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Employment Sites?

I am trying to become employed. I post on all the major search engines. There is a service called which says it will post my information on all job boards at one time. It will cost $39.95 for the first month and $9.95 per month thereafter until I become employed. If anyone has used this or a similar service, please tell me what your experience with it was and do you think this would be money well spent?

4 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You're better off mananging your own website posting. Why would you pay a service to do what you can for free?

    If you are unemployed, you should have enough time to do the research on these places.

  • 1 decade ago


    I have used a site called "" which also costs money. It works the opposite of posting your resume on sites - it aggregates available jobs and let's you search through them. At the CSIX meeting yesterday I learned about a site called "". My recommendation is to try this site for a bit before paying. It does some posting for you AND provides job aggregation.



  • 1 decade ago

    If you have to pay to get a job, it is not worth it. Go down to the employment agencies in your area with your resume. You will be placed on assignments. Some will not be the greatest but you will get the experience you need to find something better.

  • 1 decade ago lets you post your resume for free, and it is one of the largest employment databases.

    also try - free resume posting and search as well.

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