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Lv 43,011 points

Mrs. CT

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I'm just a country girl from TN, U.S.A. I love horses, my husband, my family, and most importantly my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I'm very opinionated, (I'm trying to get better), so if you ask a dumb question, be prepared to get a smart answer!! I don't have the best of everything, but I have been blessed to know the love of God and Jesus Christ, so that's good enough for me!!

  • Help My friend has a lot of debt and no money?What can he do??!?

    My friend is a great guy, who has recently changed jobs. Well now he doesn't make enough to pay his bills and live!! What can he do. He has tried to make things right. But it seems he is stuck. He cannot get a loan to consolidate everything. He has no credit card debt. It's all small secured loans that have grown to nothing but late fees and behind payments. Also he has a car in his mom's name that he got screwed on, and that he's not even able to consolidate even if he could. What is the best way to go about this? I suggested bankruptcy, but it's not evough debt to to file, but it's enough to be taken to court over.....and he doesn't have the exra cash for a lawyer anyway.

    Where does he need to start? Please, please, please help!!

    You would be helping out a great person and friend.

    4 AnswersPersonal Finance1 decade ago
  • What kind of lights do I need for my aquarium?

    I have a 29 gal. freshwater tank that I am turning into a goldfish tank. I have had problems with algae blooms in the past. So I do not want lights that generate a lot of heat or uv. I want to know what is the lowest uv light that would still produce enough for my fish and I also want a moon light. And what kind of hood do I need, 'cause the one I have is just the one that come with the tank and it has only one fixture. Also what about reflectors. I want some play in the water and some shadow effect, will a reflector give me this? Pretty new to the whole aqaurium thing...I know the the very basics, but I really haven't got a clue on the whole lighting thing. Plus I'm on a limited budget so there's something new. Thanks guys

    3 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • How do I keep from cussing out my sister-in-law?

    She lies more than any person I've ever known, save one, and I don't know how much more I can take. Her family has just let this go on for so long it has really just become something she does rather than a problem that something needs to be done about. And please don't tell me to just overlook it or it's not hurting anyone or it's just a lie...who's it hurting? If I could do any of those or felt that way....I wouldn't be asking this question. It's just that she will lie about the dumbest crap on earth and just expect for everyone else around her to be just as dumb as she is and believe her. The sad thing is she's a pretty nice person she is just so fake and lies so often I really can't see us becoming close friends like I initially wanted and expected to become. How can I tell her off, and let her know, when I know she is lying without causing some huge family crisis. If this was my immediate family and not my in-laws I would just tell them off.

    1 AnswerFamily1 decade ago
  • Can your child's regular pediatrician figure out your child's intelligence level?

    Or does it have to be a specialist or a children's psychologist?

    6 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Could this be a side effect of my dog eating chocolate?

    Hi! I usually don't ask such crazy questions about pets...I usually can answer them on my own, but this is a little out of the ordinary. My toy poodle ate some milk chocolate kisses ...quite a few actually. It has already been well over 24 hours since she ate the chocolate and she has stopped vomitting, no diarhea ever occured, but she started whinning early this morning.....not constant, but enough to annoy you. I thought it might be 'cause she had to pee...'cause I read where this can cause her to have to pee more often, but she never offered to go anymore than usual.

    What's going on? Has anyone else's dog done this after eating chocolate? I don't think this is an emergency situation, since she has stopped vomitting. She has got into chocolate before and she did not do this. I gave her some pediatric electrolyte solution for dehydration too. (Vets give it to calves with scours.) But is there a chance of any phsycological damage or maybe just a tummy ache still?

    11 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • What is the best paintball gun for your money?

    I am wanting to buy a new paintball gun for my husband for his birthday. His friend gave him his old one (very, old) as a starter and I was just going to get him a new face mask, a new tank, etc. for it, but I would like to just buy him a better one in general. Since this is a surprise I can't just ask him and since he's new to the whole paintball gun sport, I'm not so sure he would know what he would want anyway. I really need to know about a gun, but any info would be helpful. Thanks so much!

  • To anyone who has the NEW Britney Spears "Blackout" Album?

    I love her new release, but how about the rest of her album? Anygood? I just hate when you go spend $15, $20 on a CD and you end up only listening to one song and you get tired of the one song after only a few months, sometimes sooner.

    Worth the money?

    4 AnswersOther - Music1 decade ago
  • Can I be pregnant, even without any of the usual symptoms?

    I need to take a test to be sure, but I'm kinda scared too. This is not a good time for me to get pregnant! Me and my husband want a child very badly, but we do not need a child in our financial state right now and believe it would be unfair to the child for me to get pregnant right now. Please help!

    14 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • How to get an adolescent to open up and talk about sexual abuse?

    My cousin, I believe is being sexually abused by my aunt's on again, off again, live in, boyfriend! It has been brought to my attention through another family member and as she told me what she knew and what she thought was happening, peices to a puzzle long unsolved came together at last! my cousin has been withdrawn, she won't talk to anyone, and she won't come out and bluntly say whether she has or hasn't been sexually abused!! The family member asked her if my aunt's boyfriend has ever sexually abused her and my cousin said that if she told this family member that my cousin's dad would go to jail. Which we take to mean, that if she told and said the truth which is "yes" that she is afraid her dad will kill him and go to jail. How do I get her past all these fears and get her to tell me the truth! How do I get her to open up and talk to me honestly?!! I can't leave her in this situation. I believe she has told her mother, but her mother is literally in need of mental help...

