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dreamer.rc42 asked in HealthMental Health · 1 decade ago

should I talk to a psychologist???

Is it smart to see a psychologist just because you need someone to talk to? I’m kind of lonely and have a lot of things on my mind but I don’t have anyone to talk to about it. I just thought that maybe a psychologist would be a good alternative to just writing things down or just letting them stay on my mind. It’s not like they can tell someone what you’ve said to them. What do you think? Also, how are visits to a psychologist kept on your permanent medical record? Could that affect future employment or other things like that?

21 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yes, it is smart. People who voluntarily go see a psychologist are trying to improve something they are not happy with, and there is nothing wrong with that. It is confidential too. Just talking to them does help, but you will probably get more out of it that that. Godspeed.

  • JB
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    A psychologist is fine if that is what you think you need, but also consider a counselor. A counselor, a masters level social worker, or a Licensed Clinical Social Worker(MSW OR LCSW) are great people to talk with as well. If you are just needing someone to talk to, then I recommend a counselor or a social worker. Go to them first -- plus they are not as near expensive.

    No, your personal medical or counseling records are totally confidential and cannot keep you from getting a job. If you are diagnosed with a mental illness that may be an issue in future job performance, then it would probably behoove you to be forthright with your future employer and let them know. That employer, by law, must keep that information confidential.

    I found a site for you explaining confidentiality laws. It does say it is for the medical profession, but it also applies to counselors and social worker.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes. Its always healthy and perfectly sane to see a psychologist, you feel better after each session because you get it off your chest and get it to rest. Anything that you talk about is confidential unless you are A. Suicidal, B. Committed a crime or C. Your life is in danger. Only a license psychologist can diagnose this and would recommend you see one that is local and someone you feel comfortable with, man or woman. I have seen both and both were beneficial. There is nothing wrong with you, until you let it get to you so bad, it effects your health. Breathe In......hold 1....2...3.....exhale.....again....feel better? I do...OK. Good Luck.

    I think there is referral website for the recommended psychologists.

    No this would not effect your employment, only thing effecting your employment is you, your health and your mental and psychological state. Have a nice day. :) Take care. Don't worry.

    Source(s): If financially unable to pay for one there are other sources to see one. VIA State Health Aide or Group sessions, held free in hospitals and schools all over the country. Go here:
  • 1 decade ago

    It would be a good idea to have at least a preliminary talk with a counselor, who will have psychological training, but is not necessarily a "psychologist."

    You can see a private counselor if you can pay or have insurance that will pay for it. If money is a problem, your local health department or county mental health program can usually help you.

    In that conference, you may or may not decide to keep seeing a counselor. There are support groups of many kinds that might meet your needs for "someone to talk to."

    The question is "why are you lonely?" A professional counselor can help you take a look at the issues in your life that are making it hard for you to make the social connections you need.

    Good luck.

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  • 1 decade ago

    You don't need a psychologist for this you can use a mental therapist.

    It depends on what job you are looking into, most don't. So you will have to know what field of work you want to be in and do some reasearch if mental health is involved.

    A mental therapist can also write a letter to state why you where visiting and you may help write the letter and hand it in yourself or have the theripst mail it.

    Source(s): I am very sickly and have too many Drs. and too many appts. and surgeries so I see a mental health theripst for bio-feedback. It is very helpful. Most people don't know what to say to other or how to say it and most don't want to be involved.
  • 1 decade ago

    Replying to your questions in order...

    1) Sure, if you feel a therapist would help, more power to you. It can be nice to talk to a neutral, non-judgmental third party. My personal feeling is that anyone with a little self-awareness can forgo the therapist route. I think the psyche industry has brainwashed our society into believing that any little sadness or bump in life's road requires therapy but, hey, it's your dime, not mine. Do what feels right.

    2) The ethical standards of the industry are pretty cut and dry - no one will know you're talking to someone unless you want them to.

    3) Future employment should not be impacted. Security clearances and public safety positions might be the exception.

    Good luck. Feel better.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Hi my name is Letitia and i am a qualified counsellor dealing in all kinds of life situations with people who come and see me but mostly grief and loss. Even I sometimes need to speak to someone about my feelings and i have gone to my doctor for help with situations that i need abit of support with when friends and family can't do it for me, it's not such a big deal anymore it has become more acceptable now as it has been proven to really help, it can help stop and mind set that is not productive from becoming something that can take you off your track in life, in other words it can help you stay on track. Look into it first by asking questions, i'm sure no one will judge you badly. hope this helps. good luck

  • 1 decade ago

    As much as mental health is an issue for MOST Americans, it is hard to believe that you'd be looked down upon for trying to perfect your health and wellbeing. You are not the only one who needs someone to talk to... Talking with a psychologist can be very helpful as long as you are honest and you have a plan for what issues you want resolved. Otherwise you can email me and I'll be unbiased to your troubles. I'm always willing to give words of encouragement to others.

  • Lucky
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Find a group on-line that you can talk to.You would be surprised to find out all the groups out there! I don't think a Psychologist I am sure can not release your medical records without your consent.!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    There's no reason to visit a mind specialist just because you're lonely. Find someone else who's interesting and fun to talk to. Don't go to a psychiatrist until you actually have real mental problems, like hearing voices or something.

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