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If this can happen, are we truly secure in this country?

Personally, I think this speaks volumes about the state of our National Security, even if it was done for fun.

I as a former prankster, must bow to the pranking geniuses that pulled this off. I salute them as they arrive in Guantanemo.


Only P,

I think your missing the humor of the post. Maybe it's too much red bull in the morning. Who knows. I just think it's funny that a white house offical in a supposedly secure parking lot gets his car plastic wrapped with a "I love Obama" sticker placed on the back of it. To equate that to the level of a terror attack on the US where we lose relatives speaks volumes to your own level of insecurity. I really feel sorry for you.

Update 2:


OK that was funny.

11 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Let me tell you how this went down. Some of the higher ups at the White House decided to pull a prank on the departing Rove to show their lighter side. However, the only "prank" they were able to come up with on their own was to call up Rove's investment firm and have them sell short on his best stocks. Realizing that this did not, in fact, portray them as fun loving goofballs they went to some of the interns for ideas. Although they didn't understand why plastic wrap and an "I love Obama" bumper sticker was funny (overheard: "But Karl HATES Obama!) they nevertheless ordered the interns to go make it happen. As extra incentive the lads were told that the secret service's "shoot to kill" orders would be rescinded, and if caught they would only be wounded. I would be able to back this up, but all emails were deleted, hard copies of the orders shredded, and the interns themselves seem to be missing. It's just like 9-11 all over again.

  • Pfo
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    It's funny, all fun and games. I bet Rove even laughed when he saw it. I wonder who "White House pranksters" are:

    "White House pranksters wrapped Rove's Jaguar in plastic wrap on the private driveway next to the West Wing."

    Clearly these can't be regular civilians. I doubt they'd be able to approach Rove's car. I wonder if it was Cheney, lol

  • ks
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Dude, it was probably an inside joke that EVERYONE knew about. I think it's pretty funny. My dad and brother are always pulling pranks like that on each other and their friends. Just because they're politicians doesn't mean they don't have a since of humor. Lighten up.

  • Pretty funny, but the real answer to your question is no, we'll never be 100% safe from anyone. All we can do is try. Also, the government cannot keep us safe. They can help, but there's no way. It's up to all of us. The people.

    Then too, how do we know that this wasn't an 'inside' job?

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  • 1 decade ago

    I think it is funny that folks on the taxpayer dole are doing such highly important and serious activities...

    I asked this previously:

    Was this prank an example of Honor or Dignity at thw WH?


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Security would only be 100%, if we let nobody in, not even our own citizens. That whole fear mongering about security is so overhyped and leaves any rational ideas out.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    People who work in the White House did it. Look at the headline.

  • 1 decade ago

    Safety is an illusion. Promises of safety are a way to curtail the freedoms that our ancestors struggled for.

  • 1 decade ago

    It was an inside job, they are hiding the video footage!

  • only p
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    You bow to this crap. That says volumes about your intelligence level. What will happen when the next attack strikes one of your loved ones. Will you be as jovial then?

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