jokes, fools around and can have a good time

    religion i like any but i like them torespect my beleifs!

    i like skinny manley men that look akward wen waiting for you outside the changing room! y do they always put the underwear near there?

    stylish .. has to like abercrombie

    not rough just plain sweet!

    offers to pay for things eg movies etc

    good looking

    tall oreder i know!

    but of course no ones perfect i like flaws

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