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Lv 43,797 points

jared l

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  • Girls if you could mold a guy's personality?

    What things would you want him to have?

    sense of humor?






    person with the best answer gets best answer.

    30 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Women are you proud of Hillary Clinton?

    I know women who are better than Hillary Clinton, and Hillary doesnt represent the females well at all. She is robotic, contentious, faultful, hippocritical, stubborn, and b*tchy. If you are proud of that, then you might be a feminist, lesbian, or a dumb idiot. Give me 5, no... that might be impossible give me 2 examples what qualities Hillary has over Mitt Romney.


    1.Mitt Romney is charitable and donated hundreds of thousands of dollars if not millions to charities.

    Hillary not even close

    2. Mitt cares about American people and doesnt allow Amnesty. Hillary doesnt care and will do anything to make the economy go up.

    3. Mitt trust the people with low taxes to make small government, Hillary doesnt trust anyone and makes big government with higher taxes.

    4. Mitt admits his mistakes for being pro-life, Hillary voted for the war and Patriot act twice and blamed it on Bush and Cheney.

    Stuff like that.

    6 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Why should I vote for Ron Paul?

    When I picture Hillary vs Ron. I see Ron getting ran over because Hillary is a woman, Democrat, more agressive and assertive.

    He allows gay marriages.

    He has the weakest military views on fighting terrorism.

    His debate performances are rated worse and worse everytime, from CNN.

    He came in 5th in the Ames straw polls bought a big fraction of the dinner tickets to get voted costing ~ $17,500 just on that.

    He is behind Mitt Romney, John McCain, Rudy Giulliani, Fred Thompson, Mike Huckabee, Sam Brownback, and Tom Toncredo in either from Ames straw poll or National polls. Making him 8th place in running for the nomination.

    His economic stances are weak compared to Republicans such as Mitt Romney, and Democrats such as Barrack Obama.

    Hannity asked Ron if he would help a country if it was being raped, burned, and pillaged. Ron says, 'We HAVE BEFORE!"

    My current canidate i support is Mitt Romney, because i think he will get the nomination and his views are near the same as mine.

    16 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Ames Straw Poll?

    Mitt Romney won the straw poll and almost doubled the guy who came in secound. (Mike Huckabee), The greatest difference between the 1st and 2nd canidates.

    Oh yeah for Ron Paul supporters, he came in 5th with 1305 votes. Also he spent $17,500 of your money on dinner tickets for the straw poll, still came in 5th. That's probably like 1/4 of his total campain money.

    How do you feel about this?

    10 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Ok boys and girls?

    What strong morals and values do Democrats have that a Republican does not? lol.

    Please compare:

    Hillary Clinton Dem Nominee to Mitt Romney Rep Nominee.

    (from the growth in support from graphs and numbers; money, organization, and debates. Romney will take the Rep Nominee, give me the benefit of the doubt that he will be, for the sake of this question.)

    Take your time to get back to me, if you lie i'll give you a thumbs down!

    P.S if you think this is judging people tell me qualities that Hillary has, that Romney does not. for example

    1.Romney has had a solid trust and relationship with his wife, and Hillary has had her husband cheat on her.

    2.Romney is humble and admits his biggest mistake was being pro life. Hillary is hard hearted says she was tricked for voting for the war twice and thinks she is perfect.

    3.Romney values the people of America and gives low taxes. Hillary does not value them and gives high taxes.

    If you want more examples type 111

    5 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Is this true?

    Republicans are real and complex

    1. Staying in the war because of information from General Petreaus saying there is hope. It is moral hence Iraqi Freedom. Soldiers are not dieing for nothing, they are dieing to save a whole entire country.

    2. Against Amnesty. It's immoral letting people who sneak in citizenship and not allow people who have been waiting for years citizenship. It also takes away jobs, and raises taxes.

    3. Gay Marriage. This is just furthering immorality. More? It's false living, unstable, abomination, unresponsible, and destroys oppurtunities.

    Democrats are wishy washy, light minded, immoral.

