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moon3 asked in Beauty & StyleHair · 1 decade ago

Why do we wash our hair?

21 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    dont wash it for the max time u can do without washing.........say for a month or two.....or......

    u ll cme to know why do we wash.moreover u ll get the practical experience star from today.

  • 1 decade ago

    Hair washing is the cosmetic act of keeping hair clean by washing it with shampoo or other detergent products and water. Hair conditioner may also be used to improve hair's texture and manageability. Two-in-one shampoos, which have both detergent and conditioning components, are now commonly also used as a replacement for shampoo and conditioner.

    To remove the grease from the hair, some people apply a surfactant, most usually shampoo, but sometimes soap to their hair and lather the surfactant with water. The surfactant is rinsed out with water along with the freed dirt and dust it bonds to.

    There are also dry shampoos, which are powders which remove grease from the hair by soaking it up prior to being combed out.

  • 1 decade ago

    Because they are natural oils that secrete from the follicle of your hair strands. And if this is left to build up; It becomes very nasty and will feel like pure olive oil or something on your hair. So we have to wash it to help balance it back out with shampoo. Also dirt gets on the hair and needs to be washed off.

  • 1 decade ago

    an excellent question! when we wash out hair it cleans out all of the crap thats in our hair. such as dirt and bugs. and our hair becomes greasy when we dont wash out hair. I remember the a few spikes in my hair were all hard becuase i didnt wash that day. so... yeah, there you go

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  • 1 decade ago

    if we dont wash hairs it will start stinking badly as we sweat out of the skin of head and due to dust accumulated over it it starts smelling badly .if u wish u can try .and see the efecs of not washing hairs ur self. loooooool

  • 1 decade ago

    Hair is the most important part of our body which gives us the impression of a personat a fist we have to keep clean,free of dirt and make it to look beautiful.

  • 1 decade ago

    need to wash to keep it clean and healthy. we need to maintain the cleaniness of scalp and hair to free of dust and dirt.

  • 1 decade ago

    The adverts show the women with shiny hair leading such exquisite sex-lives !!!!


  • 1 decade ago

    To keep our hair out of dirt!

  • Sorry but that is a totally dumb question but what else should I expect from Yahoo India!

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