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OK...Now, Michael Vick is going to plead "guilty"...?

to Dog fighting charges....his buddy Marbury just said he thought dog fighting was a "sport"....the NAACP says Vick should be able to play again after he gets out of prison, and that he just made a bad choice....Come ON! Don Imus says something he shouldn't and gets fired...Michael Vick kills innocent dogs and we should feel sorry for him?

Tell me "reverse" descrimination doesn't exist....geez....

I don't care what color you are...killing for sport is WRONG...and I hope the judge in the Vick case gives him a long enough sentence that we forget who Vick is....

Am I wrong on this? I don't mean to get into a "racial" thing...I have friends who are of all nationalities....and I think we are all the same under the skin...However, I think it's two-faced to condem one man and try to exhonerate the other...and I think it's being done on race...

What do YOU think?


To "Loblog88"- Hunting and dog fighting are two VERY different things. Although I do not agree with hunting,if it's to feed a family, then it's necessary. Dogs are DOMESTICATED- they are not wild..they cannot "fend for themselves", contrary to popular belief.

It is ILEGAL, and he broke the law. I am NOT trying to make this a racial issue, but if you look at the facts, have you EVER seen the NAACP back a white person? But, please, this is a moral issue and I for one would not want my children "looking up to" someone like Vick. Period.

6 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Michael Vick has answered to the charges in Federal Court. He has not faced STATE charges yet which carry an additional 40 years. He also has not had anything done to him yet by the NFL that wont happen until early September but according to NFL rules. He can be banned for life from the sport for Gambling on dog fighting. AND lets be honest how can you sell a vicious murder of man's best friend to a owner of NFL team. Ya' can't.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    fighting a dog and using the racial slurs are on 2 different levels.

    this is not a race issue. stop trying to make it one. the NAACP has said nothing about it being one neither. they are simply stating a suggestion.

    leave...him..alone! he will pay his debt to society now.

    people hunt and kill animals everyday and i din't see anyone jumping down their throats!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Ofcourse he should be allowed to play again . I dont feel sorry for him and I hope he gets a hefty jail sentence , but to never let him play again is crazy .

  • 1 decade ago

    It's always going to be racial if the NAACP is involved. AlWAYS...

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Its more about MONEY and FAME!

    Those 2 things equal great power especially when it comes to "spinning".

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


    Source(s): \O/
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