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'Barn asked in EnvironmentGreen Living · 1 decade ago

Reduce, recycle and reuse. What are some tips for saving energy and resources?

10 Answers

  • 1 decade ago

    Mostly good answers so far.

    I'd like to add 'buy locally'. Find out how far away the things you buy are coming from. If something you buy comes from the other side of the world, (most clothes and everything does), it had to travel that far and burn that much fuel to get to you. Check out the local farmers' markets and only try to buy food items that are in season.

    Grow your own! That would be the most local you could get.

    On nice days, let your laundry dry outside. The dryer is one of the biggest energy hogs in your house.

    Unplug things when not in use. Many electronic appliances have a light or a clock on them that run even when the appliance is "off". You'll notice a difference in your electric bill if you do this.

    Eat a vegan diet. The energy that is used to plant feed, harvest feed, obtain water,feed animals, kill animals, package animals, and deliver animals costs an enormous amount. You could cut out a huge amount of energy cost by just eating the feed. It is much healthier and makes you feel less weighed down. I've been doing it and it's great!

    There are many other things, but here is a start, it depends on how committed you are to saving energy.

  • 1 decade ago

    don't recycle anything but aluminium. It just doesn't make any sense. Recycling that helps prevent strip mining where as the others just put pollutants in the air. Don't shower so often the average 10 min shower requires 51 gallons of water. Get a rock lawn. If you live in a temperate area grow food remember to always buy salt at the grocery store (it has iodine in it, you need that to prevent goiters) don't drive often at all, walk you'll feel better. If you cook meat save the grease you can burn that later in the winter for heat. Compost it'll help soil quality. If it's yellow let it mellow if it's brown flush it down. Wind generators, Solar generators or manual generators. Hope this helps!

  • 1 decade ago

    Reusing the plastic soda bottles, low watt bulbs, using your car less... like only drive when you really have to be somewhere, not joyriding... You can also spread the word to friends, or dedicate a webpage to recycling and saving energy resources.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Switch to low energy lightbulbs - they take a couple of minutes to get to full capacity, but they last longer than normal bulbs.

    Put all your organic waste from the kitchen into a composter - a plastic bin thing - where it will rot down and turn into compost.

    Buy strong reusable bags from supermarkets and take them with you when you get your groceries - you won't have to use the plastic bags they provide - cuts down on waste.

    Use ecologically friendly washing products - stuff that you clean your kitchen and bath with etc.

    Take your glass, tins, newspapers, clothes, shoes etc. to the recycle banks.

    Switch off your lights when you're not using them. Switch your tv and computer off properly and don't leave stuff on standby.

    Drive a smaller engined car or use a bicycle or take the bus/train.

    Buy Solar Panels for your house.

    Collect rainwater in a water butt and use to water your garden.

    Don't buy convenience foods that have loads of packaging - buy loose fruit 'n' veg instead of packaged ones.

    Don't go 'comfort shopping' - cut down on how much you buy - you don't really need lots of clothes or the latest colour lipstick.

    Take your unwanted gifts and excess stuff to charity shops.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    STOP buying & using stuff in plastic containers, use glass, 75% of oil goes to manufactering plastics & chemicals to make plastic, use LED lighting, they are expensive but use about 95% less electricity than CFL's do. If it's not needed turn it off or unplug it, those small transformers used to charge things use electricity even with out any charging load.

  • I have lots of info that I think you will find quite helpful and enlightening: for excellent inspirational info within my blog to help not only our world and its creatures, but to also open peoples hearts and minds to many amazing wonders that life has to offer. I also have lots of info in my blog to help fuel peoples imaginations to many possibilities that can be found only in the minds eye.

    Along with lots of environmental info, amazing environmental pictures and videos (These videos show the beauty of this world and what life can be like if people take the time to appreciate life’s true beauty).

    Let us all strive for a greener/brighter future by helping to create a solid foundation for future generations to build upon, so we can hand them a beautiful world, filled with never ending awe and wonders!!

    Where peoples differences and uniqueness are accepted, where we all live as one, helping one another so that we can all play our own mysteriously beautiful melodies in the never ending, awe inspiring, song of life :-)

    I truly have faith in humanity and believe that someday our lives and the world in which we live will truly be transformed for the better.

  • 1 decade ago

    Voice your choice in active and powerful petitions that drive sustainable practices. http://www.vitabrewcoffee,com/water.html

    The power of the collective voice works, as long as you use it

    Source(s): Edward Mugits
  • 1 decade ago

    Buy American Goods

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    go here!

    they have some tips


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