    1 AnswerPsychology1 decade ago
  • Sexual, emotional, and nelgectful child abuse? How to go about prosecuting and getting custody?

    My cousin, who I consider my sister, and who is 9 years younger than me, I KNOW is being emotionally abused and being neglected as far as medical and dental care. I have wanted to obtain full custody of her for a while now, but have not proceded, because I love her mother, my aunt, and believed that she just needed mental analysis and treatment. Recently I have discovered that her mother's, off again on again, live in boyfriend maybe sexually abusing my cousin and my aunt has yet to seek treatment for her various mental disorders. I cannot take it anymore! Something has got to be DONE NOW! My mother, grandmother, and I have been providing for her for a long while now. My aunt does, but ONLY the bare minimum, also my aunt's mental state is deteriorating rapidly and she is obsessed with this loser. How do I go about getting custody? How do I go about prosecuting my aunt's boyfriend? I don't know when, how, or how often this has been done to my cousin, as far as sexually.

    6 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • What is the best way or what do you do when?

    you can't make it to a party or special event that requires a gift, I.e. Weddings, birthdays, etc.

    My friends little girl is having her 1st B-DAy Party and I didn't get to go to the Baby Shower either, so I want to actually give her a gift instead of just sending a card with money or a gift card in it. What would be the most tasteful way of delivering a late gift? Should I deliver it myself on a later date (it will probably be a much later date!), send it with someone I know that is going, or something else? I have considered mailing it, but I like to make my gifts really "pretty" and I'm afraid it would not be delivered without being damaged or torn up!

    5 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • When applying for a personal loan, In-person or internet?

    Does it matter? Which is better? It is very important that I get the loan, but I work a lot and it is difficult for me to get to town during business hours.

    3 AnswersPersonal Finance1 decade ago
  • Do you ever wish......?

    that for one day you could go back in time and just be able to see and talk to Jesus in person? How awesome would that be? I do not know how I would react. I would have all these questions and would just be bawling and I wouldn't be able to get a single question out. It would be amazing!! How do you think you would react?

    ***Please, No smart or inappropriate remarks. I'm not trying to push anything on anybody, I just want thoughts from anyone who can act civilized for one moment and put something down that's decent and nothing disrespectful. If you have a rude or disrespectful opinion, please, just don't answer the question.

    Thanks for your cooperation.

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Has anyone noticed the Britney Bulge?

    I know she has had two kids and all, but if my job was in the entertainment bizz......I think I wouldv'e toned the baby bulge better. Don't get me wrong. She's still Smokin' hot, but she shouldv'e been paying more attention to her body than K-Fed all those years. She is even very much aware of it. If you notice in the live performance at the VMAs her dance moves wasn't as sharp and cut as they usually are. Her confidence was way down 'cause she was worrying about jiggling all over the stage. I hope she comes out of this and realizes that she is still beautiful, even after two kids. Who agrees?

    4 AnswersCelebrities1 decade ago
  • Do I need to change my brakes or is it my tires?

    My brakes have squeaked a few times, but not continuously. I just bought the truck a year ago. I thought it was just my brakes, but when I had my oil changed both tires on the passenger side had a lower tread than the driver side. Also when i turn my wheel hard to the right it makes a noise? Could this noise be a tie-rod? Or could it be an alignment problem? My truck bears to the right on a straight road, but not all the time. My tires make a roaring noise at a high rate of speed and are not doing the "normal" shaking, that an out of line vehicle would do. I read that it might be a tire problem instead of an alignment problem. I know a mechanic can't really tell unless they take a look at the actual vehicle and drive it, but can you tell me what is most likely wrong with my vehicle or if it is multiple problems? Oh my vehicle is a 2003 Mercury Mountaineer AWD, 6 cylinder. I had this problem with my last truck no problems ever seemed to be solved. I don't want the run around again.

    8 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • If you were Pluto?

    What would you say to the scientists that demoted you from planet to dwarf planet?

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • What happens if you Don't pay your credit cards in the States?

    My friend has a few credit cards that she cannot pay! Her highest one is just $1,500. What will happen if she doesn't pay her credit cards. She said someone told her that her credit will be cleared in 7 years. And that since the cards are for so little that the odds of them suing for such a small amount is slim. Is this true? What should she do?

    3 AnswersCredit1 decade ago
  • Has anyone else noticed the decline in Verizon customer service, etc?

    I mean as far as phones go, Verizon has some of the most popular, but has anyone else noticed the decline in customer service or friendliness towards customers (especailly the call center when you use the 1-800- number). Everything has gone down hill over the last few years. They are not even giving you the car chargers with your phone anymore!! You have to buy them separate now! Like they can't afford to include a car charger with the phone? Come on! When I call to ask about my bill (using the 1-800-number). I feel like I get the run around.

    For example I called 3 times about the same question, 'cause the answer always sounded like a load of bull, and got three totally separate answers!! I had to drive clear to town to the Verizon Store to get an answer that sounded half intelligent! I just bought an LG EnV and I swear if I didn't love this phone (and if I hadn't already paid out the butt for it) I would cancel my contract and go to another company. Does anyone agree with me?

    6 AnswersCell Phones & Plans1 decade ago
  • How can you tell when your hair is super healthy?

    I know my hair is long, thick, shiny, and healthy, but how can you tell if it's hair model worthy? I don't want to be a hair model, I just want my hair to be that healthy. Any hair models out there with any tips to getting my hair super, super healthy?

    8 AnswersHair1 decade ago