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jared l asked in Politics & GovernmentElections · 1 decade ago

Ok boys and girls?

What strong morals and values do Democrats have that a Republican does not? lol.

Please compare:

Hillary Clinton Dem Nominee to Mitt Romney Rep Nominee.

(from the growth in support from graphs and numbers; money, organization, and debates. Romney will take the Rep Nominee, give me the benefit of the doubt that he will be, for the sake of this question.)

Take your time to get back to me, if you lie i'll give you a thumbs down!

P.S if you think this is judging people tell me qualities that Hillary has, that Romney does not. for example

1.Romney has had a solid trust and relationship with his wife, and Hillary has had her husband cheat on her.

2.Romney is humble and admits his biggest mistake was being pro life. Hillary is hard hearted says she was tricked for voting for the war twice and thinks she is perfect.

3.Romney values the people of America and gives low taxes. Hillary does not value them and gives high taxes.

If you want more examples type 111


Lettie D. why the hell does a canidate's son need to serve in the military?

Update 2:

First of all operation Iraqi Freedom isnt meant to kill innocent people, someone misinformed you obviously. Gay people are taxed the same, you must have been misinformed again.

Update 3:

Wow cant believe none of you even attempted to answer my question.

5 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Plus, Hillary Clinton has been involved with planning a murder. I don't think Mitt Romney has. In fact, it's against his religion to kill. But then again, Mitt Romney has a respect for the law.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Democrats today are made up of Republicans that have crossed over for a host of reasons, to include H. C. Therefore, I will not address H. C. as a true Democrat at all.

    The Democratic Party originally was the party who voted for 'slavery', and felt that the good ole boys was the way to go. Morally, they had none, they were racist individuals who had no clue.

    The Republican Party originally was the party who voted against 'slavery', and fought hard to free slaves, and were pro-education as well, morally they were in the right direction and worked diligently to prove they could win their battles.

    Today, the roles have reversed, yet slavery is of the past, and Republicans are attempting to bring it back with 'guest-worker programs, etc.' and Democrats are basically as immoral as Republicans (most of them) because they are on the same ride.

    Both parties are whores to financial adversaries. If money is the fruit of all evil, both parties is high on the list of immoral practice, rendering this quest frantically immoral in its nature.

    To compare H. C. and M. R. is radically comparing two peas in a pot.

    A far better compare of morals would be to compare who has no problem in telling the truth of their past lives or current lives for that matter.

    H. C. is said to be a Dike by those who evidently are willing to talk about this very soon, a moral blow indeed, and irrelevant as he won't make it past the primary election.

    M. R. is said to be something far worse, by those who are willing to talk about this as well, another moral blow and irrelevant as she will not make it past the primary election either.

    Do you really want to go here? Think before you speak, Jared. This arena is one that ruins lives and keeps all predators alive.

  • 1 decade ago

    It may be because Romney continues to support murdering innocent Iraqi people, Romney thinks that Gays should pay taxes even though they are not given the same rights as others, He even thinks that flip flopping on issues can be fun and exciting!

  • 1 decade ago

    I just want to know why Romney has 4 sons and none of them are serving or have served in the military.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Romney answered that-none of his sons serve because their patriotism is served by working on his campaign!

    (He was asked after he said he supported the surge in Iraq.)

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