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mannyg2199 asked in SportsBasketball · 1 decade ago

what do you guys think about Stephon Marbury's comments on vick?

he gained alot of respect for making the 14 dollar shoe for kids "starbury"

but now defending vick? please

he hears dog fighting is a sport?

vick fell into a bad situation?

how about dog fighting is illegal in ever state and is a felony in 48 states

or how about he put himself in a bad situation, he created a bad situation, he funded a bad situation

Marbury needs to get off his Nutz like every other Vick lover



i dont like hunting at all and i can see your point kind of...but here is the big difference

hunters that hunt deer EAT the animal they hunt! Vick isnt having a BBQ after finishing off his dogs

not to mention they arent hanging deer, slamming its head into concrete, or drowning them, or electricuting them. a quick kill is far better then what Vick has done

and my favorite using one dog that isnt fighting shape or as aggresive as a"warmup" fight for the prize dog..i mean please dude at least hunting its a quick kill. Hunters dont kill does or infant deer. But if a dog refuses to fight, these "dog owners" will find a way for them to die.

18 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Marbury is an idiot and everyone knows it. He has no idea what he is doing and what he is talking about.

    Check this video out and you'll see what I am talking about:

  • 1 decade ago

    1. Idiotic.

    2. Yes, his shoe gained him a lot of respect.

    3. Defending Vick is stupid.

    4. Sure, dogfighting might be a sport but it's also an abhorrent one. Doesn't justify the violence.

    5. Vick had free will. He did not just fall into a bad situation. Once you turn 19, you're an adult. Deal with your choices.

    6. Is this the Philippines? Seriously, dog fighting is enjoyable to people? People like that are sick period.

    Starbury when you hear him talk seems a complete uneducated dolt (rich one albeit) but also he's a guy who has never learned that basketball is a team game. What has he won? Nothing! The NBA needs to weed these selfish players out more than condemn him for being a moron. Then again morons are entitled to opinions...isn't freedom of speech grand.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Marbury does make a point in that hunting is allowed which is just as bad as dog fighting, but since hunting is a sport for the rich (for the most part) and has been around for a long time it is seen as okay.

    Dog fighting is a newthing amoung the minority/poor background people.

    I dont think dog fighting is a sport, i dont agree with "starbury" on that

    i think both dogfighting, and hunting should be punishable by the law.

    by the way...marbury is awesome for his 15 dollar pair of shoes...thats one thing he has done right

  • 1 decade ago

    Where do I start? First of all, We're praising this guy for putting his name to $15 shoes? Probably made by children in China. He's a typical self-centered, ignorant athlete. If he weren't being paid millions to dribble a ball and throw it in a basket, what would he be up to? It's obvious where his morals and values are oriented based upon his statement. A moron with a lot of money is still a moron. And feeling sorry for Vick is crazy. He knew full well what he was doing and now he's been busted. He could have gotten into dog racing instead of fighting, but he's oriented towards a criminal and violent nature. Power, dominance, greed and bloodlust. Now he can play QB for his jail house team.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Yeah, I agree with you.

    I never liked marbury much as a person.

    Yeah, the "starbury" shoes were good.

    And, this comment, come on, even Vick himself knows he's guilty. There's no point in defending him!

    Dog fighting is totally illegal, how is that a sport?

    By making the comment defending Vick, he did nothing for him, but put himself in a bad situation, I just don't get why he made that stupid comment.

  • Emma
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I don't understand why everyone is so upset about Marbury's take on it. He isn't condoning Vick's actions by saying that he fell into a bad situation. Regardless of what his intentions in those statements may be, he isn't blatantly praising him for what he did. It's just a matter of opinion that he's giving about dogfighting itself.

    Cut him some slack for offering another side of the story. At least he isn't jumping on the 'MICHAEL VICK IS SATAN!!! MASSACRE HIM!' bandwagon like the rest of the country is. Marbury had no part in what Vick did, so is it really neccesary to despise him too?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I don't love marbury OR vick, but he has a point. He says people go out and shoot deer for fun, yet we can't fight dogs? He is just pointing out that the rules we have made are corrupt. After all, it is a free country, and free speech is guaranteed under the amendments.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I don't think Marbury has a clue what he's talkin about...killing and torturing animals is a sport? are you kidding me?

    I don't think Marbury did his research before he made those comments...

    Marbury is a good person, who just made the wrong comments at the wrong time....dude needs to do his homework before going public with opinions like that

    I hope this doesn't overshadow the fact taht he was the first professional athlete to step up for Katrina relief...remember the press conference he held when he cried his heart out?

    How bout those 14 dollar shoes? he's trying to connect to kids who can't afford those and be amicable...

    I think he's just trying to stick up for Vick (Since he's been getting the most heat) but unfortunately he can't give excuses for Vick's brutual actions...(and yes being black has something to do with it and being an athlete has to do with his support for vick)

  • catgrl
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Dogfighting is illegal and a felony in most states. Marbury is in effect saying that the government is wrong for saying this activity is illegal and cruel. There should be something he also can be charged with. I firmly believe his comments make him an accessory to Vick and his co-defendants crimes.

  • Dude
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    They are both "brothers" from the ghetto. What do you expect? This type of attitude is one of the big reasons why people stay in the ghetto and never improve themselves. If Marbury and Vick couldn't play sports, they would still be there themselves.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It shows that Stephon Marbury is a complete moron. Someone in the black community needs to get ahold of this wingnut and tell him to shut up.

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