    1. Out of Iraq because people want to. We will sit down and talk with Iraq.

    2. Lets allow Amnesty so our economy will grow, supply and demand. more demand = more supplies.

    3. Why not?

    Alot of other things i can mention but I'm out of room. So someone proove me wrong, or be a Republican, no siding with both.

    Prove me wrong on any of these things.

    8 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Girls does this matter?

    I wear whatever i am comfortable in even in public. I'll walk around in basketball shorts and a shirt that says dunk on it, or a shirt that says Canada on it.

    Some girls/women say i look like i just woke up and threw stuff I wore yesterday on.

    My hair is a medium cut and it's very thick. I wake up take a shower and leave it. People say i have bed head some people say it's stylish. lol....

    Girls do you care about what a guy wears? Should i get some bling like earings? should i get a collared shirt? cargo pants that say abercombie on it?

    I'm concerned that what i wear affects my game. But I think it filters out the stuck up ones, and it's COMFORTABLE!.

    1. Tell me why I should dress better,

    2. and if I should dress better what should I wear?

    I probably will walk in basketball shorts until someone convinces me otherwise.

    3. tell me what are the mininum requirements for your boyfriend on wearing clothes.

    14 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style1 decade ago
  • Why would you vote Fred Thompson?

    If you are a Republican, his resume isnt as good as the other canidates, he isnt as smart as the other canidates, and he has had relation problems in the past. I dont see him as a true conservative, i think Ron Paul is more of a conservative than him. No i wont be voting Ron Paul either, but just as an example. He isnt charismatic especially for being an actor. He looks like an old baseball mit. He doesnt even look friendly. He will do nothing for the enviroment, for example he is very skepitcal that global warming is real and caused by humans. He has few stances on issues. He bent the political actions committee so his son can have smuggled cuban cigars. He flip flopped 2 times on pro choice, instead of Romney changing it once. He says he is all about Federalism, but doesnt always go by it like a hippocrit. Please tell me why in the world you would pick Fred Thompson over another Rep canidate. My pick is Mitt Romney, so if you want to bash my canidate, go for it.

    5 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Why are you a Democrat?

    im a Republican. i see all of the Republican views to go with mine.

    Democrats tell me why?

    1. you think teaching kindergarteners sex education is nessasary.

    2. Raising taxes, Hillary and Barrack signed a bill last month stating they will raise taxes by $4500 if elected. So dont tell me otherwise

    3. Limiting our freedoms, making more laws federal.

    4. Amnesty, raise our taxes for tens of millions of illegal aliens to gain citizenship, to take our jobs, our education, and other benefits of being a citizen. Why does someone who snuck in get citizenship faster than someone that has been waiting for years?

    5. Same sex marraige. why do you as a person agree that it's great for people of the same sex to get married? Why cant people screw animals and dead people if they use protection?

    6. Against the war, when your nominee voted for it? and voted the PATRIOT act twice.

    7. How are you proud of being a Democrat?

    8.ill answer everything, and report you if you get out of line.

    7 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Why do majority of blacks support Democrats?

    They limit your choices more by being "big government" and they raise your taxes even to the poor. Hillary and Obama signed a bill last month stating that if elected that they will raise taxes by $4500. Tell me why you like the Democrats and ill respond to your answers, in extra info. Have backing to your answer or else ill make fun of you. lol.

    9 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Hillary Clinton?

    If you vote for her i think your either immoral, lack knowledge, dumb, or someone is bribing you. Automatically no way around it.

    What will Hillary Clinton give back? try denying anything i say

    supports homosexuality by allowing gay marriages

    supports Amnesty

    supports Social groups

    guarenteed Raising Taxes

    will leave War on Terrorism and taxes will still go up.

    Voted for the war and the PATRIOT ACT twice, then blaming it all on Bush, Cheney and the people of the U.S. Only to oppose it for her popularity.

    Made racist statements such as "if more middle aged white women had HIV instead of blacks, there would be an uproar"

    She made statements toward teenagers and kids how they are punks and dont work hard.

    A person who wrote an biography on her making it onesided for her even admited that she is robotic when she is alone.

    Her husband cheated on her, doesnt that say anything at all?

    Supporters proove me wrong, if you cant and you still support her then you are what i said u r

    11 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Why do vote Ron Paul?

