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jared l asked in Politics & GovernmentElections · 1 decade ago

Why do majority of blacks support Democrats?

They limit your choices more by being "big government" and they raise your taxes even to the poor. Hillary and Obama signed a bill last month stating that if elected that they will raise taxes by $4500. Tell me why you like the Democrats and ill respond to your answers, in extra info. Have backing to your answer or else ill make fun of you. lol.



It is simple becuase Republicans hate blacks and Demorcrats want them to have more rights and there are more blacks in that party. Mo blacks Mo money, I got money in the bank!

You sound like a three year old learning how to speak its first words.

Update 2:

nite scope, what are they?

Update 3:



"i am suprised and happy to see children of poor people make to healm of a better life for them and there children."

What do Democrats do to help that? Raise taxes, take rights away? Do you think the taxes go back to the poor or something?

Secoundly im not racist, your racist on insisting that i want a lexus with a sunroof.

I think everyone who is a Democrat is a burden to soceity. Taking my rights away and making me pay high taxes for it.

You never stood in line for handouts, good! but other black have before! If you dont believe in that crap, then why the hell are you a Democrat?

Democrats help the rich stay rich, the middle stay middle, and the poor stay poor. They make it more difficult for the poor to get richer. Republicans make it easier for the poor to get more money. you are confused! try to proove me wrong on that.

9 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    screw you, i am from a red state texas to be exact i have gone through some of the worst displays of the good ole boys system. which the rep. assholes hold true and dear. just to start off i grew up on welfare, i am not on it now i make about 50-60k per year in a place where the median income is 20k,not anything to brag about but i feel that in texas and so much in U.S. it is about who you know and not how much you know,that predisposes people to the choices they make be it political or in life. I am a dem. and liberal for as long as i live even if i make 250k a year because i feel for the real people in general, i am not suprised by a son of a lawyer or a doctor that gets into college and fullfills his or her dreams. i am suprised and happy to see children of poor people make to healm of a better life for them and there children. and to the crap that was said about handouts thats bullshit and you know it those people pay their fair share of taxes. be it sales and their paycheck. i hate that how americans thumb thier noses at others like they are so much better. you guys need to get a freakin grip on whats really going on, your up hear whining about how you cant get the lexus with the sunroof,because you are too busy funding freeloaders. what kind of crap is that. you guys make it seem like america was made for you ,AND YOU ONLY ! ohh i for got if you want to make this generlized to the black community i wanna clear your vision a little are you going by what somone tells you or facts that black people are standing in line for "your" handouts,uhh give me some damn documentation where it says that black people are a ******* burden to your community, and i will give you one that say just as many white people are on as black and in some cases more. i am so tired of this crap when somone says welfare people somehow attribute it to black people! for one thing i never have standed in line for you ******* money even back when i made 5.75 an hr and worked as a demeaning cart atted for a dep store and i had a child and wife to help take care while i was in school.

    Source(s): myself , screw you if you dont like it
  • 5 years ago

    I do not know why that is seeing that Republicans have performed a lot more for blacks than Dems. Abe Lincoln and Martin Luther King, Jr. had been each Republicans, and I consider that they and Booker T. Washington might be SO disenchanted with what's going on at present. Booker T. Washington headquartered Tuskegee Institute in order that black persons might emerge as expert and ethical in order that they might bigger exist with others and be victorious. These nice guys might absolutely no longer advertise welfare, because the Dems do.

  • 1 decade ago

    If you’re asking for a personal view?

    I wouldn't have either one.....

    Democrats or Rep.

    This last election between Bush & Albert Arnold "Al" Gore, Jr.

    "I just had to put in his whole name".

    "One had to vote for one of the "lesser evils".

    But to your question....

    I'm a Republican {? correct spelling}....

    I think that this question could be better answered by the following:


    2.Jesse Jackson


    3.AL Sharpton

    And believe it or not...

    It all started when the government started handing out...

    Free meal tickets in schools


    The relax or easily way for most to receive foodstamps

    back in the early going of the 1960's.....

    Big Government can take care of everything even feed, dress, and house & take care of your medical bills. Have money left over to purchase gold rings, necklaces’ & etc. Even the one through there noses'.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    It's simple, Democracts push for equality.

    In the 1950's and 60's it was Democrats that pushed for equal rights for African Americans. It was then that many conservative Democrats at the time switched to the Republican party because they felt that the Democrats no longer represented their views. Demorcats are not giving tax cuts to the nation's rich. The Democrats are for change for the better America.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    That's a good question. It seems to me on political terms, black people stab those who want to help in the back. Look at Abraham Lincoln. He was a Republican and he freed them from slavery. You would think blacks would like Republicans, wouldn't you?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It is simple becuase Republicans hate blacks and Demorcrats want them to have more rights and there are more blacks in that party. Mo blacks Mo money, I got money in the bank!

  • 1 decade ago

    There programs for benefit's for the poor.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    the democrats create huge social programs promoting keeping the poor where they food a monthly gov. check...handouts...the dems say they want to fight poverty??? what a gigantic joke.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Democrats have a history of promising handouts to the black community. All such social programs have failed.

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