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jared l asked in Politics & GovernmentElections · 1 decade ago

Why should I vote for Ron Paul?

When I picture Hillary vs Ron. I see Ron getting ran over because Hillary is a woman, Democrat, more agressive and assertive.

He allows gay marriages.

He has the weakest military views on fighting terrorism.

His debate performances are rated worse and worse everytime, from CNN.

He came in 5th in the Ames straw polls bought a big fraction of the dinner tickets to get voted costing ~ $17,500 just on that.

He is behind Mitt Romney, John McCain, Rudy Giulliani, Fred Thompson, Mike Huckabee, Sam Brownback, and Tom Toncredo in either from Ames straw poll or National polls. Making him 8th place in running for the nomination.

His economic stances are weak compared to Republicans such as Mitt Romney, and Democrats such as Barrack Obama.

Hannity asked Ron if he would help a country if it was being raped, burned, and pillaged. Ron says, 'We HAVE BEFORE!"

My current canidate i support is Mitt Romney, because i think he will get the nomination and his views are near the same as mine.


people use backing dont say garbage to me like: He knows the truth!1!!!

16 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You should vote for Ron Paul because,

    He has never voted to raise taxes.

    He has never voted for an unbalanced budget.

    He has never voted for a federal restriction on gun ownership.

    He has never voted to raise congressional pay.

    He has never taken a government-paid junket.

    He has never voted to increase the power of the executive branch.

    He voted against the Patriot Act.

    He voted against regulating the Internet.

    He voted against the Iraq war.

    He does not participate in the lucrative congressional pension program.

    He returns a portion of his annual congressional office budget to the U.S. treasury every year.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    i visit be because of the fact he choose's to quit sending 18-20 3 hundred and sixty 5 days olds over to die interior the middle east. He choose's to help cut down the expansion of government and reign in debt. Ron Paul has been an recommend for ending the Federal Reserve, which after pushing for Audit (headed by utilising him)... It grew to become into desperate they have been lending funds to banks and companies and different what authority do they function below? especially because of the fact i think of he will carry stability... to not left to not suited... he's calling out for me and not lobbies, government bureaucry or companies.

  • 1 decade ago

    Ron Paul is simply fighting for your constitutional rights,and since the major media networks are owned by the people who control the central bank,the federal reserve,and the I.R.S.,they do not want him to become president.Why?Because they would immediately be thrown out of the government.Our founding fathers of this great country wrote the constitution for a reason,and that is simply,to protect the rights and freedom of its citizens.Andrew Jackson fought to keep these crooked thieves out of government,but apparently came up short.And those are the same people that create terrorism.These are efforts on their part,so they can have another reason to declare martial law,so they can take away our right to bear arms.The whole reason our founding fathers gave us the right to bear arms was,if our government did not do what the people wanted them to do we could take up our arms to remove those from office.It is funny though,this is the only site that Ron Paul isn't leading the straw poll....I guess we know now who controls this site now,don't we?But please tell me,why wouldn't you want someone to be president that wants to do away with income taxes,or rather the stealing of money,which is illegal anyway,according to the U.S. Constitution?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I don't think you'll have to worry about Ron Paul. I don't think he'll make it to the final elections. For one thing, he has no publicity. I had never heard of him until these questions on Y!A. Second of all, he's up against Romney and Guliani. He doesn't stand much of a chance.

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  • 1 decade ago

    The way to cut terrorism off at the knees is for us to mind our own business. It is the Neo Cons that have brought terrorism to our shores. They have involved us in other people's wars.

    Ron Paul is for a strong defense. But he is not for an aggressive foreign policy that keeps perpetual no-win wars going on forever. Look at what the Neo Cons have done. Are you proud of them?

    We need to restore Constitutional government, and Ron Paul is the only one to do it. We need to dump our lawless politicians. We need to restore the Bill of Rights. We need to repeal the USA PATRIOT Act, and all the Nazi, police state legislation the Neo Cons have saddled us with.

  • 1 decade ago

    The best reason was stated above:

    "He believes in abolishing most of the federal government, and in withdrawing American participation from most international treaties and organizations, all under the banner of conforming with the Constitution."

    Source(s): Adam B
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I'll give you my view on some of the things you pointed out:

    ~I don't care if gay people get married. (As the Simpsons would say, they have as much right to be miserable as the rest of us.)

    ~Military? Bush won and he's the one that chucked us into this war.

    ~Yeah, he's unpopular. Your point? I can't change that, and neither can you unless you're Oprah or something.

    I don't think Ron will get the nomination because he's a closet Liberatarian. But keep it hush-hush.


    Dr. Salsa Samwich, Ph D, M D, Shoe Genie

    Source(s): My own personal kraniumkadoo (that means brain =+D)
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Why vote for Ron Paul? the truth is not matter what i tell you is going to make you listen but honestly i, as a teenager am proud to say i can vote for ron paul in '08. hes a man of the people. the only president i have witnessed thus far that actually gives a **** about the people he is backing up. ron paul will save the united states.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You are right to distrust Ron Paul. He's a highly irresponsible character. He believes in abolishing most of the federal government, and in withdrawing American participation from most international treaties and organizations, all under the banner of conforming with the Constitution.

    I don't care for Romney myself, but I think you should vote for the person whose views you support, not the one that you think will win anyway. This isn't supposed to be a popularity contest.

  • 1 decade ago

    Stick to your choice. I'm waiting for Jerome Corsi to throw his hat into the ring as a third party candidate.

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