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what do you need to do with an uncontrollable 14 year old girl?

my daughter has ADD and will not take any type of responsibility at all. it as if things said go in one ear and out the other. @ one time she was supposed to be on meds, but that couldn't even be gotten down her throat! she'd hide it or cheek it. any suggestions? i'm about at the end of my rope

7 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I have been through the same thing and all you can really do with a child like this is to make her take her med. you will have to stand over her watch her take it and check in her mouth and under her tongue to make sure she took it if not then it is about hopeless ! Cause I had to threaten my daughter by telling her she was going to be sent away for awhile to get help if she was not going to take hers for me. Hope this helps wish you luck !

  • 1 decade ago

    What about the therapy that she should be attending? There are special schools for children that can not perfrom at school level. Tell her that if she does not start taking the meds, she will be riding on the Small bus with the handicap children, and attending classes with the kids that have down syndrome and uncontrollable tempers.

  • 1 decade ago

    I hate to say this but she sounds like a spoiled little brat who often gets what she wants. If it's that bad on you, than make it a little harder on her. Tighten her chains. Start enforcing rules with her. Maybe if you don't give her the 'posh' lifestyle she's used to she'll start to straighten up. Maybe not. You say she will not take any responsibility at all. So you, as the parent here, should take responsibility and start enforcing consiquences. If she asks to borrow money sometime, don't give it to her. If she wants a ride somewhere, tell her to ride her bike or walk. Say no to her sometimes. If all else fails ask someone professional to give you advice, such as a psychiatrist, guidance counselor, docter. Maybe a police officer who deals with juvinilles.

  • 1 decade ago

    hey viki!

    well, it maybe would help if you could see a tharapist(sp?) or a counseler of some sort. as you know, they are professionals, so they have expirence with ADD.


    have you tried to sit down with you daughter and talk calmly to her about how it 'hurt you feelings' the way she treats you and about everything that you listed above? see if that works also.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    oh my gosh. that sucks. Maybe contact her school and have a nurse around to make sure she takes her medication.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Send her to boot camp. They'll sort her out!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    spike her food and drink with med

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