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Snoonyb asked in EnvironmentGlobal Warming · 1 decade ago

Since there seems to be no known,?

Identifiable predictor of global warming that is willing to put their money where their mouths are, (bet their fortunes that their predictions will materialise), could it be that they are simply rumanating their own flatulance?



Thanks for the two part answer.

Mickey S

Reading comprehension?


Pickled eggs and a couple of brews.


"a 50 percent chance of [global] cooling,"

Who'd a thought?

A normal climate cycle.


Thank you for the "G.Gordon Libby" moment ( having a battle of wits with an unarmed person).

In 1983 he also predicted that we would destroy the earth in 20yrs.

Could he have meant 200?

Virtually none of his predicted temperature and greenhouse gas levels have reached even the minimum he predicted.

As head of the Goddard Space Center for NASA he alowed the falicy that 1998 was the warmest year recorded, until the bloggers debunked the myth.

I certainly hope the the rope you tied youself to his star with, was a slip knot.

"Are those enough predictions for you,"

All false, and no money.


"I’ve seen too many people put their faith into climate models,"

A consensus is a lack of leadership.

Science is not a consensus.

Update 2:

= ^_^ =

Do you have a back quote?


With salsa.

Update 3:

JOHN WALKUP <fatchan…

"You would think there would be some limit to it,"

Not until the global warming whacko's are listed as anuse of common sence.

Update 4:

As an abuse of common sense.


"in a system they in no way fully understand?"

Its all about power.

The liberal montra:

If it moves, tax it.

If its still moving, regulate it.

When it stops moving, subsidize it.

Update 5:


All rise, and say in unison, 1-2-3-


11 Answers

  • 3DM
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    If you took the fortunes of every high level celebrity, businessman, or politician that claims to be passionate about global warming and left them with a million dollars each - still enough wealth to make them richer than 99% of the people on Earth - you'd have billions of dollars for the cause. Since that has NOT happened, one can easily see that their money is NOT where their mouths are.

    Take a look at the IPCC AR4: even after they would have you toss out the oceans and Antarctica - 80% of the globe - they are only willing to say that there is a >66% chance of man making ANY contribution to warming in the remaining 20% of the planet.

    Not exactly inspiring odds for the betting man...

    ...or anyone else for that matter.

  • 1 decade ago

    Back in 1988 when climate science was 2 decades less advanced than now, James Hansen quite accurately predicted the ensuing global warming:

    Climate scientists have also very accurately modeled the global climate changes over the past century:

    And a combination of climatology and meteorology has yielded global warming predictions for the near future:

    "Global warming is forecast to set in with a vengeance after 2009, with at least half of the five following years expected to be hotter than 1998, the warmest year on record, scientists reported on Thursday.

    Climate experts have long predicted a general warming trend over the 21st century spurred by the greenhouse effect, but this new study gets more specific about what is likely to happen in the decade that started in 2005."

    Are those enough predictions for you, or would you prefer to continue speculating about flatulence?

  • 1 decade ago

    Ask the global warming crowd for their data, theories, and assumptions and see how far you get. Now if the data, theories, assumptions are sound, they shouldn’t have any problem releasing that information, in fact they should welcome skeptics, if the skeptics can’t find a problem with the data, theories, and assumptions then the theory is probably right. Now if you hide your data, won’t discuss your theories or assumptions, then I see big red flags. Now if the data, theory, assumptions are wrong and they know it, then they just call the skeptics names and try to ruin them.

    Also I’ve seen too many people put their faith into climate models, all I ask is that show me any of them that can be set back 2,000 years and run without any tweaking and come to today’s climate. Haven't seen one yet, but we have people who point and say see this model proves it. Well, I am a programmer; I know how computer programs work. They seldom if ever show source code, without it you can’t check and see if they are tweaking the program to come to a predetermined outcome.

    Now is the planet in a warming cycle? I’d say yes it is. Will the planet cool sometime in the future, yes it will. How much has man contributed to global warming, probably not much if anything.

    Here’s the only question you need to ask all the climate experts, what is the optional temperature of for the planet? After all if they want to stop warming the planet they had better know that.

    So yes they are sitting in their own flatulence and wondering what stinks.

  • 1 decade ago

    These same people once proposed pouring soot across the arctic ice to promote melting it. How many of their hair-brained "solutions" for global warming are so short-sighted that they don't (or can't) consider the long term effects in a system they in no way fully understand?

  • Bob
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    You're flat wrong. It's the "skeptics" that won't bet, especially the "leading skeptical scientist". Richard Lindzen publicly said it was 50-50 the Earth would start to cool soon.

    James Annan, a climate scientist at the Frontier Research Center for Global Change in Japan. offered to bet Lindzen on that. Lindzen at first agreed, then said he wouldn't bet unless Annan gave him 50:1 odds. "Richard Lindzen’s words say that there is about a 50 percent chance of [global] cooling,” Annan wrote about the bet. “His wallet thinks it is a 2 percent shot. Which do you believe?”

    Other skeptics also refused to bet him.

    After much trying, Annan finally found two skeptics to take the bet. It took two of them to get up the nerve. They're each risking half the money he is.

  • 1 decade ago

    No known predictor?? What are you talking about? There are millions of people who invest in stocks that predict that we will reduce our impact on global warming. So I'm not sure what you're talking about. Look at all the solar, wind, geothermal, hydro-plants, and nuclear stocks that are out there. Check it out on yahoo!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You guys amaze me the way you guys endlessly pull stuff like this out of your behinds. You would think there would be some limit to it, but apparently the capacity is infinite, like a black hole or something.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Global warming is a fact.

    Humans are causing it is a farce.

    Flatulance abounds.

    Although I prefer climate change>

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Big words don't make you smart, especially if you can't spell them.

  • 1 decade ago

    That is exactly what they are ruminating on.

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