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Lei asked in PetsFish · 1 decade ago

About Guppies...?

Well, I bought 5 guppies at a pet shop.I didn't even know that two of those are pregnant.The first one produced 5 small guppies. Four of the big ones died and 3 of the small ones, too. The last guppy produced 3 more guppies plus the last two from the one that died. Anyways, what do the small guppies eat? We wanted them to grow and produce more. How can we take good care of them to prevent them from dying?How can we tell if they are male or female? And how long can they live?

9 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    first of guppies are commonly known as "fry" (i kno its weird) so i'll usually call it by that term. :D

    anyways....a popular food for breeders to feed to their fry is baby brine shrimp. this can be bought frozen at your local petstore as well as other chain petstores like Petco or Petsmart. you can also raise them on your own so you can provide your fry with better food being that they are still alive. (in the wild guppies eat small invertables and crusteans) don't feed them brine shrimp eggs being that their hard shells make it difficult to digest. btw i've heard baby brine shrimp is easy to hatch. it doesn't take a lot of effort. eh............DON'T feed them only baby brine shrimps though. baby brine shrimps are high in protein and something but they lack in other needed nutrients.

    when they are first born, i would feed my fry Hikari's first bites. its a fish food designed for baby fish like frys. it's easy to digest. they sell it for around $3 here where i live - in a small green packet. it doesn't look like much but there is a lot there. its good for a lot of frys. besides, you won't be feeding them this forever since they would actually grow as will their mouths.

    i would also feed my guppies crushed food. one of my favorites is crushed bloodworms. bloodworms is another term for mosquito larvae. you buy them like me at your petstore. be careful when you open it though....the can is really full and those larvae creeps me out......... anyways, you can also raise your own bloodworms if you are careful. you can place some water such as from the tap, tank, or pond if you have one. what attracts the mosquitos is the bacteria in the water for their young. pond water would usually contain a lot of that bacteria. in the container with the water, place some object that the larvae can use to attach themeslves to. then leave it outside and wait for mosquitos to start breeding. when you see the larvae - they look like black worms attached to the object or sides of the container. you can bring them inside and feed chop it up and feed it to your frys. if you are faint of heart like me, feed them to the adults. they are a good treat. you can also feed fry crushed flake food - the same i assume you would feed to your adult guppies. crush them so they are like powder. the best way to get the right amount and not too much is to use a toothpick and dip the tip in water. then place it into the container with the powder and the food would stick. then place the toothpick into the tank / tab it onto the surface of the tankwater and the food would spread out. its really easy.

    people have also been feeding their fry other stuff too. this includes egg yolk, fruit flies, and white worms. i'm not really knowlegable about these stuff so i'm sorry that i can't be of any help. :(

    going i'm not really sure if you mean how to take care of frys or adult guppies. so i'll try to explain both. i assume you have fancy guppies unlike me who is really tight on money and decided to buy feeder fish and took fish from school. so....if you do have fancy guppies, they are a lot less hardy beause of the continous breeding that allowed them to get their beautiful colors. this means that with fancy guppies, it's extremly perffered that you get a heater. for adult guppies, the temperature should be around 70 degrees F while for frys, it should be around 80 degrees F or around 70. i like to give partly water changes. learn from my mistake : don't give out a lot of full water changes. it puts them in shock and you lose more that way. siphon out the extresions every week or smthing. you don't want the ammonia level high. ammonia comes with their extresions and leftover food so no overfeeding. when doing water changes or setting up a tank....its important that you get rid of the chorine in the water - especially if you are using tap. my way is to take out the water you need and leave it out for a day or 2 but at least 24hrs. you can also put declorinizer or that chemical that gets rid of chorine if you need it immediatly.

    frys are highly edible by other adult guppies. my best suggestion is to separte it. guppies have not parental instinct like sharks and would go after their young. i found that the bigger the space, the faster they would mature. the temperature, water quality will affect thier growth rate. frys emty thier stomachs every 20min. don't feed them that much'll kill it. i think there should be 8 feedings at the most. i like the feed them at least 4 times per day. adults should be feed only 2 times per day. you can tell when a male adult is fat when he has a buldging stomach and is round. you can put frys back when they are big enough to not be eaten. some people say its 3/4 of an inch but i think it really depends on the size of the mouth. it ok to keep different frys of different ages as long as the smallest one is bigger than the largest ones' mouth.

