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My boyfriend asked me to lend him a lot of money and I said no, he got upset with me, ,?

A few months later he told me there was a check on the way from some stranger that I needed to cash for him it was for $10,000. I said no and he broke up with me. He totally blames me for the break up. Now he wants to get back together but still thinks I hurt him and will take no responsibility for what he did? Am I wrong in thinking he should not have asked me for money and I was right to refuse cashing the check? I did not know this third person and we have not been dating that long. Advice please?.

27 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    you were completely right for refusing and not giving him the cash

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Dont ever cash a check from a third party. That was a scam once you put the check in the bank you can withdraw from it if you have the available funds to cover the check. They probably was going to have you deposit the check in the bank and have you take out the 10,000 dollars and once the check comes back bold then your out of 10,000 dollars. If he broke up with you for not loaning him the money then good, he did you a favor. Those type of people you need to stay away from and dont be a sucker for no one. He is a user and let him use someone else as long as it's not you. Good luck and watch out for clowns and frowns.

  • 5 years ago

    You were Right and you should probably keep your distance from this person and find yourself a better boyfriend. If you had lended him money, there would be a 95% chance that you would never see that money again. --And if he's asking you to cash a large check, he's covering his tracks about something and putting you up to take the fall. I've been in situations like this and know other women who have also. It never turns out well. You don't need this person in your life.

  • 1 decade ago

    $10,000 is alot of money and if he needed something so bad he could have taken out a loan bad credit or not. You did the right thing because thats alot of money and you are not the bank. Regardless of your relationship w/ him, some things are just unappropriate to ask. I would work 2 or 3 jobs if i need $10,000 really really bad. One time I needed to pay my medical bill it was really high, I never asked for money from my bf or anyone to cover my expenses. Girl you are very lucky and made a smart move, you need to read susan orman's book and women's money, seriously $10,000 is alot, its different if he asked for $500 thats much doable and even if you didnt get it back, $500 is easier to replace than $10,000 and if you really love him call him and tell him you have some money lets just say $1000 to spare and he can take it or leave it.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Your boyfriend sounds like a scam artist. Be careful. I once dated a guy that use to cash bad checks... He's in jail for now for fraud. He once asked me for money too and I said no and he also wanted me to cash a check for him but I also declined...... Look for someone else. This one could leave you in debt, broke, or in jail. Go with your instint.

  • 1 decade ago

    His request was not just out of line, it was insane.

    You did absolutely the right thing, and don't let yourself have anything to do with him again. He doesn't pass the "smell test" for basic honesty. Frankly, he sounds like a potential fraudster. Let him wipe out some other woman's life savings.

    But it's OK to tell him that you'll be willing to testify against him in any possible criminal proceeding against him :) I know I would.

    A lot of people are taken in by con men. Don't be one of them.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    It sounds like one of those money order scams that you see all the time on Judge Judy. Was it from Nigeria or the UK lottery?

    You were very smart to tell him No.

    Better smart and without a guy than dumb, with a guy and stone cold broke (and in trouble with your bank.)

    Don't second guess your instincts.

  • 1 decade ago

    hey dear, you were absolutely right to do what you did. you don't have to feel guilty for anything. he should rather apologize forhis actions. and it is not safe to cash a check for somebody you barely know, you would have been in trouble if this affair smelt fish. money matters in a couple are so serious that you have to be careful. to my opinion better forget about him. he definetely doesn't deserve you.

  • 1 decade ago

    He asks way too much, you were perfectly justified in doing it. He is up to no good with that ten grand... he was going to use you for a pawn to cash his dirty check. Stay away from this guy, he is bad news.

  • first reason to kick him to the curb, he asked you for money. if you werent dating that long, asking for money really isnt something you should do. now, what you do, is dont talk to him, clearly he's up to something if hes got 10,000 checks coming outta nowhere.... only a little suspicious

  • 1 decade ago

    Stick to your guns. You don't need to do anything that your uncomfortable with. If he couldn't understand your feelings on the matter then that's his problem. You were definitely not wrong in saying no. He should be able to take care of things like that himself. Plus it sounds too shady to me.

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