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help me about inerview...............||?

I m gong to appear in the MNC for interview for Back office associate post.

May some one give me the list of expected interview questions with answer if possible ?

thanks in advance

3 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    List your 3 strongest and 3 weakest points. Give specific examples and explain what you are doing to address the weak points. Make the weak points sound positive such as 'I did not finish my degree, but I plan on attending courses to achieve my goal.' Also, when you give examples to answer questions do so with specific details. Example: 'I helped my co worker Jane with her issue by doing x, y, and z. This resulted from it and we worked well as a team' instead of the generic answer 'I always help out my teammates'.

    Some thing else that is often forgotten is for you to ask questions about the company culture, expectations and requirements of the position to make sure it's what YOU want to do. Do they expect you to work odd hours? Are there opportunities for advancement? An interview is a discovery period for both parties and if they make you miserably uncomfortable during the short interview, how will you feel when you're there every day? It would be nice to meet as many of the key co workers as you can during that process so that you get a good feel for what the day to day will be like. Better yet, why did the last person in this position leave?

    Good luck!

    Source(s): I am a former recruiter.
  • BDG
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    The most important factor in any interview is to stay cool throughout, as most of us become tense during interviews and that damages more than lack of knowledge/information on any topic.

  • 1 decade ago

    Explain a time when you encountered a problem on the job, how did you handle it and your solution?

    How do you deal with difficult people or co-workers?

    What has been your greatest accomplishment to date?

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