    for water quality....keep checking to make sure your chemical level isn't to high. you can buy the decreaser at your petstore. me for more hands are getting very low typing endurence :P

    ok....i'll talk about pregnancy because i find that important. you can tell when a female guppy is pregnant when her gravid spot is really dark. it's that spot near her anal fin as well as her stomach. overtime, you will see her getting bigger. you can tell that she is about to give birth or is near to when her stomach seems to slant down to the place where the babies will leave. you can also tell because her back will seem to arch into a "v". she'll also exclude herself from her tankmates. 2 ways are the best to keep your frys alive. in other words, to prevent them to getting eaten. you can place that female in a breeding net or container. a net has holes in which would allow the fry to swim out as a container has several compartments as well as holes that fits the fry. this allows them to escape the female. i also suggest you put plants in your tank if you want them to give birth inside your main tank and you can scoop them out later. plants provide a hiding spot for the frys as well as so they can find food there. plants are also known to have relieve the stress of pregancy. plants are also a good idea because since you are a beginner, its hard to tell when they will give birth. it mostly as a backup just in case. plenty of plants is good. :D (oh the fake ones don't count) also, plants provide oxygen which is esential to um...fishes. oh yea...if u use a breeder net/ tank you might want to keep her in separtly because males will actually come and harrass her when you put back.

    ok...if u want to get seious about breeding. you can separte the male and female you want in a tank. then leave them be. the male will try to do a dance thing in which he would try to insert sperm with his gonopodium. its the long in on the bottom. i'll get back to it later. anyways, you might want to remove the male in a few hours because he'll keep on trying tiring both tim and the female out. they breed fine if you don't really care and leave them in the main tank.

    there are also diseases that happen. the most common thing i find that might happen is that the guppy has lost his/her tail whether it is nipping or getting it stuck. first of all, fancy guppies have beautiful tails that attract their tankmates which causes them to take a bite (excluding guppies.) its best to leave the tank as all guppies. also, community fish that they say are community actually may not go together so be very careful if u want to risk adding other breeds. reaserch is a good idea. goldfish and koi are a no no. they are known to attack one another. when your guppy do loses his/her tail, it can grow back. the more minor the injury, the larger chance of recovering. this is what i did when my guppy got ther tail nipped off. i placed her in a hospital tank (very handy to keep one with you) and added some fin rot medicine. i didn't want her to get an infection. fin rot is a disease that causes the fin / tail to fray. its eaiser to get it when there is an open wound. after a few weeks or grew back.

    guppies, as long as they are kept well, can live up to an average of 4 - 6 years old. i had guppies from school from 2nd grade (already 1 -2 years old) and managed to keep them alive until when i was in 6th grade. i think one lasted until seventh.

    males and females are easy to tell apart. if it is a fancy, males are more colorful then the females. fancy females do have colors. wild/ feeder guppies are different. the males are still the colorfulest but the females have a dull, grayish color. as i mentioned, has a gonopodium. its the long fin on the bottom that is used to inject sperm. this is the fin that is looked upon to tell if it is a male or female. females have more rounded fins on the bottom as well as a gravid spot. females are also larger in size then males. the size will depend on breed and age i guess. after giving birth, the female may or may not lose the gravid spot. usually it will still be there, only its really light and regain its dark color when she is pregnant. its really difficult to tell what gender a fry is because they haven't fully develp their fins and color yet. usually about a month or longer depending on the many varibles does telling what gender become easier. keep an eye out for that fin though. males will get their color when they mature. for me, it takes longer (the fin shows up first) and then the color.

    hope this helps :P

    u can email me if u have more questions. i'm happy to help

  • 4 years ago

    About Guppies

  • 5 years ago

    Chuck Norris can turn into a fish. A red guppie.

  • 1 decade ago

    They eat baby brine shrimp. Ask the people at your local pet store they have them. And did you have a breeders net and some place for the baby fish to hide the parents and the other fish will think they are food a eat them. I would also take a sample of water in to the pet store to get tested.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Guppies are known for their procreativity!

    Like many other fish they will eat their young if proper hidding places are not provided.

    Sexing guppies is quite easy as the males are more colorful than females and have a sexual appendage to impregnate the females.

    Remember fish can be live bearers (e.g. guppies) or egg layersbarbs, tetras, angels etc....

    A good encyclopedia of fish will help to tell you much more information and will guide you!

    Source(s): 50 years in the hobby
  • 1 decade ago

    your best bet is to go back to the fish store and ask them what they reccomend. I know there are special baby fish food but i don't know what it is called. I have also been told and have seen that if a female guppy has black spots behind it's abdomen it's a sign they are pregnant. Don't know if it's true or not but i have experienced it before with my sisters fish.

  • 1 decade ago

    i have raised young guppies on crushed pellets this morning i discovered that my krib's have babies they will be getting the same as this has worked before for me i have bread many types of fish this way before

  • 1 decade ago

    take the food you feed the adults and rubit between your fingers till it is a fine pouder and put that in your tank the will eat it

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    powdered tropical fish flakes are good for most fry, you can also use baby brine shrimp

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