    He doesnt have a chance. =(

    Why not vote for Mitt?

    11 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Hillary Clinton?

    If you vote for her i think your either immoral, lack knowledge, dumb, or someone is bribing you. Automatically no way around it.

    What will Hillary Clinton give back? try denying anything i say

    supports homosexuality by allowing gay marriages

    supports Amnesty

    supports Social groups

    guarenteed Raising Taxes

    will leave War on Terrorism and taxes will still go up.

    Voted for the war and the PATRIOT ACT twice, then blaming it all on Bush, Cheney and the people of the U.S. Only to oppose it for her popularity.

    Made racist statements such as "if more middle aged white women had HIV instead of black, there would be an uproar"

    She made statements toward teenagers and kids how they are punks and dont work hard.

    A person who wrote an biography on her making it onesided for her even admited that she is robotic when she is alone.

    Her husband cheated on her, doesnt that say anything at all?

    Supporters proove me wrong, if you cant and you still support her then you are what i said u r

    15 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Why would you vote for Fred Thompson?

    If you are a Republican, his resume isnt as good as the other canidates, he isnt as smart as the other canidates, and he has had relation problems in the past. I dont see him as a true conservative, i think Ron Paul is more of a conservative than him. No i wont be voting Ron Paul either, but just as an example. He isnt charismatic especially for being an actor. He looks like an old baseball mit. He doesnt even look friendly. He will do nothing for the enviroment, for example he is very skepitcal that global warming is real and caused by humans. He has few stances on issues. He bent the political actions committee so his son can have smuggled cuban cigars. He flip flopped 2 times on pro choice, instead of Romney changing it once. He says he is all about Federalism, but doesnt always go by it like a hippocrit. Please tell me why in the world you would pick Fred Thompson over another Rep canidate. My pick is Mitt Romney, so if you want to bash my canidate, go for it.

    10 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Would you vote for Hillary?

    how could you vote for same sex marraige and not animal screwing? is one more unnatural than the other? or is something true or false? are they both false? is a man screwing another man natural? tell me how you can vote for one but not another?

    Tell me about Amnesty, why do you want illegal aliens to become citizens and raise taxes for health care and other citizen's rights? They are invaders=enroaching=passing boundries.

    Tell me whats wrong with Mitt Romney's stands and get back to me. Dont tell me he is a flip flopper. I have things that Hillary flip flopped on, Obama Flip flopped on, Edwards flipped flopped on, Fred Thompson flip flopped on. Tell me whats wrong with his stands.

    Thank you.

    15 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Im not sure i have ever felt this way before.?

    I think i feel lonely im not sure, i dont know if i have ever felt like this before. what do you do to make it go away?

    15 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • How do you get your motor going?

    When you wake up how do you get your brain thinking? because im alway way mellow and reserved in the morning, but it comes to night, im intense and sharp.

    5 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • Do you know the cure?

    It's summer time and i really havnt accomplished much at all, and i feel like crap everyday. What is the cure?

    11 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • Would you vote for Mitt Romney?

    I'm tell you right now I would. Tell me a better canidate and why or if you agree say why. Compare Canidates, Bush is not a canidate. Saying someone is intelligent without any backing makes you a gullable naive idiot. Give some reasons why.

    Seriously, i posted this and a Hillary supported said, im voting for Hillary because she is intellgent, how? she is like a hawk. you sound really stupid.

    Ok enough of beating the horse. Lets get it on!

    7 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Would you vote for Hillary?

    how could you vote for same sex marraige and not animal screwing? is one more unnatural than the other? or is something true or false? are they both false? is a man screwing another man natural? tell me how you can vote for one but not another?

    Tell me about Amnesty, why do you want illegal aliens to become citizens and raise taxes for health care and other citizen's rights? They are invaders=enroaching=passing boundries.

    Tell me whats wrong with Mitt Romney's stands and get back to me. Dont tell me he is a flip flopper. I have things that Hillary flip flopped on, Obama Flip flopped on, Edwards flipped flopped on, Fred Thompson flip flopped on. Tell me whats wrong with his stands.

    Thank you.

    15 AnswersElections1 decade ago