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How do you divide up custody of infant?

I am currently pregnant and the father and I are no longer together. He does want to be involved and goes to all of the Doctor appointments. I was just wanting to know how others in this situation have divided up custody or time.

He has no experience around children and wont even hold his friends babies, so I am very nervous about him with the baby already.

I am almost 15 weeks 6 days now and this is my first.


I do want my child to have contact with the father and to have a relationship with him.

8 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    At the beginning, I would recommend he only visits the child when you are around, if you breastfeed, justice should not get in the way, depending on your state law. Then if you see he is good around his child you may want to allow some alone time with him or her. You can show him your tricks and the proper way you think he should handle the baby. Good luck.

  • 1 decade ago

    It's sad that it hasn't worked out between the two of you, but that doesn't mean you can't be friends and offer your child a healthy, friendly environment to grow up.

    As the child is solely dependent on you for so much in his early years, I would suggest you have primary custody. However, you must try to include the father in as much as you can. It's his baby too. You are actually quite lucky that the father is expressing interest in being involved. Initially (from 0-3 months) the baby shouldn't leave your side for longer than a few hours. But if the father is showing responsibility and ability to care for the baby, there shouldn't be anything stopping him from taking the child to the park or seeing his own family. Again, try to get primary custody but don't cut him out of his child's life completely.

    It's a beautiful experience to have a child and hopefully neither of you will be deprived of it.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Arrange for him to stay over at your house for the first week. This is when you'll need the most help anyways, and he can learn everything about caring for baby as you do.

    If you're worried about him being alone with baby, then breastfeed-- that sort of elmiinates the possiblity. Down the road, after breastfeeding is firmly established, you can pump and supplement iwth bottles , or switch to formula.

    Definitely start the child care together and make sure you are both knowledgeable and comfortable. My hubby had really only held a baby once in his life for five minutes-- his neice-- and that was it. She's 3 months now, and he's a pro. :-)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    First of all you have a long way to go so stressing about this is not necessary. No judge in their right mind is going to allow him to have a newborn baby away from the mother overnight. He will learn just as you will of how to take care of your baby but don't worry about him having the baby for a whole day without you being around. Breatfeed too, that way the baby can't be away for long because he/she needs to eat. Good luck!

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  • 1 decade ago

    Do not just give him shared parenting! I'm hoping you will breastfeed. This means the baby can not be away for more than 2 or 3 hrs. Make sure he pays. Your child needs you, first and foremost for at least the 1st 2 years of his/her life!

    Remember that anyone your ex chooses to let into his life, he will also be allowing into your childs' life. Please put your baby first and do not allow a new boyfriend or your ex's new girlfriends in and out of your baby's life. This will cause attatchment disorders, insecurity and other problems!

  • well I don't know how your realationship is with the father or if you can stand to be around him but I would see if maybe for the first couple of months if you and him could become roommates so that way you will both get the joys of being up in the late nights with the baby. good luck

  • 1 decade ago

    A new born baby needs a steady environment and the same routine day in and day out. Having your baby being tossed around from house to house isn't fair to the child.You should sit and talk with the Daddy and figure out what is best for your baby Best of luck!!!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You should get sole custody and he should get visiting rights

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