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Retired military, musician, social critic, pistol shooter, advocate a return to Constitutional government and a return to a gold-backed dollar. The essence of freedom is the limitation of government. Big government is corrupt government. Freedom is contingent on responsible actions. Treat others the way you want to be treated.

  • Do you support one of these Political Prostitutes for President?

    Here is a list of donation they have accepted from special interests. They have already compromised their integrity.


    Contributions from Selected Industries

    Display: Lobbyists

    Hillary Clinton (D) $567,950

    John McCain (R) $340,365

    Christopher J. Dodd (D) $233,875

    Mitt Romney (R) $229,475

    Rudolph W. Giuliani (R) $212,100

    Bill Richardson (D) $134,950

    Joseph R. Biden Jr. (D) $114,460

    Fred Thompson (R) $90,000

    Barack Obama (D) $76,859

    Duncan Hunter (R) $30,900

    John Edwards (D) $18,900

    Sam Brownback (R) $17,225

    Mike Huckabee (R) $6,964

    Tom Tancredo (R) $250

    You will notice RON PAUL is not on that list. He has raised more money this quarter than any other Republican. He has received more contributions form active and retired military personnel (including me). But all of his donations come from individuals, not special interests, not China.

    Does this fact influence how you will vote?

    10 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Have you ever noticed how our Ministry of Propaganda (also known as mainstream media) operate?

    For example, their terminology and choice of words betray their bias. Take for example: the Gun Lobby. Why do they refer to Americans who are concerned with a provision of the Bill of Rights, a lobby? Who is it that is lobbying? Americans fighting to preserve one of their Constitutional Rights, or special interests that are working to undermine them?

    12 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • What do you gun control advocates make of this?

    © 2007

    A deeply troubled and disgruntled foreign student runs afoul of college authorities.

    He comes to the Virginia campus armed and starts shooting in one building.

    But, unlike the massacre at Virginia Tech last week, the damage was contained in this incident that occurred five years ago, before the state legislature banned guns on college campuses.

    (Story continues below)

    Peter Odighizuwa

    On Jan. 16, 2002, Peter Odighizuwa, a 43-year-old student from Nigeria, walked into the Appalachian School of Law offices of Dean Anthony Sutin, 42, a former acting assistant U.S. attorney, and professor Thomas Blackwell, 41, and opened fire with a .380 ACP semi-automatic handgun – shooting them at close range.

    Also killed in the same building was student Angela Denise Dales, 33. Three others were wounded.

    As soon as the gunfire erupted, two students acting independently of one another, Tracy Bridges and Mikael Gross, ran to their vehicles to retrieve firearms. Gross, an off-duty police officer in his home state of North Carolina, got his 9mm pistol and body armor. Bridges got out his .357 Magnum.

    Bridges and Gross went back to the building where the shots were heard and as Odighizuwa exited, they approached from different angles. Bridges yelled for him to drop his weapon and the shooter was subdued by several unarmed students.

    Gross went back to his car and got handcuffs to detain the shooter until police arrived.

    Most news reports of the incident failed to mention the presence of two armed students and their role in subduing the shooter, saying only that he was tackled by bystanders.

    Odighizuwa was tried for the murders and sentenced to multiple life terms in prison.

    Virginia Tech, like many of the nation's schools and college campuses, is a so-called "gun-free zone," which Second Amendment supporters say invites gun violence – especially from disturbed individuals seeking to kill as many victims as possible.

    Foreign-born student Cho Seung-Hui murdered 32 and wounded another 15 before turning his gun on himself.

    A year earlier, the Virginia legislature banned all guns on campus in the interest of safety.

    5 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Do evolutionists believe that we all have a common human ancestor?

    Do people who subscribe to evolution believe that we are all humanly related, or do they think that people evolved from more than one protohuman? If evolution is an ongoing process, doesn't it seem logical that the genetic mutations envisioned by evolutionists must happen more than once. For evolution to be true, there has to be a series of mutations resulting in more complex organisms. Wouldn't this mutating be horizontal as well as verticle?

    7 AnswersBiology1 decade ago
  • Would you support a return to a gold backed dollar?

    Paper currency would still be available for day to day transactions, but the paper would be redeemable in a fixed amount of gold. This would put an end to inflation.

    The current fluctuation in the price of gold and silver are because it is not currently used as money by any nation. All of the currencies of the world are fiat money: money by government decree. They have no actual intrinsic value. Their perceived value is deterined by how much is printed by their central bank. The first user of newly printed currency is government. Government benefits by inflating the currency, while everyone else loses purchasing power. Money redeemable in gold will put an end to this.

    6 AnswersOther - Business & Finance1 decade ago
  • How many of you support drug testing for all elected officials?

    The military tests for drugs. The airlines does. Law enforcement tests. Why not the politicians, including the president? Why should they be exempt? I would have physicians drawn randomly and the sample tested in front of multiple witnesses. After all, these people work for us,

    11 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Is it time for the U.S. to get out of the United Nations and the United Nations to get out of the U.S.?

    Do you believe that American officials should be working for the American people or the United Nations? Should our politicians follow the U.S. Constitution or the U.N. Charter? Do we have God-given rights as enumerated in the U.S. Constituion or do we look to the U.N. to grant us privileges?

    11 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago