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jared l asked in Social SciencePsychology · 1 decade ago

Do you know the cure?

It's summer time and i really havnt accomplished much at all, and i feel like crap everyday. What is the cure?

11 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Start with the little stuff, a shower counts as an accomplishment.

    You could try picturing what you want your summer to look like, then pick the most doable of this "perfect summer" and go for it. The more you do the more you'll want to do.

    Ultimately it's your life and you will have to decide to do something.

  • You too eh?

    On my tough days like that I usually set my mind to do one thing either dishes and or laundry our something and I ignore everything that will distract me until I get the job done.. usually I end up doing more things but then I eventually fall back down and read a book or sit in front of the computer...there is no cure as it has to come from you but if you fell you need help doing to the doctor and getting some anti depressants might help.

    Start a journal and write at the beginning of each morning to see what mood ur in as soon as you wake up and then when you fell down again write and figure out what caused it and try to work on that so it won't be a problem in the future...

    Just getting up and doing something helps even if you wait till the end of the day to just talk a walk. Or even a cruise.

  • 1 decade ago

    A shower starts as an accomplishment?!

    Wow, I am the most accomplished man in the world!!!

    To be honest, try not to feel like crap everyday. Work hard towards accomplishments you set yourself, and if you make them - fantastic- and if not you will be better at the activities you have worked on

  • gma
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Have you changed your sleeping habits lately?That could be why you don't feel so good. Try getting to bed at the same time every night and up the next day at the same time every day. Get a schedule going for yourself with sleep and during the day and that'll help sooooo much. Spend time in the sun to help elevate your mood. Cut down on fast food and sugar. Drink more water. Hope you feel better soon!!

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  • 1 decade ago

    I can tell you what I have done for my son, he was feeling pretty much the same way you are describing; I enrolled him in a summer program with our Church and I checked with our local community center and library, they have tons of summer programs available, all free! We live close to the beach, and have many parks in the area so we take advantage of those as well. It's amazing what keeping busy can do for your self esteem and sense of worth. Get outside and get busy! If your not the outdoor type, check with your local city or township for any programs, or better yet, volunteer your services. I am guessing you are young, volunteering is a terrific way to give of yourself and it looks great on college apps! Good luck to you!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Go out and do something! Go to the park and ride or bike or walk a nature trail. Spend some time in the yard maybe planting flowers or other plants. Invite your friends over and have a party on the hood of the car. Stare up at the stars at night, ect. the list goes on. Point being GET OUT OF THE HOUSE.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yo jared l,

    Get a job or join a school activity. I was in the '300 mile' club in cross country in high school my freshman and sophomore year and worked the other summers.

    Find something significant to do, and then concentrate on your friends.

    Get yourself out of the house by playing basketball or going for walks during downtimes.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Do something. Produce someting good. Help someone. Achieve a dream. Whatever. If you are not doing anything with your life then you are going to feel awful. Its just a fact. It may seem easy to be lazy, but it will make you miserable in short order. Even just tidying your house is better than sitting on your butt doing nothing.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    you should go to the park or even to the movies by yourself or maybe even shopping... i know those are all girly things but maybe while you're doing them you'll meet a girl and then you can pay attention to her the rest of the summer. you could even treat yourself to a nice dinner or go to the bar and socialize if you're old enough!! just get out there and meet some new people

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Goals take time to reach be patient and consistent you will arrive at some point. Heat usually takes fluids and energy from the body,replenish fluids and take vitamins.and eat good foods.

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