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Girls does this matter?

I wear whatever i am comfortable in even in public. I'll walk around in basketball shorts and a shirt that says dunk on it, or a shirt that says Canada on it.

Some girls/women say i look like i just woke up and threw stuff I wore yesterday on.

My hair is a medium cut and it's very thick. I wake up take a shower and leave it. People say i have bed head some people say it's stylish. lol....

Girls do you care about what a guy wears? Should i get some bling like earings? should i get a collared shirt? cargo pants that say abercombie on it?

I'm concerned that what i wear affects my game. But I think it filters out the stuck up ones, and it's COMFORTABLE!.

1. Tell me why I should dress better,

2. and if I should dress better what should I wear?

I probably will walk in basketball shorts until someone convinces me otherwise.

3. tell me what are the mininum requirements for your boyfriend on wearing clothes.


ok i just read your answers,

You guys obviously have different opinions on this.

No i dont have shaggy hair, it's pointy , kinda spiked. Kinda like my avatar.

No i'm not dirty/crap looking. I'm cut and clean with basketball pants with a random shirt on.

14 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    #1: IT SO MATTERS!! Girls are just like guys...we are not attracted by your personality at first...we are attracted by looks. Do you ever walk up to a chick and say hey I seen you from across the room and you look like you might have a great personality? NO, you say is she hot or not? So your appearance can be the difference from a girl trying to meet you or you being alone for a long time. So at least try to look like something..plz.

    #2: I hate that shaggy, thick hair look...ughh..gag me! DO NOT PIERCE YOUR EARS!! TACKY!! Go to American Eagle, Ambercrombie, Buckle...everything there is really cute! I'm sorry but I love preppy stores like this, can't help it.

    #3: When I first met my husband it was at his work place, so he had his uniform when he came to pick me up for our first date he had his everyday clothes on. I almost screamed he was a fashion victim! But he was so sweet and I fell so hard for him. The whole date I was like, it's just his clothes I can fix that..........and I did. He LOVES clothes now. He worries if his belt matches his shoes and wants that shirt in a certain color. The best thing of all is how he feels better about his self now that he knows he looks good. Plus I can't get enough of him in this one pair of jeans he has..OMG!

    P.S. It will probably be a girl you fall for that will convince you otherwise...cause' my baby said the same thing before he met me.

  • Indy
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    I don't care what guys wear for the most part, and guys who take too long (and often longer than I) and are not gay tick me off (my ex used to, let's just say it didn't last long.) I find it really sexy when I guy can be ready and just walk out the door without messing with his hair and accessories. It's masculine but down to earth, which is what I always look for in a guy (now.) So I guess my requirements are no commando and if we're in public "no shirts, no shoes, no service." Can't be that hard. BTW, basketball shorts look hot on guys. Who said otherwise?

  • 1 decade ago

    1. Simple: Don't. The girl should like you for who you are not how you dress so who cares as long as you don't care and your comfortable.

    2. See above.

    3. He's got to wear clothes. At least in public...

  • 5 years ago

    It depends on the girl. Just like some guys care more about a girls breast size than others. I think that at 7.5 you probably don't need to worry.

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  • 1 decade ago

    In my opinion, you dint have to wear blings or collared shirt...

    put something comfy..shirt, just usual pants or jeans..

    But you should dress better than basketball shorts..

    Because for me its show you that you appreciate your self...

    and girls like man who appreciate them self..

    that's why girl likes man with nice dress..

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I think as long as you're comfortable, you are fine. Some girls don't care what you are wearing, but it can help in getting a girl if that's what you are wanting.

  • 1 decade ago dont care what you could wear pajama bottoms..&& a shirt that says cant touch this..&& you would probably still look fine to me..but some girls..look for sharpness..sadly..=]..most preppy girls..look for guys who hve the most expensive clothing..which means..they have money..sad really..but yea..if you are lookin for the right girl or shouldnt have to change your style for neone..dirty && sloppy boys..arent always so bad..

  • 1 decade ago

    i think its perfectly fine what you are wearin to be honest, as long as you're comfortable with it. But maybe you should wash your clothes regularly! lol the hair is cool but no earring please!!! if youre on a date or something a shirt would be nice :) cos i think youre date would try and make an effort. good luck

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I actually think your current style is very hot!

    But maybe try some gel for your hair so it doenst look so messy but other than that i wouldnt really change anything.

  • 1 decade ago

    Every Girl is crazy for a sharp dressed man.

    Source(s): ZZ Top
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