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If you needed help would you ask?

If you see someone who need help do you offer?

When was a time you helped someone?

How have you been helped most?


As a matter of interest I have not given thumbs down on the latest set of questions. I will continue to give thumbs up or no thumb.

16 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Always ask

    Always offer

    Helped my co-worker just today with a question he had - he helped me too.

    Have been helped the most by keeping an open mind and accepting everyone for who they are and what they believe.


  • 1 decade ago

    Wow, only 2.5 percent of the answers aren't "answers" if you get my meaning.....

    I would probably try to figure out if I could help myself first before asking. It's a guy thing. I usually offer to help others, especially lost tourists. I help at work all the time, figuring out new ways to solve computer situations.

    I've been helped the most with studying Scn, to be honest.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes If someone needs help I always stick with them through thick and thin im only 12 :P but when i see someone down I pick them up and Im always nice to people and when someone is bullied I always stand up for them!

    I helped someone yesterday I gave my allowence to charity!

    And when I was young I had cancer but the doctors made me better so IM good now!

    Also my parents always help me when I need it and so do my best friends!

    I hope i helped

    Answer my question If you get a chance and help me!

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    When I need help I almost never ask.

    When I see someone needs help I don't wait to be asked, I just try my best.


    A couple wonderful people saw that I was hurting, they let me know that I wasn't alone. They listened and encouraged and reminded me that there are people in this world who love me for me and not what I will do or what I believe.

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  • Yes I do offer.

    Today I watch dogs for someone selling their house.

    I am disabled by a Trucking Accident where I was in back sleeping and my co-driver hit black ice @ 70 mph. My neighbor helps me and I him. I am a humble man of humble means but God has instructed me to serve and I do as I am able.

    Source(s): B.asic I.nstructions B.efore L.eaving E.arth (BIBLE)
  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, I would-and have in the past. I have helped others. Sometimes they know it bust mostly I just put a $20 under their windshield wiper. Sometimes I just leave change in the soda machine or some other machine for someone who might be thirsty.

    Sometimes, if I am finacially unable to help I direct them to agencies or places that can.

  • 1 decade ago


    Of course.

    Too numerous to mention. I knew a woman who was having a difficult time financially and emotionally. She was having battles with her child's father who had custody of their daughter.

    It was coming up to Christmas and she had no family or anything so I bought various foods, chocolates, bath products and stuff you buy at Christmas and made an hamper out of them and gave them to her. I also gave her some money and took her out for coffee and a treat. I then called in to visit her on Christmas day.

    Now. I have been helped the most, by being able to help anyone considering Scientlogy as a possible aid to their live and career to see the truth. They can see the effects Scientology has had on Tom Cruise who was sacked (dumped)by Paramount films after his rantings about his involvment in the cult of Scientology. They said they sacked him because, and I quote, 'he is'f****** nuts'. They can then see none Scientologist view of Scientology. I am therfore helped by knowing that people can see not only what the one side says.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    1. Yes, if at all possible

    2. 4 days ago. Contribution

    3. Cut free from a bad car wreck by a First Responder, 3 years ago.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes all the time, but I don't ask for much help, I do have a great girlfriend and family-friend support.

  • Hope
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    I would definitely ask

    If that person is in immediate need in front of me, yes

    Charitable giving monthly

    I try to help when I can

    I've been helped most when i have a babysitter!

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