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  • Codes for a Motorola W490?

    Does anyone know the codes or where to find codes for a Motorola w490

    1 AnswerCell Phones & Plans1 decade ago
  • Restaurant Help Plz.....?

    Does anyone know how to make your own menus online free ?

    2 AnswersLos Angeles1 decade ago
  • Hysterectomy can someone please help !!!?

    Can someone please tell me what to do or help me some how ? I had a hysterectomy Feb. of 03 5 yrs. ago sence then I have not been the same person and it is hard on me I am only 29 and I am not the same person I use to be I have thses bad mood swings and I have no sex drive at all ! It has caused big problems in my marriage I have been to doctors but they all keep saying there is nothing wrong ! But I know there is when you have no sex drive my sex life use to be great untill I had that surgery does anyone have any suggestions that could please help me before I loose my husband because I have no sex drive !!!

    3 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • Please Help !!!?

    What is going on with my husband ? We have been married for going on 6 yrs. and we have a 5 yr. old son togather he has nothing to do with either one of us we had made plans to go away next month for vacation he took it the week of our annivarsary but now he is telling me he is not going with us we can go alone just me and our son I am so confussed I have no idea what is wrong with him he is just not his self anymore and he wont talk to me to tell me whats wrong he just says nothing he is always tired Why is he doing us this way why is he so mean to us ? He just keeps pushing us futher and futher away he calls me a ***** all the time he does not help with our son he wont even play with him he has never had much to do with him and things just keep getting worse he treats me like I am his dog or something I mean I love him but I just don't know how much more of this I can take can someone please help me !!!!!!!!!!!!!

    9 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Please help Cheer Question !!!!?

    Does anyone know any good music and dance moves for cheerleading comp. ? It is for our pee-wee team and jrs

    5 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago