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For athiests? It can not be proven that God exists, or that he doesn't exist. Why gamble with your future?

If you deny Him, you would take the risk of Him denying you. "What dreams will you drream in that long and endless sleep?"

24 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I'll have to save this drink 'til tomorrow.


    Believers, why take the risk? If you believe in gods, and they exist, you'll spend eternity in hell. If you don't believe in gods, and they exist, you'll spend eternity in paradise. Why chance believing?

    (See how it works? When you make up the rules as you go along, you can prove anything).

  • 1 decade ago

    Don't you think that by Worshiping God and only God that you are Gambling with your future? What if God doesn't exist but a completely different God exists which is even more twisted and sadistic than the God you believe exists?

    An Endless sleep sounds like a good idea.

  • I was once an atheist, but now am not. There is always righteous from other point of views. This time I answer on behalf of others.

    We are all gambling, including those who think they will go to heaven. If the God was so childish and deny its creations simply for the harmless potential of their free will`s gift, I would be rather happier to suffer for all eternity than living with such selfish and childish God in heaven.

    I was asked the same question before, then I replied 'If the motivation of fear is limited in bringing the best out of us, then it shall not be the proper motivation of believing in it. Sadly, it seem to me that various religions have been using fear as a promotion. Live the fullest of life includes not of God or Gods due to fear as their promotion'

    Today I belive in God/Gods, but still answer this question with answer of my best quality. Because the fear promotion is the casue in driving people to be Godless. Oh, not only that, but also the arrogant nature of various religious groups.

    I hope my ideas boarden your view and make you believe in your own kind while you believe in it.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Once again, this is a form of Pascal's Wager. If I were to say that there is a magic cat in my yard who created the universe 200 years ago and is the real god, you would call me an idiot. But if I said you should believe in it and you will go to heaven instead of hell, why not worship it? Pascal's Wager is silly and empty. However, can anyone explain why everyone here is drinkng coffee?

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It can easily be shown that God doesn't exist.

    God is supposedly omnipotent, omniscient, created everything and sends people to Hell for certain things, right?

    Well based on the principle of causal determinism, an omniscient creator would, at the time of creation, be aware of and directly responsible for every action involving every particle in the universe. That includes every thought, belief or action of any person who will ever live. If a God then punished anyone for these thoughts, beliefs or actions he would be malevolent, as he would be punishing others for his own deeds. But God is clearly described as being just. Therefore God is absurd.


  • Tea
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Pascal's Wager is for spiritual cowards, so maybe it's time that YOU re-examine exactly why you believe in God. I myself would rather burn in Hell (if it turns out to exist) than live a spiritual lie out of fear.

    By the way, I do deny Him, even though I believe that He exists. He's a mean and nasty god and about as "loving" as a hyena (read the Old Testament and you'll see what I mean). I would rather eat toe jam for the rest of all eternity than kiss His hypocritical backside!

    Source(s): Not Atheist. Pagan
  • 1 decade ago

    This is exactly why atheists don't gamble with their future!

    They live life to the fullest rather than wasting it worshipping mythical creatures in superfluous ceremonies. If they are wrong, they still lived their lives to the fullest, never wasting a moment! A God who rejects that can only be an evil God and not worth worshipping anyway.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Just because you fear the thought of hell cos the scammers have conned you, don't think everyone shares your fear.

    Many of us just do not believe in Invisible Sky Thingies cos there is NO proof of the existence of such critters.

    The only 'proof' is in the Goat Herders' Guide to the Galaxy.

    If you think I'm gonna let a dusty old book filled with Bronze Age superstitious nonsense tell me how to live, you're sillier than a sack of hammers; you need to grow up and get a life.

    Source(s): atheist. 60. retired.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Not again. Look... why would you believe just because you're afraid you might be wrong? Don't you think that any god with any brains would know thats the reason why you're believing and send you to suffer for it anyway because you don't really believe?

    Any god worth worshipping will value honesty with both yourself and others.

    I'm not "denying" your god. I don't believe in your god.

    Use your brain not your bible.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Woohooo Drink for Pascal's wager! Prost! Please don't post a watchmaker analogy for at least a few hours. My liver needs a rest.

    Oh, BTW, here's why Pascal's wager doesn't hold water:

    “Question with boldness even the existence of a God; because, if there be one, he must more approve the homage of reason than that of blindfolded fear”

    - Thomas Jefferson

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Because it is not worth the effort to humor a highly suspect religion just because it says that everyone else is wrong and if you don't follow them, you go to hell. Most other religions don't require adherence to experience an afterlife. Sure, it is the safe bet to follow that religion, but that is why they designed it like that! To dupe followers into adherence out of fear!

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