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jared l asked in Politics & GovernmentElections · 1 decade ago

Is this true?

Republicans are real and complex

1. Staying in the war because of information from General Petreaus saying there is hope. It is moral hence Iraqi Freedom. Soldiers are not dieing for nothing, they are dieing to save a whole entire country.

2. Against Amnesty. It's immoral letting people who sneak in citizenship and not allow people who have been waiting for years citizenship. It also takes away jobs, and raises taxes.

3. Gay Marriage. This is just furthering immorality. More? It's false living, unstable, abomination, unresponsible, and destroys oppurtunities.

Democrats are wishy washy, light minded, immoral.

1. Out of Iraq because people want to. We will sit down and talk with Iraq.

2. Lets allow Amnesty so our economy will grow, supply and demand. more demand = more supplies.

3. Why not?

Alot of other things i can mention but I'm out of room. So someone proove me wrong, or be a Republican, no siding with both.

Prove me wrong on any of these things.


What you are says a lot about you whether you are : Republican, Democrat, or Libertarian.

if you are (my opinion):

Democrat - Your dumb, have the same stability as peer pressure.

Libertarian - Dont understand the conditions of People.

Republican - I must give you some respect, because you actually thought out ideas. and proves you are at least somewhat moral.

8 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I'm a republican because it makes sense. Like you said, liberals will do anything for people without thinking for themselves. I think we should stay in the war because it's better to be fighting over there than over here, and I can guarantee you, if we leave Iraq, we'll be followed by terrorists. I'm against amnesty. Their illegal. Nothing they can do can cover for them. It doesn't matter if they're a good citizen or if they follow most of the rules, the bottom line is they're illegal. Gay marriage is disgusting. It's a sin. God destroyed the city of Saddam and Gamorah because they were gay and he could do the same to the U.S. I'm also against abortion. Anyone who denies it's murder is just ignorant. I also believe that I shouldn't have to pay heavy taxes like the liberals think I should. Plus, I always feel that the U.S. turns it's back on the citizens when a liberal is president because they're more concerned with foreign affairs and couldn't give the time or day for citizens. Yeah, republican is for me.

    P.S. Just ignore Spazz™, I've dealt with her before. She's very undereducated (not because she's 16, but because she's a democrat).


    Spazz™, if Jesus was on earth today, he would not be a democrat. Democrats go by what people want, not by what they know is right. Plus, all of the teachings Jesus tought are very similar to the beliefs of Republicans (don't murder, do what is right, BELIEVE IN HIM (liberals think we should take "In God we trust" off our currency). Sorry jared l, but Spazz™ is very immature and ignorant and I feel I should put her in her place (she sends me hate mail every day. That's how much of a loser she is.).

  • 1 decade ago

    It doesn't matter what any religion says about whether something is moral -- our Constitution explicitly prohibits enforcing one religion over any other.

    That fact that you want to impose your religious beliefs on everyone as a matter of law just shows that you don't respect America or the values that this country was founded upon. You're no different than those in the middle east that demand Shari'a law be applied because their religion is dominant.

    As for your other arguments, they are so twisted and based on inaccurate facts that it's hard to know where to start.

    We ARE sitting down and talking with Iraq -- that's what Bush keeps saying we must do.

    And the world is not "all or nothing" -- most people learn that in kindergarden.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    1. Staying in Iraq is the best way to further the War on Terror. However, if you want to pull out, I agree with you there. Pulling out means some city back home gets hit instead of our soldiers, and the latter have sacrificed too much for the uncaring slobs back home.

    2. Illegals make up more than half our prison population. They drive down wages, do crappy contract work, and drive up insurance costs. I say "Build the Wall" and ship them back as we catch them.

    3. Gay marriage? I'm okay with allowing that. However, I believe this is a state issue and not a national one, Constitutionally-speaking. Let the individual states decide on that matter.

  • 1 decade ago

    No, its not true.

    The truth is that the two parties, although the media constantly pits them against each other, are fundamentally closer than most think. We are being governed by the center. The far left and the far right have both been marginalized. The extreme rhetoric is constantly spewed out in soundbites, but when you look at actual legislative initiatives, they are all right down the center.

    Our two party system is devolving into one..... the "Repulicrats".

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  • 1 decade ago

    To save an ENTIRE COUNTRY? I love it. Let me find a video clip for you.

    That's a video of US troops beating up unarmed Iraqi civillians. So much for freeing their country. Brainwashed people amuse me.

    Once again, a person talking about something which he knows nothing about. All parties are stupid, every single one of them. People voting based on parties makes the Presidential Election nothing more than a certifiable "POPULARITY CONTEST".

    There is no difference between democrats and republicans. All of them are bought and paid for.

    Furthermore, SAVE AN ENTIRE COUNTRY? Are you really that brainwashed? Let me put that into perspective for you. People are dying in American EVERY DAY, but yet our soldiers are dying to supposedly save another country? Do you really believe that the government wants to "Save the country"?

    If so, why aren't we in Korea liberating the people there?

  • 1 decade ago

    I just believe Republicans, like many Democrats, don't want the Iraq conflict to end up in defeat.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    you know for someone that loves calling the other side immoral you do seem to be quite judgmental

    edit: lex

    you are a hate monger and an idiot

    Jesus was neither

    like I said before go get some anger management

    Source(s): a christian democrat
  • 1 decade ago

    Um, what?

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