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jared l asked in Politics & GovernmentElections · 1 decade ago

Would you vote for Hillary?

how could you vote for same sex marraige and not animal screwing? is one more unnatural than the other? or is something true or false? are they both false? is a man screwing another man natural? tell me how you can vote for one but not another?

Tell me about Amnesty, why do you want illegal aliens to become citizens and raise taxes for health care and other citizen's rights? They are invaders=enroaching=passing boundries.

Tell me whats wrong with Mitt Romney's stands and get back to me. Dont tell me he is a flip flopper. I have things that Hillary flip flopped on, Obama Flip flopped on, Edwards flipped flopped on, Fred Thompson flip flopped on. Tell me whats wrong with his stands.

Thank you.


Elway what you just said, was immature, hippocritical, dumb, and you put a few lies in there.

Are you prejudice?

Update 2:

Governor Boggs, i dont know what the hell your talking about, i dont think that would even be possible to get the government to do those things.

15 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer


  • 1 decade ago

    I myself wouldn't vote for her if she was the only one running... I'd wite in a candidate. A president with a muslim name I could tolerate better than a neo-Marxist military hater who is just savvy enough to convince the nation she has changed and found God. She will not win because most Americans don't follow the Michael Moore-Barbara Streisand mentality.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yes, I will be voting for Sen. Hillary Clinton. You really should check your facts first before going into a rant. Sen. Clinton is not for same sex marriage. She supports civil unions, but is not supporting same sex marriage. You ask if a man screwing another man is natural. I guess if they are doing it then it seems natural to them. If it doesn't to you then don't do it. I'm having a problem seeing your objections since no one is forcing you into a same sex relationship.

    I agree with you about amnesty, I'm not for it. It's the only thing that I disagree with Sen. Clinton about. But I agree with the lion's share of her stands on the issues, so she still has my vote.

    What's wrong with Romney? You touch on the flip-flopper thing right away because you know that's what people are going to say. And they're going to say it because they are right. There's a big difference between changing your views on the war because of new developments and changing your entire moral stance in the space of a few months to appeal to the GOP so you can be a viable candidate. Also, what's up with Romney's willingness to lie about stupid stuff like him being a life long hunter? He never had a hunting license in any of the four states he has lived in and what he said was a flat out lie. He had to backtrack and then sounded even more foolish doing that, if that's even possible.

    If he's too stupid to realize telling a lie like that, that was so easy to check out, was going to bite him in the butt, then he's not smart enough to sit in the Oval Office. He lied so smoothly too - we've had enough of that from the last 6+ years to last us forever. We sure don't need another rhetoric slinging talking point specialist running this country again, enough is enough.

    EDIT: There was nothing immature or hypocritical about my answer. There are also no lies in my answer. Sorry you don't like the truth, but name calling because you are yourself rather immature doesn't help your case. Please, tell us all, exactly what did I lie about? If you'll point out these "lies" I'll be happy to post links to prove my points. Some people's kids...

  • 1 decade ago

    No-No Thank You--

    You bet I am voting for Hillary and when she is President I hope she will push for same sex marriage. It is perfectly natural, Gays and Lesbians have rights and they vote.

    People that engage in animal abuse know that the animal can not say no, to me it is not natural but they have the right to vote.

    Many illegals have contributed to the fabric of this country and deserve to live here as citizens if they so choose, so I guess I am for limited amnesty and their right to vote.

    Mitt Romney is a carbon copy of President Bush--let's not make the same mistake again. He also has a right to vote.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    What changes do you think Romney will make if he gets elected?

    10. Replace office of vice president with offices of First Counselor and Second Counselor

    9. Reduce current size of Cabinet from fifteen to twelve to match the number of oxen supporting Mormon temple baptism fonts.

    8. Call the Three Nephites to assume the Office of Homeland Security.

    7. Disconnect the "Red Phone" from the link to Moscow to a link to Salt Lake City's Church Administration Building.

    6. Order all military personnel to wear Mormon temple garments for protection from bullets, fire, knife wounds, weapons of mass destruction and sexually transmitted disease.

    5. Suggest to Gordon Hinckley that he call Hillary Clinton as first non-Mormon General Relief Society President in order to get more Democrat votes for his second term.

    4. Call Boyd K Packer to head up the Federal Bureau of Investigation into any and everything of a personal nature to young men.

    3. Rename the Department of the Interior to the Department of the Inferior and call his wife Ann as the director.

    2. Begin each cabinet meeting with gang-like handshakes, tokens, signs and penalties and conclude the meeting with the "True Circle Jerk Order of Prayer."

    1. Make Re-formed Egytian the official language of The United Nations.

    The Mormons believe we all lived in Heaven with Heavenly Father, several Heavenly Mothers, and 20 Billion Heavenly Siblings before we were born here on Earth. Then there was a war. The good guys won and were born White. The bad guys lost and became demons. Those who were neutral or did not fight bravely were born with non-white skin. The bravest of the brave were born to Mormon families.

    We all know that Romney must have been a "Valliant Warrior" in the "War in Heaven" during the "Pre-Existence". How else could he have been born "White and Delightsome" to an LDS family here on Earth? Heck, he was probably one of the Commanding Generals . Now , America needs a President with valuable military experience like that to get us through our war in Iraq. Could you please ask "The One and Only True Prophet", Gordon Hinkley, to please release those valuable records to the public? We need to know what battles he fought in. How many medals he won. How many of the "Less Valliant Soldiers" he recommended being born with black skin when they got their chance to be born on Earth. Was Al Sharpton one of THEM ? How about Jesse Jackson? Mormons, this is your chance to show the world the light of the everlasting gospel. Dont miss out. We have General Romney running for president of the USA and we need you badly right now!

  • 1 decade ago

    No, she is a communist bent on destroying the American Economy with tax increases and universal Health Care. The only reason she got to where she is is because she is a female and women in the U.S. want a female president so bad they would consider a communist

  • 1 decade ago

    Only if she decides to be decisive in the future.

    She seems like a good candidate but she's yet to really explain how she plans to fix up our country.

    Anyway...I can't vote yet.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    jared about your homosexual v zoophiliac remark there. Check my nick: Necrophiliac. I'm trying to make the same point with it as zoophiliac. How is one better than the other?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No and ther isn't anyone I see to vote for in either party...everything they say is the same thing..nothing new nothing suprising.

    This country is in for world of hurt. God help us all.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Tell me where Romney stands on important issues, not ones that are none of my business like gay marriage.

    btw - I would not vote Hillary but that has nothing to do with it.

  • 1 decade ago

    When hell freezes over.

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