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jared l asked in Politics & GovernmentElections · 1 decade ago

Hillary Clinton?

If you vote for her i think your either immoral, lack knowledge, dumb, or someone is bribing you. Automatically no way around it.

What will Hillary Clinton give back? try denying anything i say

supports homosexuality by allowing gay marriages

supports Amnesty

supports Social groups

guarenteed Raising Taxes

will leave War on Terrorism and taxes will still go up.

Voted for the war and the PATRIOT ACT twice, then blaming it all on Bush, Cheney and the people of the U.S. Only to oppose it for her popularity.

Made racist statements such as "if more middle aged white women had HIV instead of black, there would be an uproar"

She made statements toward teenagers and kids how they are punks and dont work hard.

A person who wrote an biography on her making it onesided for her even admited that she is robotic when she is alone.

Her husband cheated on her, doesnt that say anything at all?

Supporters proove me wrong, if you cant and you still support her then you are what i said u r


im voting for Romney

Update 2:

OK stiggo want me spell it out for you?

1.Well i said nothing about American homosexuals, i said homosexuality. so you are bringing up another subject up that has absolutely nothing to do with i just said.

2. What are you talking about? Amnesty is the action of the Immigration bill. Its not the name of the bill it's the action. lol...

3.Whats wrong with social groups? I dont have room to tell you this but in general, they waiste alot of money. money is important. Ron Paul knows alot about it.

4.When did she guarantee raising taxes? Oh, right. Never. K you piss me off, she signed a bill last month that if elected she will raise taxes by 4500$

5. your sounding like a stupid bigot, she said she will leave within a year of election

Dude holy crap, in my opinion your soo wrong, also in my opinion i think your extremely stupid.

Update 3:

Bishop is a perfect example of an immoral person in my opinion.

Update 4:

lol no this isnt the only game i play. if i dont stick it out there, then people might never see it. btw i didnt accuse any specific person.

Update 5:

there is nothing radical about it, it's all facts and i opened it for discussion.

i wasnt even think about, just because people disagree with me im going to call them immoral. I gave multiple facts and left it open to discuss. im not a ignorant person.

15 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Well put.

    You forgot her empty promise for a better health care plan.


    How she doesn't dislike people who don't agree with her - she puts them on a hate list and treats them like the ultimate enemy.

    She couldn't work out a compromise if her life depended on it.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    What's wrong with supporting American homosexuals? Aren't they citizens as well?

    The immigration bill was wrongly labeled as amnesty when it was no such thing. This, however, is a topic that has its own forum.

    What's wrong with social groups?

    When did she guarantee raising taxes? Oh, right. Never.

    Why would she leave the war on terrorism? Just because Bush has, doesn't mean she will.

    I agree with you here for the most part.

    Why is that racist? It sounds like she's decrying racism.

    Ever see the attitude of many teens in this country?

    So what if her ghost writer didn't like her?

    So any woman who's husband cheats bears the blame, rather than the husband?

    OK, how was that? I'd just like to finish by saying I don't know if I'll be voting for her yet.

  • dawber
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    to respond to your question, No. Do you submit to in suggestions some years in the past while that guy named Dean ran for president. He replace into the front runner of the Democratic occasion for just about a year. He lost the 1st common and all human beings theory that it replace right into a fluke. Then he lost the 2d and 0.33, and so on. The media had him picked using fact the subsequent president using fact of his polls, yet they did not pan out in the vote casting sales area. the ingredient is, do not difficulty on the subject of the polls from the media, difficulty on the subject of the vote casting effects.

  • 1 decade ago

    I dont like her never did, shes just like her husband, and clinton did alot of stuff he should have never done. Now we might have her what is she gonna do nothing if the war is still going on in iraq by next yr more than likely if she wins she will pull them out and we will get attacked again, then shes not gonna protect us after that. Btw, its not just republicans its democrats too so dont go just blaming the republicans its both parties. I am so gun hoe with people just blaming one party without definding it.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I can't stand her, but not for her liberal stance on social issues. If she was moral and trustworthy,and not crooked and power-crazy, I would vote for her. If she didn't have a cheating croooked sex-addict for a husband, she might have a chance. They are a joke.

    It does no one any good to call people names because they disagree with you.

    We need a leader to restore our wonderful country. READ and VOTE!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Supporting gay marriage is a GOOD thing.

    What is a "social group"? The Boy Scouts?

    Kids ARE punks and DON'T work hard.

    You are such a little knucklehead, go worship at your Lush Windbag altar.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Hmm, good job ranting on people who will vote for Hillary Clinton... that really shows how smart Rimmeny's or whatever his name is (never heard of him sorry). Way to play the game-attacking other people-good job

    Source(s): Honestly, that's the way you play the game?
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Well you lost me with the first line of your radical rant. I take that you feel your opinion is the only one that counts? Calling people names because their view is different than yours is just stupid.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I don't support her , but I can not in good conscious vote republican, they have damaged this country beyond repair. If it comes down to Hillary or a Rudy or another Bush clone I have to vote for Hillary.

  • 1 decade ago

    Maybe she will choose Monica as her running mate.They have a lot in common.

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