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jared l asked in Politics & GovernmentElections · 1 decade ago

Would you vote for Mitt Romney?

I'm tell you right now I would. Tell me a better canidate and why or if you agree say why. Compare Canidates, Bush is not a canidate. Saying someone is intelligent without any backing makes you a gullable naive idiot. Give some reasons why.

Seriously, i posted this and a Hillary supported said, im voting for Hillary because she is intellgent, how? she is like a hawk. you sound really stupid.

Ok enough of beating the horse. Lets get it on!


Bishop, his sister died from abortion, and Fred Thompson flip flopped on his center called Federalism.

Update 2:

during his years as governor he has done more good than any of the other canidates. how can you say of little substance. How can you say he is too Republican, thats not even a rational idea.

Update 3:

Duckie your a lier or an idiot, he never was a democrat. your making bull up, if you ever want to fight me i would be happy to arrange it, i dont like bad people

7 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Absolutely! Romney has been successful everywhere he's been, even as a Republican Governor that is 85% Democrat. He know how to fix things, is extremely intelligent, honest, and has a good moral compass (the only one of the 4 Rep candidates to still be married to his first wife). Not only that, his communication skills are the anti-thesis of Bush, something that this country desparatly needs, especially on the world stage.

    Tan Man, learn about Mormons before you start disseminating propoganda. You sound like an ignorant fool.

  • 1 decade ago

    Take a look at mike huckabee or fred thompson... both are strong social and economic conservatives. Romney is to republicans as Kerry was to democrats... a flip flopper in the worst way. He has changed his position on so many of the parties platforms that I could never imagine voting for him... sure he's made up some pretty good exuses (ex. abortion) but still. He talks big... but little substance only goes a long way until your suddenly elected.

    Source(s): like I said he has tons of exuses, if you really think the claim vs. thompson is legit then look at huckabee
  • 1 decade ago

    "On a personal basis, I don't favor abortion," he said. "However, as governor of the commonwealth, I will protect a woman's right to choose under the laws of the country and the commonwealth. That's the same position I've had for many years."

    Source: Erik Arvidson, Lowell Sun Mar 20, 2002

    * Favored basic Roe v. Wade abortion rights, though would not endorse a specific version of the Freedom of Choice Act, which would codify those court-established rights as federal law

    * Said he would leave the matter of Medicaid funding for abortion to individual states

    * Endorsed legalization of RU-486, the abortion-inducing drug.

    I support any candidate's right to change his mind, but fact is, Romney on the abortion issue did it when it happened to be politically convenient.

    Romney has offered no official stance or plan to address my two primary voting issues: healthcare for the 42+ million uninsured, and stricter controls of corporate polluters. Therefore, he will not get my vote in the primaries.

    And it's all a moot point: Romney is the 5th Mormon to run for President, and he will not be the first elected. Like it or not, too large a voting block for the GOP in the Bible belt who would flee to Canada before electing a Mormon (much less a candidate who supports the assault weopons ban).

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The Mormons believe we all lived in Heaven with Heavenly Father, several Heavenly Mothers, and 20 Billion Heavenly Siblings before we were born here on Earth. Then there was a war. The good guys won and were born White. The bad guys lost and became demons. Those who were neutral or did not fight bravely were born with non-white skin. The bravest of the brave were born to Mormon families.

    We all know that Romney must have been a "Valliant Warrior" in the "War in Heaven" during the "Pre-Existence". How else could he have been born "White and Delightsome" to an LDS family here on Earth? Heck, he was probably one of the Commanding Generals . Now , America needs a President with valuable military experience like that to get us through our war in Iraq. Could you please ask "The One and Only True Prophet", Gordon Hinkley, to please release those valuable records to the public? We need to know what battles he fought in. How many medals he won. How many of the "Less Valliant Soldiers" he recommended being born with black skin when they got their chance to be born on Earth. Was Al Sharpton one of THEM ? How about Jesse Jackson? Mormons, this is your chance to show the world the light of the everlasting gospel. Dont miss out. We have General Romney running for president of the USA and we need you badly right now!

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  • 1 decade ago

    Mitt Romney was the governor of Massachusetts and he was probably the worst thing that ever happened to Massachusetts. Trust me, i live hear, all we do is make fun of the guy. He was originally a democrat and was pro-stem cell pro-abortion pro-everything liberal but as soon as he was aiming for the presidential seat, he changed right into republican. He has a way of talking that makes him sound intelligent and reasonable but when he is actually in office, he doesn't do anything. He was responsible for alot of the bills that never passed in Massachusetts which completely ruining us in terms of funding for medical and scientific chances for money and he is a flip flopper. As a matter of fact, he left Massachusetts with so much debt that it is in the billions. And yeah you are right Hillarry is a hawk but i would vote her in just to see Bill Clinton as the first man. But seriously, Obama or Edwards is the best candidate just because they are trying to reform the medical issues in our country and trying to give ppl free or reasonable healthcare.

  • 1 decade ago

    To answer your question: yes, I would vote for Mitt Romney.

  • Knee
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Haha. Mitt.

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