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Have you ever noticed how our Ministry of Propaganda (also known as mainstream media) operate?

For example, their terminology and choice of words betray their bias. Take for example: the Gun Lobby. Why do they refer to Americans who are concerned with a provision of the Bill of Rights, a lobby? Who is it that is lobbying? Americans fighting to preserve one of their Constitutional Rights, or special interests that are working to undermine them?


When I refer to mainstream media as the Ministry of Propaganda, I am not saying or implying that they are funded or controlled by our government. Rather, they work for the same special interests that most of our politicians do.

Update 2:

And why should Americans have to lobby to protect something that they already have? To lobby is to argue for something. We already have the Second Amendment.

12 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Can I puke !!!!!

    I have to read. I cannot stand to watch any of the @#%@#%@#%%%@###@@##@#3 on the Media!!!!

  • 1 decade ago

    A lobby isn't a bad thing. A lobby is simply a group trying to get congresspeople to vote for their issues. The Gun Lobby is that exactly; a lobby for guns. This isn't a bad thing, being called a lobby. Their are environmentalist lobbies as well and that is what the news calls them. Also the media isn't a "Ministry of Propaganda" because they are not funded by the government. That doesn't mean that they don't have biases, which they shouldn't, but people are people.

    Thanks for reading this

  • 1 decade ago

    They always put that liberal slant on the news. I love it when all they report is the bad stuff going on and not the good. You talked about the gun "lobby". There are enough laws on the books that if enforced, would make it tougher for crooks to get guns. Its illegal to own a fully automatic weapon, but they want to pass more laws.

    Iraq is another good example. I travel and work at different Hospitals around the country, mainly at military bases. I have talked with different ones who have served in Iraq and all tell of the good things they have done. Schools open, public utilities working, roads fixed, hospitals open and people living their lives like they should be. All we hear about is the bombing and killing in the media because that sales news.

    All we can do is get information from as many sources we can, apply some good old common sense and hope for the best. That is why I don't watch the major network news stations. Even with CNN being more liberal than most, I watch them and Fox both to get somewhat of a balance.

    Good luck figuring out the truth, the media forgot that was what they are suppose to print or report.

  • 1 decade ago

    They refer to it as a "lobby" because the people who ask politicians to support their political agenda used to meet in lobbies.

    But you see, there are complications on the right of a state to have a militia. Does that mean that anyone can have any gun? Even if you think so, you can see why some people would ask Congress to have permits, have age restrictions, have licenses for people to carry concealed guns, and so on. There used to be a law that people couldn't buy assault rifles like AK-47s. Now that the Gun Lobby has talked to politicians, that law has expired and no one, not even Democrats, plan on reinstating it.

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  • OPad
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Lobby: a group of persons who work or conduct a campaign to influence members of a legislature to vote according to the group's special interest.

    Isn't that what they do? They indeed lobby against any gun control and defend their right to own assault weapons.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Ministry of propaganda is exactly right. The media is the "right-hand man" of the government. When the government wants us to believe something, they turn to the media to tell people how to think.


  • 5 years ago

    particular, I even have observed. this is variety of damaging to no longer be conscious certainly. i think of that it extremely is extremely hypocritical, yet what else are you able to assert? at the start, George W. Bush would not have been slandered and disrespected as much as he's interior the 1st place. we are meant to appreciate the guy in authority no count what share stupid issues he ought to assert in public. Romans 13 talks approximately each individual in authority being located there by using the Lord. Bush replaced into located there for the previous 8 years, and Obama has been located there for a minimum of the subsequent 4 years. Their disrespectful attitude does not provide us the splendid to behave an identical way in direction of Obama. No, we would desire to consistently no longer "fall and worship" Obama- purely the Lord merits those styles of strikes. in fact, is it hypocritical? of direction. Am I leaping up and down for Obama? No, yet then lower back, possibly it quite is purely through fact I voted for McCain. besides, i think of we would desire to consistently undergo in ideas that the final public of people who're so intense of Bush are liberals & liberals run countless the media. team spirit for Obama? uncertain, yet i will wish for him as he's taking over his place as will be a tricky interest.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Sure have. As one friend used to say "the enemy of the truth is not the outright lie which is easily found out, but the half truth which is much harder to detect." I think their greates disservice is to interject opinion into straight news stories where it appears to be facts rather than opinion. Global Warming is a good example.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Oh yes. So true.

    I never heard the "big 3 " refer to the 1st amendment that protects them as the "speech lobby".

    Maybe we should refer to them as the "speech lobby"

    Or the ACLU as the " Atheist Lobby"?????

  • 1 decade ago

    They did the same thing during the buildup to the Iraq War. Instead of questioning the authenticity of the evidence that the administration claimed to have regarding WMDs in Iraq, they simply beat the drums of war until it was too late. CNN was just as guilty as FOX was about this back in 2003.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I thought that Karl Rove was Minister of Propaganda. Who is the minister now, or has Bush taken on that role too!

    Really your question should be in the politics section since, the MSM is not part of the govt. Besides, Fox News and talk radio are part of MSM and they strongly lean rightward.

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